Search Results for: answering the interview question

Spring Forward: How to Build Interview Confidence

How to bounce back from a bad interview and build confidence.

Look_Interview_Tips_Feb2014It’s perhaps the most nerve-wracking aspect of the job search. You submitted your resume and got the call. It’s time to meet for an interview, and you’re wondering what to do next.How do you prepare yourself with the necessary confidence to be successful in this important moment in your career?


Preparation begins with researching and learning as much as you can about the company where you’ll be interviewing. Spend time browsing through their website and any social media channels they have to learn about their culture and mission.

You’ll also want to spend time reading through every aspect of the job description so that you have a clear understanding of your possible responsibilities. If there are any skills that you know to be strengths for you, make a note and think about how you’ll work those into the interview. On the opposite end, if any aspects are new to you or are a weakness, be ready to answer for those areas as well.

After you’ve done the research, write down three to five questions to ask your interviewer about the company or job. When you have questions ready, it shows that you’ve prepared and have a genuine interest in the company and the work they do. Anything you can do to stand out from the crowd is helpful.


The internet will be a great resource as you begin the next step in building your interview confidence. Doing a search for common job interview questions, then spending time reviewing your responses will be a big help when the time comes for you to answer them in person.

Practicing will also help you avoid as many surprise questions as possible. To take it a step further, use five to seven questions in a practice interview with a family member or friend. Let them ask the question in an interview setting while you answer the questions with appropriate eye contact and body posture.

After the mock interview, ask for feedback on your performance, including any tips on things you might have done that you didn’t notice. Do you say “um” too often when answering a question? Maybe you tend to bounce your leg while sitting in an interview. This feedback will be instrumental in preparing for a successful interview.


As the day approaches, it’s time to sit down and go through your notes. Highlight and memorize the facts, questions, or traits you picked up during your preparation.

You’ll also want to review and make sure you have everything ready for the interview the night before. Spend time thinking about your outfit, how long you’ll need to prepare in the morning, and how long it will take you to get to the interview. Also, make sure to have several copies of your resume and a portfolio of your work if applicable to the job.

Interviews don’t have to be a scary. With time spent researching, practicing, and reviewing, your next interview could be an enjoyable meeting, an opportunity to learn more about a company while sharing your own strengths and passions. It’s all up to you and your willingness to build your self-confidence before you walk through that door.

Looking for more interview tips?

We’re here to help. Headquartered in Oklahoma City, OK, Express Employment Professionals is a leading staffing provider in the U.S. and Canada. We employed a record 510,000 people in 2016. If you have any questions about the job search, contact your local Express office or create an Express account to apply for jobs online.

What else do you do to build confidence before a job interview? Let us know in the comments section below.

5 Tips to Avoid Freezing Up In a Winter Interview

it's_cold_outside_webNothing is more chilling to a job hunter than suddenly freezing up during an interview.

One minute, you’re answering all the hiring manager’s questions with ease and the next, you’re sliding away on thin ice as your brain shuts off. How you react to a sudden brain freeze can play a big part in how well you complete the interview and whether or not you land the position.

So how do you avoid freezing up in a winter interview? We have five tips to help avoid the dreaded interview brain freeze.

Prepare Ahead of Time
Just as you would prepare your home or vehicle for nasty winter weather, prepare your brain for an upcoming interview. Practice answering interview questions in a warm, confident manner. Research the company and have a list of hot topics to discuss, ranging from company culture to challenges the company hopes you can resolve.

If you know the weather will be bad the day of the interview, be prepared to give yourself extra travel time. Dress professionally, but warmly, so you don’t shiver and rattle your teeth throughout the whole process.

Recognize the Signs of Brain Freeze
Anyone who has ever had the unfortunate experience of freezing up in a situation knows what the sensation feels like. Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t tell you’re in a brain freeze situation until you’ve slipped on the ice a few times during the interview.

First, tell yourself that it is okay to not have all the answers to every question. When in doubt, you could say, “I do not know, but could find out and get back with you ASAP.” Also, observe how quickly or nervously you are speaking. Take a nice deep, warming breath and slow down.

Some experts say it is fine to admit to an interviewer that you are nervous, but beware of using this tactic too freely. While honesty is top priority, confidence is a highly sought after trait in an employee.

Have a Snow Route in Your Brain
Have you ever been asked a question in an interview, and suddenly your mind goes blank? Luckily, you know you’re in brain freeze, so you can break yourself out of it if you already have a backup route in place.

Ask the interviewer to repeat the question. This tactic gives you time to calm down, hear the question again, and answer intelligently. If you are still stuck on thin ice, paraphrase the question back to the interviewer. Again, this buys a little time to dig yourself out of the snow drift.

However, if none of these tactics work, ask the interviewer for a moment to really consider the answer.

Limit Nervous Behavior
Even if you are scared to death and nervous as a winter hare, limit the giveaway signs of nervousness. Don’t fidget. Don’t speak too quickly or ramble on.

You know what nervous habits you possess, so practice controlling those ahead of time. Try speaking to a friend with your hands folded in your lap and your tapping leg still.

Holding a pen or a copy of your resume during the interview may help chill out the nervous behaviors as well.

Remain Positive
When it comes to not freezing up during a winter interview, the best advice is to remain positive, confident, and polite. Everyone has brain freezes on occasion, and interviewers know you are nervous. Cool your nerves by telling yourself that you deserve to be in the interview—you wouldn’t have been invited if you weren’t.

Have you ever had brain freeze during a job interview? How did you break out of the situation? Share your best tips with us in the comments below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Millennial Monday: The Interview Process

Millennial Monday LogoExpress Employment Professionals recently teamed up with the School of Media and Strategic Communications at Oklahoma State University (OSU) in Stillwater, OK, to conduct research about Millennials and their attitudes toward the American Dream. Also known as “Gen Y,” Millennials were born between 1979 and 1995 and make up 30% of the population. As they enter the workforce and establish career paths, it’s important to understand the motives and desires behind this robust generation. To help you get to know “Gen Y,” Movin’ On Up is bringing you an eight-week series titled “Millennial Monday.”

In this week’s installment of “Millennial Monday,” Express and OSU students surveyed Millennials, the majority of whom are working full or part time, to examine how this generation approaches the interview process.

Interview Dress Code
When it comes to the attire you should wear for an interview, the majority of Millennials agree that “business professional” is the most appropriate. In fact, the general consensus among all generations is that this attire is the best choice for interviews. Sixty-eight percent of Millennials and 65% of Non-Millennials selected this answer, followed by 29% of Millennials and 35% of Non-Millennials who selected “business casual.”

Interestingly, the majority (55%) of Millennials reported they would wear business professional attire to an interview even if they found out the company has a business casual dress code.

Interviewer Profile
The survey results suggest that Millennials don’t have a preference when it comes to whether their interviewer is male or female. Fifty-six percent of Millennials reported no preference, along with 71% of Non-Millennials.

When it comes to the age of their interviewer, Millennials reported that they would prefer to be interviewed by someone older than they are. Sixty percent chose “older,” 6% selected “younger,” and 34% reported “no preference.”

Interview Preparation Interviews can be stressful, and Millennials aren’t immune to the anxiety that often comes with landing an interview. When asked about the hardest part of preparing for an interview process, answers included:

  • Research
  • Confidence
  • Nerves
  • Preparing for questions

When preparing for an interview, there are several steps to make sure you put your best foot forward. According to the survey results, Millennials already practice many of those steps. When asked how they prepare for interviews, answers included:

  • Research the company
  • Print resume
  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Look at the job description
  • Select an outfit
  • Practice answering possible questions

What to Bring
According to the survey, Millennials believe the number one thing to bring to an interview is your resume (98%), followed by business cards (66%), cover letter (64%), and brief case (21%). While 18% of Millennials think a cell phone is okay to bring to an interview, none of Non-Millennials surveyed selected this option.

Difficult Interview Questions
Interview questions can often be difficult to answer. When asked to select the hardest interview question, Millennials chose:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? – 47%
  • Describe a difficult challenge you’ve faced and how you overcame it – 30%
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? – 16%

Interview Follow-Up
Following up after an interview is vital in order to stand out from the competition. When asked whether or not they are comfortable following up with a potential employer after an interview, 73% of Millennials said they are comfortable. And, 73% of Millennials reported sending thank you notes after an interview.

What do you think is the most difficult part of preparing for an interview? What tips do you have? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Keep checking Movin’ On Up every Monday for more insight on this important generation.

Miss a week? Click the links below to check out previous topics in our series.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Headed to a Job Interview? Don’t Do This!

job_interview_don't_do_webDo you have a job interview soon? Have you prepared for the big day by reviewing popular interview questions, researching the company, cleaning up your resume, and gathering your references? All of those steps are important parts of ensuring a successful interview. But, what should you avoid once you’re in the job interview?

Survey Reveals Mistakes
In a new survey from Express Employment Professionals, business owners shared several real-life mistakes job seekers have made in interviews. These examples include:

  • Answering the phone
  • Asking to step out for a smoke break
  • Asking at the end of the interview, “What am I interviewing for?”
  • Badmouthing their former employer
  • Bringing a baby, pet, or parent
  • Chewing tobacco and/or vaping
  • Falling asleep
  • Wearing pajamas
  • Listing their own cell phone number and pretending to be their own reference
  • Listening to headphones

Among those employers, 61% agree that the worst thing an interviewee can do is answer a phone call during the interview. Other answers included arriving late, drinking alcohol, or lying about their experience.

“Your interviewer should have your undivided attention,” said Bob Funk, CEO of Express. “If you can’t make it through an interview without answering a phone, texting a friend, or smoking a cigarette, I can pretty much guarantee you that you won’t be landing the job.”

Clever Tricks From Interviewees
The survey also revealed the most clever ways job seekers have submitted resumes and attempted to land jobs. Those responses include:

  • Typing the resume like a movie script, menu, radio commercial, or video presentation
  • Delivering the resume with a box of doughnuts
  • Delivering the resume in a box via a mail carrier
  • Bringing a portfolio and giving a presentation of their work
  • Creating a business plan
  • Providing referrals from someone known to the employer
  • Bringing lists of potential clients and ideas for the position

According to Bob Funk, “When you’re competing to win a new job, it can pay to be creative. The ability to stand out can be the difference between a job offer and a rejection, provided you’re standing out for the right reasons.”

What are some clever ways you’ve landed the job? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Scary Interview Questions in Time for Halloween

Are you spooked by interview questions that are difficult to answer? Interviews can be scary, but they don’t have to be. Take a look at these common interview questions and click each link to discover tips for answering them with ease.

Why are you looking for a change?

What are your greatest weaknesses?

What is your desired salary?

Why should I hire you?

Have you ever failed?

Why is there a gap in your work history?

How do you answer scary interview questions? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.


How to Answer the Question “What’s Your Greatest Weakness”

question_greatest_weakness_webAt some point during an interview, chances are the interviewer will ask you one of the most intimidating questions of the process – “What’s your greatest weakness?”

While this question is difficult to answer and may seem like an odd thing to ask a stranger, it can reveal a lot about you. The interviewer asks it not only because they are interested in how you handle a tough question, but also because they’re trying to figure out if you’ll be a good or bad fit for the open position.

Knowing what interviewers are looking for will help you face your interview fears and showcase yourself as the perfect job candidate. Take a look at these dos and don’ts before you head to your next interview.


  • Try to turn a negative into a positive. This is an old trick interviewers will see right through. Avoid answers like, “I work too hard,” “I’m a perfectionist,” or “I care too much.”
  • Be brutally honest. While honesty is encouraged and expected in an interview, there are certain answers you should avoid – even if they’re true. This is not the time to reveal that you have trouble getting to work on time or that you aren’t a team player.
  • Avoid the answer. This question can be intimidating, but you should try to answer it to the best of your ability. Everyone has at least one weakness, so saying that you can’t think of one is not the way to go.
  • Make a joke. Now’s not the time to be funny. If you answer this question with a joke – like “I can’t avoid eating chocolate” – it may make the interviewer think you aren’t taking the interview seriously.


  • Be aware of the job requirements. Don’t pick a weakness that sets you up as a poor candidate for the job. For example, if you’re interviewing to be an office assistant, don’t say that you’re bad at organization or dislike answering the phones.
  • Be real. It’s easy to pick a weakness that doesn’t actually affect you, but it’s better to be honest with your answer. Don’t pick your worst weakness, necessarily, but there’s bound to be a weakness that is interview-appropriate and honest.
  • Reveal a weakness that is somewhat minor. It’s best to state a weakness that can be viewed as fixable. If you’re a poor public speaker or are not familiar with all of today’s computer programs, those are fixable and trainable weaknesses to have. Don’t forget to add that you have a desire – and a plan – to fix it.
  • Be brief. There’s no point in going on and on about your weakness. Be concise, and avoid sounding negative or defensive.

As with any interview question, remember to practice your answers beforehand. Anticipating what an interviewer may ask and preparing your responses can help you feel less anxious about your interview and present yourself in the most positive way possible.

How do you answer this interview question? Share your tips in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Four Facts You Should Know About a Company Before You Interview

facts_about_company_webScoring a job interview with a company you’re excited to work for is always a positive thing. But, you still may experience the famous mix of anticipation and dread that goes along with an interview.

Rest assured that nervousness and wariness are normal feelings when faced with an interview, but gaining a little pre-interview knowledge about the company will go far in helping to reduce the nervousness. Here are four facts you should know before walking through the door:

  • What does the company do, how does it do it, and what is its mission statement?
    Because most businesses have a website, look up the company and read about its services, products, business model, press releases, and any other information available. Learn what is most important to the company so you’ll have a good starting point to speak from during the interview.

On the company website, look specifically at the “mission statement” or “about us” page. If the mission statement emphasizes customer service, you’ll know that’s important to the company. These pages also typically give the history and philosophy of the business you’re interviewing with.

  • How is the company doing financially? Most companies have a website, and most websites have something like an “investor relations” tab. Some companies list their quarterly earnings publically and publish an annual report. Even small start ups have information available on websites like

Why is this important? You’ll be able to speak intelligently about the future of the company, based on the facts you’ve read. In addition, you can decide if a company is financially healthy to be able to hire you long-term, offer a competitive salary or benefits, and be around for the next several years.

  • What is the company culture? This might take a little more effort. An easy way to see what the company dress code and culture looks like is to drive by early in the morning or at the end of the work day. Doing so may allow you to see how the employees entering or leaving the building dress. Or, if you know any employees, simply ask them about the code.

Again, websites are great ways to explore the feel of a company. Check to see if the company is active on social media, which may help you discover if they value healthy lifestyles, are involved in the community, or other information that can come in handy when answering tough interview questions.

  • What is the company’s reputation? Local and national news media often report on large corporations, so research news articles about the business. Some businesses may have a marketing page on their website with access to press releases and awards. You can also visit the company’s social media pages and mentions to see what they are saying to followers and what others are saying about them.

The more you know about a company, the better you will feel about answering questions. You will also appear more knowledgeable to potential employers. Knowing these facts about a company is a great way to come up with potential questions for your interviewer and show that you are interested in the job.

Are there other things you should know about a company before you go on the interview? Share your thoughts and tips with us!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.