Search Results for: interview tips

Scary Interview Questions in Time for Halloween

Are you spooked by interview questions that are difficult to answer? Interviews can be scary, but they don’t have to be. Take a look at these common interview questions and click each link to discover tips for answering them with ease.

Why are you looking for a change?

What are your greatest weaknesses?

What is your desired salary?

Why should I hire you?

Have you ever failed?

Why is there a gap in your work history?

How do you answer scary interview questions? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.


Four Training Tips You Can Do Right Now to Advance Your Career

training_tips_for_job_webWhether you are currently seeking a job or looking to move up the ladder in your current position, you can be proactive in building a plan for future success.

If you want to advance your career, start taking steps today to boost your skills, prepare for promotions, or impress interviewers. Here are five career training tips you can do right now to help secure that future success.

1. Develop current and new skills. Be honest with yourself about both your strengths and your weaknesses, and learn to develop both. If you struggle with new programs required for your job, study them or enroll in training. If public speaking is part of your career plan, join organizations like Toastmasters to help improve your speaking ability. Many libraries and community colleges also offer workshops in everything from Excel to business writing. Investing in your skill set is never a waste of time and can only improve your chances for success.

2. Build your network. Networking is a skill you can develop right now, with or without a current job. Attend events where your peers go. Ask advice and offer help when you can, but also watch what successful people do well and learn from them. If you have a job already, build your network within the company. Collaborate and work with others to solve problems, showing that you have a team-building mentality. Attend work functions and join professional networking groups to help expand your future job base.

3. Make a plan. If you are seeking employment, take this time to plot a course for your dream career. Knowing where you are going makes it easier to get there. Research what skills you need to improve, what programs or knowledge you need to learn, and what you must have for upward mobility, and then create a step-by-step plan to meet those skills and needs. Many experts suggest creating a one year, three year, and five year plan – much like you would in a business plan. Once you have a clear goal in place, reaching that goal becomes attainable.

4. Act like the leader you are – or want to be. At the end of the day, leaders are the ones who get promoted or hired. Doers are the workhorses, but leaders are highly sought after. So how do you train yourself now to be a leader? First, have a vision for your career and/or the company’s future. Learn to speak up and offer to take charge on projects. Show respect for all employees, and communicate in a professional manner. Again, taking business communications or public speaking classes can help with this.

If you want to advance your career, these simple training tips are steps you can take now, whether you are currently employed or not. Follow these career training tips, commit to your career, and be open to learning new skills. Proper training is never a waste of time.

What training tips helped you in your career or job search? Share your tips with us here.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Four Facts You Should Know About a Company Before You Interview

facts_about_company_webScoring a job interview with a company you’re excited to work for is always a positive thing. But, you still may experience the famous mix of anticipation and dread that goes along with an interview.

Rest assured that nervousness and wariness are normal feelings when faced with an interview, but gaining a little pre-interview knowledge about the company will go far in helping to reduce the nervousness. Here are four facts you should know before walking through the door:

  • What does the company do, how does it do it, and what is its mission statement?
    Because most businesses have a website, look up the company and read about its services, products, business model, press releases, and any other information available. Learn what is most important to the company so you’ll have a good starting point to speak from during the interview.

On the company website, look specifically at the “mission statement” or “about us” page. If the mission statement emphasizes customer service, you’ll know that’s important to the company. These pages also typically give the history and philosophy of the business you’re interviewing with.

  • How is the company doing financially? Most companies have a website, and most websites have something like an “investor relations” tab. Some companies list their quarterly earnings publically and publish an annual report. Even small start ups have information available on websites like

Why is this important? You’ll be able to speak intelligently about the future of the company, based on the facts you’ve read. In addition, you can decide if a company is financially healthy to be able to hire you long-term, offer a competitive salary or benefits, and be around for the next several years.

  • What is the company culture? This might take a little more effort. An easy way to see what the company dress code and culture looks like is to drive by early in the morning or at the end of the work day. Doing so may allow you to see how the employees entering or leaving the building dress. Or, if you know any employees, simply ask them about the code.

Again, websites are great ways to explore the feel of a company. Check to see if the company is active on social media, which may help you discover if they value healthy lifestyles, are involved in the community, or other information that can come in handy when answering tough interview questions.

  • What is the company’s reputation? Local and national news media often report on large corporations, so research news articles about the business. Some businesses may have a marketing page on their website with access to press releases and awards. You can also visit the company’s social media pages and mentions to see what they are saying to followers and what others are saying about them.

The more you know about a company, the better you will feel about answering questions. You will also appear more knowledgeable to potential employers. Knowing these facts about a company is a great way to come up with potential questions for your interviewer and show that you are interested in the job.

Are there other things you should know about a company before you go on the interview? Share your thoughts and tips with us!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

What to do When You Have Too Many Interviews

too_many_interviews_webWhen you’re on the job hunt, having a ton of interviews can get exhausting—especially if they don’t lead to an actual job. Roughly 60% of all job hunters undergo three or more interviews before receiving an offer.

However, according to a recent survey by Right Management, only 3% have one interview before landing a job.  After all, most employers consider four to five candidates for a job opening. If you’re in that pool, you have a 75-80% chance of not getting the job. And if you don’t find yourself in any second round interviews, you might want to re-evaluate how you present yourself.

Here are some tips that may help you stand out from the pack.

  1. Double check your resume and cover letter for typos. Since you’ve made it to the first interview, there is something about you that they like. But perhaps you didn’t proof your resume To have a typo is human, but it may be what makes the difference between you and the people they call in for a second interview. Have a friend go through it with a fine-toothed comb—there may be a small error you haven’t seen.
  2. Find the best references. You may sail through the interview and have the perfect resume, but if you don’t have the right references, your goose could be cooked. Find someone that you have a good relationship with, that you trust, and that will give you a glowing reference. And, don’t make the mistake of putting a person down as a reference without checking with them first. Consider what Dr. Cynthia Nichols, a professor at Oklahoma State University, has to say on the topic, “You’d be surprised how often college students don’t even ask me for a reference and just put my contact information down. I’ll get a phone call and have to wrack my brain to remember who, exactly, this person is referring to. I’m sure it doesn’t help the job candidate when my answer has a very pregnant pause to it. I’d love to help, but when a student doesn’t talk to me about it, I can’t always remember who they are. Don’t be a face in a crowd if you want a reference. Make sure you connect with me before you want a reference.” Remember, not all job references are going to say good things about you. If you find any problems there, here’s some advice on how to try to mitigate that.
  3. Practice & Prepare. Before you go in for the actual interview, conduct a mock interview with a friend. This will help you get through the jitters and allow you to think through some of the questions. Have your friend record you so that you can see if you have any odd habits. Research information about the company beforehand, and prepare some questions that might be asked during the interview. Practicing your answers ahead of time can help when you’re trying to demonstrate why you would excel at the job.
  4. Get some feedback. Before you go on the interview, reach out to people who you have worked for in the past. Pick their brain for 20 minutes and find out how you can improve your interview skills. Not everyone is comfortable with giving criticism to people, but if you reach out to enough people, you’ll be able to find someone who will give you honest (and helpful) feedback. You may not like to hear honest feedback, but it might help you get yourself to the next level.
  5. Figure out who has been hired before. The beauty of the internet is that everyone has a footprint. So go online and do your research. First, look at the jobs you interviewed for and didn’t get. Who did they hire? What about their background is different? You might learn that the people who are beating you out have more experience or a different type of background, and that information can help inform your thinking about what types of jobs to pursue. Next, look at the company where you’re about to interview. Who works there now and how do they present themselves? You can learn a lot with a little searching on LinkedIn.
  6. Present the best you possible. Your appearance during the interview indicates your seriousness about the job. As soon as you walk into the building, you are being evaluated. So, put your best foot forward and present yourself well. Nicole Williams, LinkedIn’s career expert and best-selling author, agrees. “On a job interview, your attire makes a statement about yourself before you even open your mouth,” she says. “A scuffed shoe, a messy bag, or a low cut shirt can speak volumes. You need to wear your ‘power outfit.’ Have a favorite skirt that always makes you feel great when you wear it? Why not pair that with a blazer? It’s okay to show off your personality through your clothes, as long as you aren’t wearing a lime green mini skirt. Stick to business-professional looks.”  When it comes down to it, you want to dress for success.
  7. Breathe. Perhaps you’re just stressed out during the interview. If you’ve been on the job hunt for a while, you may feel frustrated. Although that’s normal, it is also something and interviewers pick up on. Take a deep breath, and sell yourself. There is a job out there for you, so don’t stress out so much that it kills the interview. Never underestimate the power of a positive attitude. Just read the room, breathe, and show enthusiasm, presence and passion for the job. You can do this. Remember, there’s a reason you’re there.

Do you have any tips about how to get to the second interview or land the job? Share your examples in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Tips for Making a Career Path

JobGenius_webThe Job Genius program from Express Employment Professionals is an educational video series that offers insights on the job market and how to get a job. The video series includes information on everything from writing your resume to finding job opportunities, interviewing, and more.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, someone who has been out of the workforce for a while, or are just looking to change your career, knowing the path you’d like to travel can make a world of difference. As you advance in your career, it’s important to know what you want out of employment. Do you want to move into a leadership role? Or, do you want to find work that allows you more time at home? After you answer questions like these, take a look at your career objectives, knowledge, education, and resources. Then, start making goals that will help you make a plan for your career.

To begin establishing your career path, check out the Job Genius video below for more information on evaluating your skills, furthering your education, and more.

To check out other videos in this educational series, visit

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Keep Your Cool: Job Interview Prep Guide

keep_your_cool_webYou’ve scored the big job interview you’ve been waiting for, and now all you have to do is ace all those questions, make a good impression, wow the hiring managers, and keep your cool. No pressure.

Okay, let’s be real. While getting a job interview is good news, it can also be a stressful time. You’re worried you’ll mess it up. The questions might throw you for a loop. You might end up looking like you aren’t a good fit for the job.

Everyone has those fears from time to time, but with a few tips and tricks, you can alleviate those doubts and lessen the stress of going to a job interview.

When Preparation and Opportunity Meet
Great preparation prevents poor performance. Lessen your stress by analyzing the job posting and description. Be clear in your own mind about what the company wants in a potential employee. Make a list of which skills and qualities you have that match the job description.

Why is this important? Preparing beforehand ensures that you’ll be able to discuss your skills confidently, and it also reminds you that you’re a pretty impressive candidate.

Assimilate Your Assets
While you’re at it, create a list of 10 assets and qualities you have that could benefit the company. Include certifications, computer skills, professional accomplishments, and unique abilities. Making this list again reminds you why you’re pretty awesome, but it also helps you prepare to discuss those skills during an interview.

You’ll be ready to answer specific job questions with confidence and flair.

Like a spy, gather as much information as you can about the company before the interview. Look to your professional network to see if someone knows a little more about the business and can give you a competitive edge over the other candidates.

Being able to confidently discuss the company shows you are prepared, thorough, and engaged.

Practice Makes Perfect
Take some time to practice common interview questions. When you practice interviewing with a friend or family member, the actual interview becomes a little easier. Think about each question and how you will respond before you even get to the interview.

Practicing a job interview helps calm your nerves and prepares you for tough questions so you aren’t left scrambling and fumbling for a response during the real interview.

Dress It Up
The night before your big interview, pick out what you’ll wear. Put on the outfit and then lay out the clothes so they are readily available. By doing this, you won’t be rushing around trying to find the right clothes and stressing out about how you look. You want to be well groomed and professional in order to project a positive image to the employer, so make sure your clothes are clean and ironed before the big day. Now that you’re looking ready for the interview, your stress level should be decreasing.

Early Bird Gets the Worm
Whatever you do, don’t be late! Be sure to leave early enough for your interview to account for unexpected delays like traffic or construction. Hurrying and worrying about being late can cause your stress level to skyrocket, so be sure to look up the directions to the office and give yourself an extra 30 minutes to get there.

Now, you can relax and practice your interview answers on the way!

Do Your Best
Right before you walk into your interview, take a few deep calming breaths. Smile, pull your shoulders back, and give a confident handshake. You’ve researched, you’ve practiced, you look great, and you arrived on time – you have this in the bag! Be honest, open, engaging, and bright.

By preparing ahead of time and taking these steps, you’ll reduce the stress associated with interviewing. Now, all you need to do is show the interviewer why you’re the best person for the job.

Do you have any tips and tricks for not stressing out before a job interview? Share your best tips in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

5 Tips to Communicate with Hiring Managers

communicate_with_hiring_managersSome job seekers think a top-notch resume is everything they need to seal the deal on a new career opportunity. It’s definitely part of the process, serving as your go to tool to help get your foot in the door at a company and hopefully land an interview with a hiring manager. But, once you land the interview, the real pressure begins. An interview usually means that you’re a top candidate for a job but are still in competition with a few other equally qualified individuals.

So, how do you become the standout applicant who gets the offer? Here are a few top tips on what hiring managers are looking for and how to communicate with them to increase your chances for success.

1. Be professional.
From your very first email or phone call with a hiring manager to the end of your interview process, you are being observed for your professionalism. In all communication, respond in a timely manner, check your spelling on emails, and keep your tone kind and business focused rather than personal. Once you have been asked to come in for an interview, brush up beforehand on your business etiquette tips and ways to dress to impress. Remember to arrive 10 minutes early with extra copies of your resume and a notepad in hand. Your goal should be to make a great first impression and then continue impressing those you meet.

2. Be genuine and show your personality.
Hiring managers are going to work with you if you get the job and are also going to be held responsible for hiring you, too. So they want to make sure you’re a good fit for the company’s culture and the team you’d be working with. Being in competition with other applicants who are also trying to make a great impression, you need to show the hiring manager why you’re the best fit. Connect with their personality during the interview and the odds will be more in your favor.

3. Know your motivations.
A hiring manager is curious about your motivations. Why are you looking for a new job? Why are you applying for this job? Why do you want to work for this company? What are your biggest career motivators? Be ready to speak to these questions honestly, positively, and professionally. A hiring manager will also check to make sure what you say matches up with the research they’ve done on you and what your references say about you.

4. Do your homework.
The interviewer wants to test your knowledge about the company and the job you’re interested in. You should be prepared to talk about what they do, know how long the company has been in business, if there are multiple locations, and what types of programs they offer. You’ll also want to be ready to explain how your skills fit the position and duties of the job. Do your homework in advance and know why you’re the best candidate for the company.

5. Follow-up after your interview.
If you really want the job you applied for, don’t forget to send a thank you to the hiring manager. They took time out of their day to meet with you, so the least you can do is thank them. Although it’s great to write a thank you and mail it, that takes a little time. A nice email sent a few hours after your interview will accomplish the same objective of letting them know you appreciate the time they took to interview you.

Share some key points you learned about the position and the organization, re-emphasize why your abilities are a great fit, and communicate your excitement about potentially joining the team. Hiring managers are waiting for this information to see if you’re seriously interested.

Hiring managers want what’s best for their company so keep these tips in mind and you’ll be well prepared to ace the interview.

Do you have any other advice on how to communicate with hiring managers? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.