Getting the Most Out of Your Workday: Part 3 of 3: Organize and Prioritize for the Future

Previously, we discussed creating a productive schedule and avoiding disruptions in this 3 part series to get the most out of your workday. Here we’ll discuss organizing and prioritizing your workweek to increase productivity.

Plan ahead.
When you start the workweek or begin the day, sometimes it can be hard to remember what tasks you need to accomplish. Instead of wasting time and productivity by trying to recall which tasks to complete, create a daily or weekly “to do” list. Spare about 15 minutes at the end of your workday to plan out and prioritize your tasks for the future, whether is a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. Also, use this time to tidy up your work area and finish any remaining tasks, like replying to nonessential emails. This allows you to come to work the next day and jump right in.

Find a routine that works best for you, plan ahead, and cut back on distractions and interruptions. By doing so, you’re taking the appropriate steps to a more focused and productive workday, making yourself an invaluable employee to your company.

Do you find it hard to stay on task and consistently meet deadlines? What other tips and tricks have you found helpful to keep your productivity up?

Getting the Most Out of Your Workday: Part 2 of 3: Avoiding Distractions

The first part of this series was on identifying the best routine for optimal productivity. This part of the series discusses how to avoid distractions to get the most out of your workday.

Have what you need nearby.
By constantly getting up to retrieve essential items, you’re wasting valuable time and interrupting momentum built up from productive work. Keeping items within reach will leave you with more time to complete tasks. Storing nutritious snacks and bottled water nearby will prevent you from constant trips to the vending machine and water cooler, where you can get sucked into lengthy discussions by co-workers.

Slip on headphones.
To cut back on background chatter, slide on your headphones and listen to some music. Your train of thought can be easily broken by office noises, such as printers or copiers, or by ongoing co-worker conversations. Music can help drown out the sounds and keep you focused. If you can’t work while music is playing, try slipping the headphones on without music as a “do not disturb” sign to others. Be sure to keep iPod etiquette in mind at the office.

Make time for breaks.
When you’re swamped, taking breaks might sound like the last thing you should do, but breaks keep you fresh and prevent you from burning out after a few hours of work. Time away from your desk can help you re-group your thoughts to focus on the task at hand when it’s deadlines are looming.

Check out the last part of this series in our next post on organizing and prioritizing your workweek to increase productivity.

Getting the Most Out of Your Workday: Part 1 of 3: Stay Focused and On Task

Have you ever left work feeling like nothing was accomplished that day? Is the stack of papers in your inbox constantly growing taller? By maintaining high levels of productivity, you can cut back on stressful times when workloads pile up, as well as boost your value to your employer.

Utilize the tips below to stay on task and get the most out of your workday.

Create a routine for the start of your day.
The way you start your workday can influence your productivity dramatically. To avoid unproductive days, start off by allotting yourself just 15 minutes to settle in for work. Don’t spend more than 15 minutes reading the morning paper, chatting with co-workers, getting coffee, or checking voicemail. Replying to nonessential e-mails can wait until you’ve completed some work. Most of you are freshest and more productive when you first come into work. Getting distracted or starting off slow can hinder a positive morning of work, leaving you with a heavy workload in the afternoon.

Find the best time for tedious tasks.
As much as you want to put them off, sooner or later you’re going to have to work on projects that are monotonous or boring. It’s best to find out when’s the best time for you to work on these tasks according to your nature. Some of you might be most productive at the start of the day and like to work on projects requiring more brain power during this time. Or, you might find that repetitive jobs need less creativity and can be saved for the end of the day, when you’re tired from the workday.

Check out parts 2 and 3 of this series in our next blog posts. Next time we’ll discuss preventing disruptions and planning your workday.

The Job Description Doesn’t Request a Cover Letter. Should I Write One Anyway?

As you’ve hunted for a job and read description after description, you’ve probably noticed that some postings request a cover letter in addition to your résumé. Others simply state to submit your application or résumé but don’t mention anything about a cover letter, and most people will just omit it if it’s not requested. But, a cover letter is an important way to highlight your achievements to help you land the job or at least an interview. Check out these reasons why you should write one, whether or not an employer requests one.

Your résumé only says so much. With only one, or maybe two, pages to explain your qualifications, previous experience, and education, you can’t always get everything into your résumé that might convince an employer to interview you. A cover letter gives you the opportunity to share more information, such as why you want the job, specific examples of why you’re qualified for the position, and how you’d be an asset to the company or organization.

You’ll be ahead of the competition. Most people don’t take the time to write a cover letter if one isn’t requested. In this case, when your résumé arrives with a well-written cover letter, employers will take notice. You’ll stand out from other candidates that only turned in a résumé, and have the added bonus of being able to say in your own words why you’re qualified for the job.

The more information you can share with an employer, the better your chances are for an invitation to an interview. Make sure you include a cover letter the next time you apply for a job, and you’ll be a step ahead of the competition.

Driving Under the Influence – Wrap Your Vehicle for Free Gas

With gas prices continuing to increase, consumers are really starting to feel the strain in their wallets. To help release the stress of the rising prices at the pump, some companies have started to offer incentives to their employees. One extreme incentive some companies are using to offset the high cost of fuel is offering to pay employees a monthly stipend plus free gas to allow the employer to wrap employee vehicles with the company’s advertisement.

What incentives would you like to see your company offer to help with the current gas crunch? We want to hear from you. Please post your comments in the section below.

Body Language – 4 Tips to Help You Land a Job

You’ve probably heard that first impressions count, but have you ever thought about how body language affects how people perceive you? Of course clothing, grooming, and the way you speak says a lot about who you are as a person, but body language says what you may not verbally.

Body language is extremely critical in first meetings and job interviews. How you carry yourself in a job interview says a lot about what image you will cast in the workplace. Think about it – you wouldn’t continue talking to someone who was slouched down in their chair with their arms crossed would you? This image sends the message that you’re uninterested or unfriendly.

To help you control your body language in job interviews, try these tips below.

Don’t slouch. Having poor posture is not only bad for your body, but it’s bad for your interviews. It gives the impression that you are lazy, uninterested and bored. Make sure you sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed. This will show that you are alert, attentive, and involved in the conversation taking place.

Make eye contact. Wandering eyes distract interviewers. If they’re trying to speak to you and your eyes are darting around the room, it looks like you aren’t paying attention. When you listen to someone, make sure you keep eye contact with them but avoid doing it aggressively by staring them down. Demonstrate your attentiveness by nodding your head to show you’re listening. If you glance down while jotting notes, make sure to reconnect by looking up often. When you are speaking, continue to make eye contact, but don’t stare. Let your eyes move around some to show your thought process, or look at other people who might be in the room. Making eye contact helps you gain trust while letting others know you are engaged in the conversation.

Don’t fidget. It’s important to control your nervous habits such as toe-tapping, fidgeting, finger-tapping, or wiggling. These are obvious signs of nervousness but they’re also very distracting. Also, you want to exhibit signs of confidence. Interviewers understand that potential employees may be nervous during interviews, but they also want to know that you can pull it together. To help calm your nerves, try taking a few deep breaths before you go in to your interview or even if you’re already in the room.

Sit properly. Along with great posture, make sure you’re sitting correctly. It’s good to sit up straight with your legs or ankles crossed or with both feet planted on the floor with legs together. This will work for both men and women. However, men who cross their legs should make sure their legs aren’t crossed to openly with their ankle on the knee. This is too informal. Your arms should be placed in your lap or on the table with your fingers intertwined. If you’re not used to sitting this way, practice in the mirror so it becomes second nature to you in the interview process.

Remember, your words aren’t the only thing speaking for you in an interview. Your body language speaks a thousand words and sometimes says what you don’t mean to say. So, try these tips the next time you’re in an interview and see the difference it makes. You’ll feel more confident and project your professionalism.

Fix Your Quasimodo Slouch: Tips for Correcting Poor Posture at Work

We’ve been taught the importance of good posture since we were little, but how many people actually took that information to heart? According to a study released by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, back pain is the most common cause of work-related disabilities in the United States. The study also shows that back pain is the leading reason for job absenteeism. More workers than ever before are spending long hours behind a desk and on a computer. Strains from poor posture while working will cause little aches and pains here and there, and over time, they add up to serious problems.

To help you correct your posture and dramatically improve the way your back feels at the end of a day in the office, try these tips below.

Adjust your monitor
Almost all problems with posture begin with tension around your neck and head. Begin by correcting your posture at the top, or all other methods will be ineffective. Try sitting down comfortably at your desk in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. Turn toward your computer screen, and then open your eyes. Where your eyes land is the ideal position for the center of your computer screen, because this position is the most natural, so adjust your screen accordingly.

Kick back at work
“Sit up straight.” Many have heard this admonition growing up, but as it turns out, your parents may have been giving out bad advice. A recent study by the Radiological Society of North America shows that the best position for your back is actually a reclined 135 degree position, not an upright 90 degree position. The reclined position calls for both feet to be planted on the floor with a relaxed 135 degree recline to remove pressure from the spinal disks in the lower back.

Don’t get stuck
To avoid being in one position all day and cause your muscles to stagnate, take quick breaks to adjust yourself and stretch. Try changing how you sit for certain tasks. For example, sit back in a relaxed position when you’re reading, but sit up toward the front of your seat when you’re writing. Lean back from your computer to adjust your neck around regularly to help prevent tension build up. Also, it’s good to stand up periodically while you work.

Keep your feet planted
When sitting behind your desk, keep your feet flat on the floor with your knees slightly apart. By sitting with one leg under you or crossing your legs, you are twisting your spine, and putting pressure on your knees and hips. Doing so will give you bad posture, compress your lower back and cause aches and pain in your body.

You can prevent back pain and injury and good posture is one of your best defenses.

Are you conscious of your posture at work? Are aches and pains causing you more trouble than before? Try these simple adjustments today, and see if you notice the difference.