Job Interviews

3 Sales Tips to Overcome Age Discrimination in Your Job Search

Overcome Age DiscriminationAgeism is a rarely spoken, but often occurring form of discrimination that is affecting more and more job seekers every year. Off the record, many job seekers know about and see age discrimination during their search.

According to Next Chapter New Life Coaching, the average length of a job search for seekers 55 and older is 52.4 weeks while younger job seekers only average 37.4 weeks. In 2006, there were only 16,000 age discrimination lawsuits filed in the U.S., but by 2010, there were more than 23,000. With an increasing number of baby boomers holding off retirement to keep working, these numbers will continue to climb.

What’s an Older Job Seeker to do?
The most important thing for older job seekers to do to get passed age discrimination is to change employers’ perceptions. You’re going to have to sell yourself. When finding a job, you’re a salesman, whether you like it or not. Here are three things to sell during your job search to avoid age discrimination.

1.    Sell the Present, Not the Past
You may have a long history of experiences, but it’s not an excuse to make your resume a laundry list of employment. Cut it down by only listing jobs that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. If there’s still much that is relevant, try not to list jobs more than 10 years old.

There are other little tweaks you can make if you’re worried about your age. Try leaving off the year you graduated from college or training. Don’t focus so much on where you’ve been in the past 20 years; focus on selling your accomplishments. Hiring managers love numbers that can quantify your success instead of just being there for eight years.

2.    Sell Your Passion
One of the biggest setbacks older job seekers face is the belief that they are only applying because they can’t retire and will quit at the drop of a hat. A report by the Metlife Mature Market Institute found that most older workers felt financial pressure to work into their 60s, not because they desired to. In turn, employers are less likely to hire older candidates over the youthful, passionate job seeker.

That’s why it’s important to have passion in what you want to do. If you ‘ve lost your motivation, take some time to figure out what it is you enjoy doing. You don’t have to switch careers. Refining and updating your career goal or mission statement can help you find a job  that matches with your passions. Then you’ll have no problem selling your enthusiasm to a potential hiring manager.

3.    Sell the Answers
A key skill any salesperson must have is the ability to answer the customer’s questions and doubts before they even ask. You don’t have to specifically address them, when they ask the typical “tell me about yourself” or “how was your weekend?” questions,  you can tell them about your fun camping trip, charity involvement, or any other activity you do to show that you take an active part in your life and will be an active part of your employer’s business.

Another way to sell the answers is to use numbers. Numbers involving money speak louder than words. And if you can talk about how much you helped previous employer save or make, it can help drown out your age. The same goes for attendance, production, or whatever field you’re in. The conversation goes from your age to something real that your potential employer is facing.

You can’t eliminate age bias in the job market, but you can overcome a big hurdle, which is perception. How have you come up with ways to overcome your age when searching for a job?

Dial me This: Questions to Ask in a Phone Interview

questions to ask in a phone interviewLet’s face it. Getting a job isn’t a walk in the park. With such a high number of people looking for work, more employers are trying to find ways of narrowing down their applicant pool. One increasingly popular method is the phone interview. This helps employers save time and resources by weeding out unqualified or unsuitable candidates.

The phone interview may seem like a great idea for some job seekers, but it’s more than just answering questions while still wearing your pajamas. There’s still a lot of preparation needed to excel at this type of job interview because it is just as important as a typical face-to-face interview.

One of the most frequently asked questions to Movin’ On Up is what to ask during a phone interview. Some questions that work for regular interviews might not for an initial phone screening. But which ones do you ask? Here are some guidelines on what to ask during a phone interview.

Don’t be a Time Guzzler
Phone interviews are generally quick and to the point. They typically don’t last as long as normal in-person meetings, so it’s not the time for idle chit chat. Make sure your questions are quick and to the point. Employers often schedule several phone interviews in a short period of time, so taking too much time runs the risk of cutting into other applicants’ interview times, which could reflect poorly on you.

While there is no set number of questions to ask, consider asking prior to the call how long you can anticipate the call being. Try limiting yourself to three to five questions. Good phone interview questions clarify job duties or inquire about the workplace structure. They shouldn’t be very in-depth and require a lot of discussion.  Just prove that you’ve done your homework and show your interest in the employer.

What Not to Ask
Things like benefits, hours, or job salary may be important to you and affect your decision making, but there will be plenty of time to talk about them if you move forward. The phone interview is typically to clarify key points before the next step in the process. If it comes up, answer and ask. Don’t just start those conversations.

Phone interview questions need to be short and to the point, because the interviewers will often make decisions based on what you ask. Make sure your questions couldn’t easily be found on the employer’s website. This gives the impression that you’re ill prepared. Instead, try asking questions that demonstrate your preparedness. Start questions with, “so, I noticed on your website that…”

Ask Away
You may want to ask some specific questions relevant to the position or employer. It’s best to ask behavioral or open-ended questions. Here are some examples of questions you could ask:
•    Who would this position report to?
•    What are the daily responsibilities of this position?
•    What is the hiring process like?
•    How would you describe the company culture?
•    How are you evaluating candidates?

Asking About the Future
There’s one important question you should ask at the end of an interview. Find out about the next steps and the employer’s timeline for getting back to you. That way, you’ll know when to expect to hear back from the employer, and you won’t be sitting around waiting for more information, wondering why they haven’t called back or sent a letter.

It’s better to confirm the next steps in as much detailed as possible. Assume a more active role and try to get a commitment from the interviewer on when you’ll be contacted and what happens next. Try not to settle for “we’ll let you know,” but for a more specific plan of action.

By using these helpful hints on what to ask during a phone interview, you will improve your chances of getting more offers, and you will also feel more empowered and prepared throughout the hiring process. What are some of your favorite questions to ask during a phone interview? If you’ve had any phone interview experiences, share them in the comments section below.

Interviewing for the Shy and Introverted

Shy introvert waiting for interviewThroughout the year, we’ve covered different aspects of the job search through the eyes of job seekers who are introverted and shy. From networking to searching, there are strategies and methods to help bring out the talents and strengths introverts have.

One aspect of the job search that can be the most dreaded for shy job seekers and the most draining for the introverted seeker is the interview. Taking 30 minutes or more to be asked questions, talking about yourself, and trying to promote how much better your skills and accomplishments are than the competition can be enough to make anyone shudder in terror. But, take confidence in knowing that introverted and shy job seekers can shine their brightest during the interview.

Embrace Your Inner Strengths
Outgoing and assertive job seekers may seem like they’re the total package, but the more internal and quiet job seekers have talents that are just as appealing to employers, especially in an interview. Introverts often give deeper and better answers to interview questions because they tend to be better listeners and observers. Instead of rattling off the first thing that comes to mind, you can internalize the answer and insight into situations and people that the extroverts don’t catch, which boosts your presentation.

Make a List and Check it Twice
It’s important to make a checklist of everything you need to have and do when interviewing. Having it written down will keep you focused without wasting time and energy storing it all in your head.

Make sure you have your clothes, résumé, company fact sheet, route to the interview, parking spot, and traffic and travel time ready. You’ll want to leave nothing to chance so you don’t have to rush. Feeling rushed can make an introverted person lose valuable energy quickly, or cause a shy person to stumble on their confidence.

Keep Expectations Reasonable
Shy people tend to put too much pressure on themselves when doing activities or actions most consider routine or normal. When it comes to an interview, especially for a highly desirable job, it’s easy for someone who’s introverted or shy to have a “do or die” mentality. Introverts can stop listening and focus more on trying to guess what the interviewer wants to hear instead of the honest answer. You’re trying to see if the employer is a good match for you, not get an instant job offer after every interview.

Two Heads Are Better Than One
Extroverts are generally more confident when they are out of their comfort zones. Confidence is a huge issue with shy job seekers and the insecurity can make your body language appear standoffish and cold.  Next time, take a good friend out to breakfast or lunch before the interview and then hang out after. Having someone providing encouragement can go a long way in helping you keep your nerves from fraying.

Out-Prepare Your Competition
A shy job seeker’s self-consciousness is often their downfall. One of the best ways to build confidence is to practice interview questions. There are several resources full of different questions that can help you prepare. Figure out answers that fit your goals, in your voice, and put them on note cards to help you remember and practice. It may feel silly, but knowing the material helps calm introverted and shy job seekers and helps you sound better than anyone else who could be winging it.

There is interview success for shy and introverted job seekers. What are some ways you have built your confidence or displayed your strengths as an introvert when interviewing?

4 Myths That Could Harm Your Job Search

Myths_march2012_webThroughout your job search, you’ve probably been given several nuggets of advice from research, friends and family, or expert opinions. While there are best practices when it comes to finding a job, many people have their own way, or style, of doing things. But over the years, some aspects of the job search have become assumed taboos in the job market.

There are certain actions that many job seekers believe will knock them out of the running. But little do they know, these things are not only acceptable, professional actions, but they are also what could make you stand out among your competition. Here are some common job seeking myths that could be holding back your job search.

Myth #1: Companies aren’t hiring during the summer or in December.

It’s true that hiring does pick up in the fall as most employers hammer out their next year’s budget and incorporate new hires, but giving up during the summer months could be a missed opportunity. The summer months are generally more of a relaxed time with fewer big projects and deadlines, which makes employers and other workers easier to approach.

In December, not only are employers still looking for help to bring in the new year, but workers are also in a more festive mood, which may give you more opportunities to network. They will be more relaxed and easier to talk to so you can connect with more people, which could result in more leads.

Myth #2: Don’t take notes in an interview.

You may think it looks rude to be writing down notes when you should be listening to the interviewer speak, but it’s impossible to remember everything without a photographic memory. If you’re in doubt, ask the interviewer if he or she minds you taking notes during the interview. There’s a lot to process and it can be in your best interest to take notes. Just remember to use abbreviations or short hand when applicable so that not taking doesn’t detract from the conversation.

Myth #3: Keep your résumé to one page.

The only time you should really try to keep your résumé at one page is when you’ve just graduated from college or are first starting out in the job market. Having a two or even three page résumé might not necessarily keep you out of the running for a job, just as long as you put your most relevant information at the beginning. Hiring managers take seconds to scan a résumé before keeping it or discarding it.

Myth #4: If interviewed by multiple people, you only need to send a thank-you note to your potential manager.

If several people took the time out of their busy schedule to help interview you, they deserve some recognition. Try to ask everybody you interviewed with for their business card and make an extra effort to let them know you appreciate their time.

Don’t let the stigma of hearsay stunt your job search. What works for some may not work for others. We are all a little different and have to find what works best for us. What are some job tips you’ve heard that turned out to be myths in the end?

If You Don’t Follow Up Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

Pest_march2012_webWhen it comes to following up after interviews, there is a fine line between being persistent and being annoying. Most people know the basics like sending a thank-you note and calling to check on the hiring process, but here are three new tips to stand out, in a good way, with your interview follow up.

1.  Ensure appropriate follow up.

This part of the application process begins during your interview. Be ready to take notes during the interview and ask specific questions about who is involved in the hiring process, what the steps are in obtaining a position, and the timeline looks. Make sure your follow up is in alignment with their process. Also, if during the interview you’re asked to take some additional steps in the application process, like taking a personality test, completing a drug-screening, or providing work samples, make sure you write down when you’re expected to do that by and how you are to touch base once that is completed. Often an interviewer will ask for more information on part of your work history or for you to provide a list of references. And sometimes, you’ll be asked to complete a task as part of the interview process. Your ability to complete the tasks as requested is also part of your interview, so take it as seriously as the face-to-face interview. Not following up as instructed could make the interviewer question your interest in the position and your ability to follow through.

 2.  Always add value when you follow up.

Instead of just sending a thank you note, include a highlight of what interested you most about the position and what you found exciting about the company. Share a thought of how you saw yourself working in the role. For example, if it’s a job in engineering, share specifics on design and technology developments you recently read about that you think would be applicable. Another way to provide value is to invite the interviewer to join you for an upcoming networking or industry trade event. If you’re active in a professional association, include something like, “I hope to see you next month at the downtown Society of Human Resource Management meeting. I’m excited to hear from the guest speaker on leadership traits and time management styles.” It’s always good to reinforce your personal professional development plan and encourage further networking.

  3. Network for the long term.

No doubt in your job search you’ll go on several interviews before the right job opportunity comes along. Think of the interview process as a way to build your network for two reasons. First, while you may not get the job you applied for, other openings may come up in the future that drive the company to return to their pool of already-interviewed candidates. Second, the person you interview with may move on to another opportunity and you could find yourself working with them somewhere else or interviewing with them again. A few ways to make connections with individuals you interview with include sending a LinkedIn connection request, keeping a personal file of names and contact information of everyone you’ve interviewed with, and following up with contacts after you’ve found a job. Once you’ve landed a new job, it is appropriate to send out an email or LinkedIn message letting people you interviewed with know where you’ve accepted a position and what your new role is. Be sure and thank them again for the time they spent with you. Additionally, if you hear that a company you interviewed with celebrates a milestone or receives an award, especially specific to your industry, make sure to reach out again to congratulate them.

Getting the interview is your opportunity to connect and shine, and following up after the interview is your opportunity to show your diligence and communication skills. In your career development, always be thinking of ways you can add value to other professionals, create a larger network, and develop your professional reputation.

What are some unique ways you’ve followed up after an interview?



By Rachel Rudisill

5 Qualities That Make Hiring Managers Say “WOW!”

Wow_march2012_webWhen you go in for an interview, what will set you apart from your competition? Odds are, the other hopefuls interviewing for the position have as much, if not more, experience than you. How can you impress recruiters and prove to them that you are the right person for the job?

They want to see if you’re the right fit for the company. They’re looking between the lines of your résumé for what you have beyond your work experience. To really make a good impression, you should project certain qualities that will make you a more desirable candidate. What qualities are they, you ask? Well, here are five of them that can make a recruiter or interviewer say “Wow!”


There are countless books, websites, and seminars about the best kinds of answers to interview questions. Job seekers are asked these questions to see if they have the ability to answer them competently. But, they’re also looking for something more. Many hiring managers want to see passion for their company, the position, and the industry. They want to know why candidates are truly excited about the opportunity, rather than viewing it as just another job interview. The truly passionate candidates are not only likely to excel in their role, but will also remain involved in their responsibilities and motivate those around them.


Being professional is something that is hard to teach. It’s a mixture of motivation, presence, and hard and soft skills. To be professional, you have to project an image that you are actively listening to what recruiters are saying and take interest in the job.


You can really stand out among your competition when you do your homework. If you can demonstrate your interest in an employer and the issues they’re facing while showcasing your research skills, you can leave a lasting impression on hiring managers. Take the time to research and get to know the recruiter and interviewer, and you’ll find a quicker connection and develop a stronger rapport.


Confidence is a key component in every aspect of your job search. When networking or interviewing, it’s important to exhibit knowledge, modesty, openness, gratitude, and skilled verbal and written communication. Recruiters should be able to see that you can take tasks, jobs, or projects given to you and run with them. Prove that you are proactive and can handle the job requirements through your handshake, body posture, and communication skills.

Providing Humor

The hiring process can be a long and often trying process. Recruiters and hiring managers listen to the same pre-prepared answers from candidate after candidate. A job seeker with professionalism and a sense of humor lightens the atmosphere, but be careful if now you decide to use humor when talking to hiring managers. If humor isn’t a part of your everyday personality, think twice before taking it too far in an interview. If it doesn’t come naturally, there’s a bigger chance that it can backfire. You don’t have to crack jokes, but you can bring a light-hearted and happy attitude that can brighten the mood when talking to recruiters.

There are a lot of different things employers look for in a new hire. On top of work history, job experience, and specific skill sets, there are other traits that can help propel job candidates above the large number of job seekers vying for the same job. If you excel at any one of these five qualities, use it to your advantage. It could make the difference between silence and a call back. What are some ways you have shown one of the five traits when interviewing with an employer?

Warning Signs an Employer May Not be For You

Warning SignsJob competition in the market is still high. The economy is slowly recovering, but there still aren’t as many jobs available as there were a decade ago. But just because the competition is tough, it doesn’t mean you should take the first job offer you receive. It’s okay to pass on a potential employee if you don’t think it’s the right company.

There are several companies out there willing to take advantage of the increased amount of people looking for work. That’s why it’s important to research a potential employer, not only to prepare your résumé and interview readiness, but also to make sure the organization is a good fit. Here are some warning signs to steer clear of a job offer.

Hiring Process is a “Rough Road”

If you are having an interview and you get the impression that you might not enjoy the environment or culture of the workplace, you should pay attention. Notice how well you communicate and interact with your interviewer, especially if the interviewer will be your supervisor. If you have trouble seeing eye to eye or getting your point across with your interviewer, it could improve over time, but it may be something to consider before accepting a job offer.

You “Stop” Asking Questions

When it comes to interviewing, it’s always good to ask specific questions to get a better understanding of your employer, while helping you look prepared and engaged. But if you feel like your potential employer is being reluctant to answer your questions, it should be a warning sign. Some employers may feel like a position isn’t attractive to job candidates and could try to sidestep or obscure certain specifics.

Your Paperwork is “Under Construction”

If you are offered a job, but the employer doesn’t provide you with any written information or a contract to sign, you should be cautious. If you receive a legitimate offer, it should be in writing. Some companies are struggling and may offer verbal contracts in hopes of renegotiating it later. If you have your job description on paper, it could help keep your job from being altered to the organization’s desire. The more that is in writing, the more there can be to protect you.

It’s a “Speed Zone”

If you feel an employer is too quick to offer, you may want to consider passing. Being too eager to hire new employees could be a sign that the company has lots of turnover, which could mean the company isn’t being handled well or the work environment isn’t friendly.

Your Pay and Benefits Take a Huge “Dip”

You may feel like the salary you desire is out the question because of the recovering economy,  but if a potential employer is asking you to work for a very low-ball salary, it should be a big warning sign. If you’re not making the money you feel you deserve, you will probably be miserable at work.

If you have some experience, be careful of accepting a position that’s too far below your most recent position. It will be very difficult to get back to the higher positions, and when looking for a new job, employers will look at your résumé and wonder why you accepted such a low-level position. It will look better if you take less pay, but keep your title in the same range.

Just because the job competition is stiff, that doesn’t mean you should jump at every job offered to you. If you keep these warning signs in mind, you’ll be able to avoid the bad apples and find an employer that’s right for you.