Search Results for: interview tips

Spring Forward: How to Build Interview Confidence

How to bounce back from a bad interview and build confidence.

Look_Interview_Tips_Feb2014It’s perhaps the most nerve-wracking aspect of the job search. You submitted your resume and got the call. It’s time to meet for an interview, and you’re wondering what to do next.How do you prepare yourself with the necessary confidence to be successful in this important moment in your career?


Preparation begins with researching and learning as much as you can about the company where you’ll be interviewing. Spend time browsing through their website and any social media channels they have to learn about their culture and mission.

You’ll also want to spend time reading through every aspect of the job description so that you have a clear understanding of your possible responsibilities. If there are any skills that you know to be strengths for you, make a note and think about how you’ll work those into the interview. On the opposite end, if any aspects are new to you or are a weakness, be ready to answer for those areas as well.

After you’ve done the research, write down three to five questions to ask your interviewer about the company or job. When you have questions ready, it shows that you’ve prepared and have a genuine interest in the company and the work they do. Anything you can do to stand out from the crowd is helpful.


The internet will be a great resource as you begin the next step in building your interview confidence. Doing a search for common job interview questions, then spending time reviewing your responses will be a big help when the time comes for you to answer them in person.

Practicing will also help you avoid as many surprise questions as possible. To take it a step further, use five to seven questions in a practice interview with a family member or friend. Let them ask the question in an interview setting while you answer the questions with appropriate eye contact and body posture.

After the mock interview, ask for feedback on your performance, including any tips on things you might have done that you didn’t notice. Do you say “um” too often when answering a question? Maybe you tend to bounce your leg while sitting in an interview. This feedback will be instrumental in preparing for a successful interview.


As the day approaches, it’s time to sit down and go through your notes. Highlight and memorize the facts, questions, or traits you picked up during your preparation.

You’ll also want to review and make sure you have everything ready for the interview the night before. Spend time thinking about your outfit, how long you’ll need to prepare in the morning, and how long it will take you to get to the interview. Also, make sure to have several copies of your resume and a portfolio of your work if applicable to the job.

Interviews don’t have to be a scary. With time spent researching, practicing, and reviewing, your next interview could be an enjoyable meeting, an opportunity to learn more about a company while sharing your own strengths and passions. It’s all up to you and your willingness to build your self-confidence before you walk through that door.

Looking for more interview tips?

We’re here to help. Headquartered in Oklahoma City, OK, Express Employment Professionals is a leading staffing provider in the U.S. and Canada. We employed a record 510,000 people in 2016. If you have any questions about the job search, contact your local Express office or create an Express account to apply for jobs online.

What else do you do to build confidence before a job interview? Let us know in the comments section below.

Workplace Wearables: Smart Tips for Your Smart Devices

Modern businessman focused on his phone and smart watch

Do you own a smartwatch, fitness tracker, or other technological device known as a “wearable?” If so, you’re not alone. In fact, according to Forbes, just under 50 million wearable devices were shipped in 2015. And in 2019, 125 million more are expected to be purchased.

Millennials, the newest generation to enter the workforce, are known as technology-savvy. So, it’s no surprise that the majority of people (48%) who use wearable technology are part of this generation. And, 71% of younger workers want to own wearable tech if they don’t already.

The technology behind these devices has been around for decades, but the greater availability of internet access has made them significantly more useful in recent years. If you’re considering investing in the trend, make sure you know when and how it’s appropriate to use your smart devices.

A Growing Trend

Today, one in six consumers owns and uses wearable technology, which means these devices are becoming increasingly prevalent in the workspace. To take advantage of this growing trend, many companies have begun testing wearables for workplace security, time management, and communication purposes.

Luckily for employers, early studies have proven the trend may pay off. According to the University of London, employees who own wearable technology reported an 8.5% increase in workplace productivity. Additionally, they experienced a 3.5% increase in job satisfaction.

Be Aware of What You Share

As the workplace shifts toward the future, many companies will begin integrating their internal systems with wearables. This means, they may use your wearable (or provide you with a company-owned device) to track your productivity and health. If you have a fitness tracker that records your workout and sleep patterns, your employer may be able to locate that information.

This information could then be used to make changes in the workplace that improve your work experience and productivity. While there are benefits to this information sharing, it’s important to understand what information you may be giving your boss.

Study Your Habits

If you’re going to wear your fitness tracker or smartwatch to work, take advantage of the data these devices provide by tracking your habits. Doing so may help you increase productivity and implement changes that will have a positive effect on your work.

For example, if you notice you’re significantly less active between 2 and 4 p.m. every day, set a reminder to get up and walk around for a few minutes during this time period. You’ll be more active, alert, and healthy.

Pay Attention

During an important meeting, interview, or event, you wouldn’t look at your phone, right? The same applies to wearable devices. If you own a smartwatch and receive phone calls, emails, or text messages on your wrist, avoid the temptation to look when it’s not appropriate. Recruiters and potential employers will notice if you spend the majority of the interview checking your watch, and it may look like you’re in a hurry to leave. Don’t make the mistake of sending the wrong signals.

Remember to Take a Break

According to a Workplace Options survey, 84% of workers age 18-29 report working two or more hours per day after their work day ends. They’re spending time on their mobile devices, checking email and making calls. As the rise of wearable technology continues, it’s easier than ever to stay connected to your workplace when you’re at home. Now, just a simple glance at your wrist could reveal emails or phone calls that prevent you from truly disconnecting.

In fact, Ernst & Young reports that 24% of U.S. employees find it difficult to maintain work-life balance. Since work-life balance is essential to your overall health and happiness, don’t let your wearables upset that equilibrium.

Do you own a wearable device? How do you stay productive in the workplace? Share your tips in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

17 Tips for an Outstanding New Year

ThinkstockPhotos-614739734The new year has officially begun, which means it’s time to make sure you’re focused on your goals for the year. Since this is the 17th year of this century, here are 17 tips to help you have an outstanding year:

  1. Don’t procrastinate. If you put off the things you need to accomplish, you may realize 2018 is right around the corner before you’ve even started.
  2. Invest in your wardrobe. Whether you’re looking for a job, or you’re already part of the workforce, owning a quality outfit can set you apart from the competition. Consider investing in a suit for interviews, or durable shoes for the workplace.
  3. Learn a new skill. It’s never too late to learn something new, and there are countless ways to add to your skillset. Think of the skills you’d like to learn, then take advantage of the Internet’s many educational resources.
  4. Clean up your social media profiles. When’s the last time you looked back at your Facebook or Twitter posts and photos from years ago? Chances are, there may be photos, statuses, or tags that don’t paint you in the best light. And since potential employers often look at your social media accounts when considering you for a job, be sure to represent yourself in the most professional way possible.
  5. Learn from your co-workers. There may be times when your company could benefit from allowing you to cross-train or shadow someone on the job. Consider asking your supervisor for the opportunity to learn from others.
  6. Take a class. Many communities offer courses in subjects like computer programs, marketing tips, and interview techniques. Check out opportunities available in your area, and sign up for a class today.
  7. Join a professional organization. Depending on your career path, there may be a professional organization you can join. These organizations are designed to help you network and further your skills, and they’re also a great addition to your resume.
  8. Create a LinkedIn profile. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, what are you waiting for? There are thousands of recruiters on LinkedIn right now, and they may be looking for candidates just like you!
  9. Gather your references. Maintaining an updated list of references is a good practice, even if you’re not actively job searching. Since you meet new people every day and relationships often change, ensure that your list is up-to-date before you need to use it.
  10. Send a thank-you note. If you are in the job search process, you know it’s important to send a thank-you note after an interview. But, what if you’re not currently looking? You can still send notes of appreciation to those who make a difference to you. Consider sending a thank-you note to your supervisor, an old friend, or a co-worker who helped you on a project. Everybody likes to feel appreciated.
  11. Make a plan for stress relief. Sometimes, stress is unavoidable. But, you can take steps to lessen the impact stress has on you. Think of ways that help you manage stress when it hits. Maybe it’s meditation, yoga, or exercise. Perhaps reading is relaxing for you. Find what helps you through tough times before they happen.
  12. Do something for yourself. Life moves quickly, and everyone has busy days. In all of that busyness, you may find that you haven’t taken any time for yourself. Stop for a moment and do something just for you. Go for a walk, buy yourself a coffee, read a book, or watch a movie.
  13. Get active. We all know how important exercise is to our overall health, but many of us can’t find the time to make it a priority. Even if you sit at a desk all day, there are still ways to be active. Try simple desk exercises, or go for a walk on your lunch break.
  14. Give back. Volunteering is great for so many reasons. First and foremost, it’s an excellent way to give back to your community and help those in need. It makes you feel good, helps you meet new people, and network. Often, you can learn a new skill, and of course, volunteering looks great on your resume. Find causes that matter to you and explore how to volunteer your time this year.
  15. Become a planner. Some people are planners, others are more spontaneous. Whether or not you like to structure your day beforehand, make it a habit to get your plans on paper. If you have goals you want to accomplish, write them in your calendar. Jot down important appointments, and keep track of your successful days so you can look back at them later.
  16. Start a budget. The term “budget” often comes with a negative association, but the truth is, being financially responsible is important to your success. Having funds available in an emergency is essential, and you can start on that path today. Review all of your debts and payments, calculate how much you need to save to reach financial goals or start an emergency fund, and begin the process of saving.
  17. Become (or find) a mentor. If you’re new to the workforce, you may feel overwhelmed. There’s certainly a lot to learn. Thankfully, there are millions of others who have gone before you, and it’s easy to find a mentor who can guide you on your career path. Likewise, if you’re experienced in a certain subject, you may seek out mentees to take under your wing.

These are just 17 of the many ways to help make your new year outstanding. Get started today and good luck in 2017!

What additional tips do you have for starting the year off right? Share with us in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.


Winter Weather Driving Tips

The first major snowstorm of the season has blown through, and while you may be enjoying the lull between Christmas and New Year’s Day, this week is a great time to prepare to hit the ground running in your job search once the holidays are over.

Job searching around the holidays can be challenging with key players out of the office on vacation, so spend this time strategizing your job search and line up those interviews. Ideally, the weather on the day of your interview will be sunny, about 70 degrees, and no wind to mess up your perfectly styled hair. But Mother Nature often has a mind of her own, and you might find yourself driving to interviews in some slippery conditions.

Before you hit the roads in inclement weather conditions, follow these tips from Volunteer Fireman’s Insurance Services (VFIS) to make sure you get to your interview safely:


‘Twas the Night Before the Job Interview

Do you have a big interview coming up? Are you feeling festive? Take a look at our holiday poem below to help you remember the importance of preparing for your interview.

'Twas the Night Before the Job Interview

‘Twas the night before the job interview, when all through the house
A job seeker was ironing the wrinkles from her blouse
Her outfit, she prepared for the next day with care
In hopes she would have the perfect one to wear

On this night, she wasn’t nestled all snug in her bed
She was on the computer, researching instead
She closely studied the company’s website and map
To avoid an uncomfortable interview mishap

When her search revealed tips for interview chatter
She learned how to respond, to smile, and flatter
And away to the search engine she flew like a flash
To find more tips for this researching bash

The articles she found helped her knowledge to grow
Yet still, she felt there were more things to know
When what to her wondering eyes should appear
But a website that aims to advance her career

With excitement and hope, she began to click, click, click
And knew in a moment these tips would stick
This website she found, Movin’ On Up was its name,
Helped her prepare for the interview in a short timeframe

Yet, she still felt as though something important was missing
So she called up her friend and asked her to listen
She practiced her questions and by the end of the call
Her confidence was high enough to answer them all

With her outfit set out and her research complete
The job seeker settled down for a good night’s sleep
And in the morning she’d find she no longer had fright
On account of her great interview prep that night

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Holiday Job


Holiday hiring is here, and many people have been or will be working a seasonal job this year. While some of those workers will use these jobs as a way to bring extra income, many hope that this will be their jumping off point into full-time work.

If you’re one of those workers wanting your holiday job to become permanent, there are a few things you should know to set yourself up for success. (more…)


If you’re looking for a job, you’re well aware that the competition is fierce. With so many applicants competing for a single job, standing out from the crowd is a daunting task. You may be the most qualified, best educated, highly trained, hardest working people-person to ever apply for the position. But if you don’t catch the eye of the hiring manager, he or she may never know what a fantastic employee you would be.

“Sometimes it can seem like there’s no rhyme or reason for why an applicant does not get an interview, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances. And clearly, the most important thing to do is to submit a formal application in the first place,” said Bob Funk, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Express Employment Professionals. “As our survey also shows, cleverness can pay off. Be careful though, as not every hiring manager wants a resume in a gift box. But in a crowded field, creativity can make the difference.”

Express surveyed nearly 400 businesses to help you learn how applicants secure job interviews, some of the cleverest ways job seekers submit applications, and why some applicants do not get interviews. Read on for insider information that just may give you the winning edge in your job search.

Getting the Interview
Hiring decision makers in our survey were asked, “What are the best ways for an applicant to get a job interview with your company?” Overwhelmingly, the top response was simply, “applying and submitting a resume” offered by 23% of respondents.  Another 12% said a referral was the top way to secure an interview. “Apply online” was the third most popular method recommended by our experts with 10%. Finally, 8% of respondents recommend making a phone call.

Get Creative
In past articles, we’ve shared tips on how to make your resume stand out from the crowd. But some job applicants take things a step further. We asked our business leaders to describe a clever way in which someone submitted a resume. Here’s a list of the most memorable and creative.

  • A binder with a portfolio of projects
  • A PowerPoint presentation with audio and video
  • A YouTube video
  • A resume folded into a paper airplane
  • A gift package containing the resume

Other respondents mentioned an applicant walking in as a customer before revealing their interest in a job. Another manager received a call recommending someone for the job—only to find out the caller was recommending herself.

Interview Deal Breakers
On the flip side, survey respondents were asked, “What are the main reasons an applicant does not get a job interview with your company?” “Lack of experience” topped the list at 16%, followed closely by “lack of skills/qualifications” at 15%.

If your sights are set on a particular job or career path, explore ways to get the training necessary to be considered a qualified applicant. Do some research to find out what it will take to get where you want to be and investigate entry level jobs that are good stepping stones on your career path. You may not be where you’d like to be today, but with effort and determination, you will get there!

Have you ever tried a unique way to get an interview or get your resume noticed? How did it go?

Share your experience in the comments section!


Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.