Tag Archives: lunch

Five Painless Ways to Save Money While Job Hunting

SaveMoney_June2014_webWe’ve all been there – looking for a job, lacking a paycheck, and searching to find ways to cut back on spending. That’s why Movin’ On Up has compiled a list of five simple and painless ways to save money while you continue your job hunt. These money saving tips will not only help your pocketbook, but will assist you in your job search as well.

Money Saving Tip #1: Dress for Success Without Breaking the Bank
It’s not a secret that dressing for the job you want, and not the job that you have (or don’t) is one of the most touted tips for success. This can be hard to accomplish on a tight budget, but it’s important to look your best when going to an interview. If you don’t feel your current wardrobe is suitable for a first impression with your potential new boss, check with a friend to see if they would be willing to lend you an outfit. Another way to solve this problem would be checking local secondhand or consignment stores, such as Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or online stores like eBay. Browsing through these shops for the beginnings of a professional wardrobe can yield some unexpected and worthwhile results.

Money Saving Tip #2: Avoid Eating Out
Eating out often is not easy on your wallet. Instead of going out to dine, take a trip to the grocery store and buy ingredients for meals you can prepare throughout the week. There are multiple websites at your disposal for recipe ideas that are fast and low-cost. For example, at www.eatingwell.com, you can sign up and receive a free printable dinner plan for a month of easy weeknight meals for busy families. For similar meal plans, just use your preferred search engine to look for inexpensive meal options.

Money Saving Tip #3: Strategically Plan Your Search
When on the hunt for a job, it’s easy to simply drive around aimlessly and hope you come across a place you’d like to work. Instead of using this approach, hop online the night before and choose a specific section of your city or town to travel to. Visit different sections on different days and you can strategically visit every part of your city without driving back and forth past the same business repeatedly. This method will save you money spent on gas, which we all know can be a drain on your pocketbook.

Money Saving Tip #4: Build Your Resume for Free
Volunteering and continuing your education aren’t just ways to feel good about yourself; they are also valuable opportunities for adding skills and experience to your resume. Check with your local Regional Food Bank, Boys and Girls Club, and various other non-profit centers for volunteer openings in your area. This can also prove to be an effective networking opportunity and a place to meet future employers, so don’t forget to work hard and introduce yourself to as many people as possible. For education, check out Duolingo to learn a new language, learn to code at Code Academy, or even learn about web development at W3 Schools. These specific skill sets are at very high demand and can be learned for free over the web.

Money Saving Tip #5: Write off Your Job Hunting Expenses
Many of your job searching expenses are tax deductible, including resume preparation fees and traveling expenses. Check out www.moneycrashers.com for a list of four ways to deduct job hunting expenses. Of course, make sure to also go to the IRS website for a complete list of details and restrictions.

A vast majority of job seekers are learning ways to cut costs. And, implementing these five simple tips can put you on the fast track for not only a fuller bank account, but a job as well.

Do you have any other tips for cutting back on spending? Have you had success with any of these techniques for saving money and getting a job? Let us know in the comments below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Lunch Foods to Keep you Energized at Work

Lunchenergy_Jan_2012_webWe’ve all been there – 2:30 p.m. rolls around and our eyelids feel like they weigh 50 pounds. We start yawning, then stretch and squirm at our work station to stay awake. The mid-day food drain can impact your productivity at work and can be frowned upon by co-workers if you’re constantly yawning at meetings.

It’s time to ditch the drowsy and embrace the energy at work. By changing a few habits during your lunch break, you can find the energy you need to last the day and work stronger than ever. Here are some fun food ideas to help you stay awake and avoid the urge to take a nap at your desk.

Why Am I So Sleepy?
After eating, your body is diverting blood flow for the digestive process. While this blood flow can energize you, the heavier, fattier foods cause sluggishness. Eating sugary foods greatly increases blood sugar levels, causing the pancreas to release insulin. This causes the body to change the insulin into several enzymes until it finally gets into the brain and is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel sleepy.

Like a Checkbook, Keep it Balanced
One of the best ways to keep yourself fueled throughout the day is to make sure your lunch is complete with carbohydrates and low-fat protein. The good kind of carbs come from fiber in foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, and whole grains.

One of the best ways to combine these foods is with the classic sandwich. You can combine whole-grain breads, wraps, or pitas with high protein foods like lean meats, such as turkey, chicken, tuna, cheese, or eggs. You can complete it with assorted greens, sprouts, onions, tomatoes, or cucumbers to help give you some extra long-lasting carbs to keep you energized.

Eating sandwiches every day may get boring and you might get back in the habit of eating out. To add some variety to your lunch, consider bringing leftovers from previous dinners. They are a great food to bring because you can control the calories and portions to ensure it will be healthy yet filling. It wouldn’t be hard to cook a little extra at nights and bring your black bean casserole, soup, or chili to work throughout the week.

Less is More
Many starchy and carb-loaded foods take time to expand in your stomach to tell your body that it’s full, which causes you to still feel hungry after eating. Big meals take more effort to digest, which works your body harder and results in less oxygen and nutrition reaching your brain.

Another way to keep your energy level up during work is to spread your meals into smaller portions throughout the day instead of a big meal at lunch. Eating frequent, healthy snacks will keep your metabolism going and help you feel energized. Foods like fruits provide long-lasting carbs full, leaving you feeling energetic hours after consumption. Eating fiber in granola and oatmeal can also help keep you from feeling hungry and give you a vigorous boost as the day continues.

You don’t have to struggle keeping tempo with your after-lunch work schedule. If you eat healthier, smaller portions, you can maintain a high level of energy while feeling full and content all day. What are some foods you like to eat at lunch that keep you going all day?