Tag Archives: search

How to Avoid Communication Shutdown

Communication_Shutdown_webFor the past week, our government has been “shutdown.” Both the Democratic and Republican parties are blaming each other for different reasons. Although there is no simple conclusion, we can learn from this. We have all seen where poor communication can lead, so here are three tips for better workplace communication.

Active Listening
One of the most important components of communication is listening. After all, it’s impossible to give an intelligent response if you didn’t understand what the person was saying in the first place. Pay attention to the person’s body language as well as their words, and resist the urge to interrupt or plan what you are going to say next while they are speaking. Once your co-worker has finished his or her statement, you will be able to formulate an appropriate response and will have a better understanding of the idea he or she is attempting to communicate.

Ask, Don’t Assume
All too often, people stereotype each other and assume the worst intentions rather than asking how they can meet in the middle. Each party thinks it’s the other person’s problem when the responsibility is really mutual. If you need help or have a question just ask, don’t assume anything.

Always Follow Up
Never assume that an electronic message has been received. Digital information can be lost in transmission or accidentally deleted by the person receiving it. Make a habit of regularly following up on important communications. Whether you’ve just had a meeting or an interview, remember to always follow up to keep communication flowing with your coworkers.

If you have would like to share some helpful tips on workplace communication, please do so in the comment section below.

5 Surprising Things Not to Say in an Interview

Keeping SecretsThere is no doubt job interviews are stressful. Between the interview preparation, trying to wow the interviewer, and managing your employment situation, your plate is full. But with all you are trying to remember “to do” have you thought about what “not to do?” Here are five things to never say in an interview.

1.    I don’t know how to use computers.
Maybe you don’t feel comfortable with computers but with technology taking hold of all facets of our life, it’s time to have some level of comfort with it. Even if you are looking for a job that may not require computer skills, you may have to use one for a specific task, for example filling out your timecard. Explain what you can do, whether it’s play games online, send email, or Skype with your family, share your experiences with computers. If you don’t have a computer at home visit your local library. They may have free classes that will help you get familiar with computers. You never want to lie about your abilities, and they may not be looking for a computer whiz, just someone who has familiarity with computers.

2.    I bet I could learn how to do that.
Hiring employees is time intensive and costly. Employers want to be as certain as possible about your work ethic and ability to do the job and get up and running quickly. Be familiar with the job description and share transferable skills and related experiences that would make it quick and easy for you to perform the task required. Choose your words carefully and demonstrate your confidence.

3.    I’m so busy.
Everyone has a life outside of work, but what’s most important during an interview is how well you would be able to perform the job at hand. Telling too much about your family responsibilities, hobbies, or other jobs may lead a prospective employer to believe that your ability to work will not be consistent.

4.    What I really want to do is _____.
You’re here for a job, and the interviewer doesn’t want to hear your dream job is something different. Show your appreciation and enthusiasm for the opportunity. There may not be a direct career path for you, but focus on what you can learn and gain from the job opportunity.

5.    I just couldn’t stand ______.
There isn’t anything to be gained from being negative. It’s fine to be honest about tasks you don’t enjoy but don’t exaggerate the situation. It’s good to let them know you understand there are good and not so good aspects to every job. In addition, it’s unprofessional to talk negatively about people and companies from your past. Focus on your future and what you’ve learned in the past, but keep it clean, positive, and brief.

Take time to prepare before your interview. Understanding the job description, the company information, and how your experiences and abilities make you right for the job will help keep your conversation on track. It’s natural to be nervous, but don’t rush your conversation. Choose your words carefully and remain focused, it’s okay to pause and collect your thoughts.

How do you ensure a successful interview conversation? Share your tips in the comments section below.

The Cost of a College Education

Gust Post: Marcela De Vivo

It seems like no matter how good the job market is, it’s still nearly impossible to sail through the interview process and land the job of your dreams. Between never knowing what employers really want, and making yourself memorable among all the competition, getting a job can be brutal. But what might be even more difficult is actually earning a degree that will help you get noticed. A college degree is quickly becoming a necessity in the job world, but when college is so expensive, what should you do?

Unfortunately, far too many students borrow money, and suddenly, they are so deep in loan debt, they can’t even see past their next paycheck. Studies have shown that 37 million people in America carry debt that they accumulated in college, due to the amount of loans they took out. Without being educated on a better financial plan to pay for college, students get stuck with debt they have no way of paying back. So, before you jump into the world of loans, educate yourself on the cost of a college education.  It’s always better to be informed.


Is It Time for a New Job?

TimeForNewJob_Sept2013_WebEarlier this year, Inc. Magazine reported that 86% of employees plan to search for a new job in 2013. Maybe you’re in that 86% majority. Or maybe you’re in the 14% who aren’t actively seeking other employment but wondering if you should be. Either way, before you commit your time and energy to a new job hunt, you need to know if it’s the right time for a change.

Any time you change employers, there are a lot of factors involved. Changing jobs means you’re entering into a brand new environment with new people, new expectations, rules, responsibilities, and a new culture. You’ll want to make sure you’re leaving your current job for the right reasons.

You’re Ready for Career Growth
When it comes to your career, you should be in the driver’s seat, so it’s important to know when you’re on the right path and when you’ve taken a detour.  If your desire is to move up into a management position and you feel you’re ready to go to the next level, try having a conversation with your current  manager or boss and let them know your goals. Remember, communication is key. Before leaving any company it’s important to understand your options. If you are unhappy and stressed out all the time maybe some things need to change. Don’t mistake being stressed out for being burned out. Here are a few scenarios to help you determine the difference.  If you find there is no room for growth, it may be time to find something new. As you’re looking, just remember to continue to find ways to grow your knowledge and skills no matter where you are. The same goes for when you want new responsibilities, to move into another area of work, or receive a fair compensation increase.  Always be sure you’ve communicated with your employer about your desire, and not just assumed something’s not possible.

You’re Experiencing Toxic Relationships
The people you work with every day can make or break a job. No matter where you work, there may be conflict from time to time, so you shouldn’t decide to leave just because you don’t get along with someone. But, if the overall attitudes of your coworkers are negative, or you have a bad boss, it may be time to consider moving on. Relationships play a big role in how engaged, fulfilled, and happy you are in your workplace.

You Don’t Feel It’s a Good Culture Fit
How you mesh with your employer’s culture, including their values, work pace, and expectations, is another important factor in charting your career plan. If you’re finding yourself constantly at odds or frustrated with your company, ask yourself a question. Have you changed, has the employer changed, or has it always been this way? If something has changed recently, like a shift in what you value in an employer or a change in direction from corporate leadership, then you need to weigh the pros and cons of leaving. If nothing’s changed, and you came on board with the company knowing about your differences, then try thinking back and remembering why you took the job in the first place. This will help you make the best decision, whatever it may be.

Changing jobs can be exciting, rewarding, and a great step for your career, but breaking up with your employer isn’t something to be taken lightly. You should always check your motives. If you’re sure that you’re doing the right thing, go ahead. Just remember to not burn any bridges along the way because you never know where they can lead, stay classy.

How did you know it was time to change jobs? Share your story below.

Millenials and the Job Search

MillenialsJobSearch_Sept2013_webOut of all the generations in the workplace, the Millennial generation seems to be the most talked about and researched today. Those born between 1980 and the late 1990s have shocked and awed the professional world, earning themselves a variety of titles, including “the most innovative generation” and  “the most entitled generation.” But, love ‘em or hate ‘em, Millennials are changing the workplace and causing business leaders to question just about everything. What do they want in a job? How do they approach the job? How do millennial employees want to be managed?

Turnover and Retention
Last month, Beyond.com, a career network for advancing professionals, and Millennial Branding, a research and consulting firm, provided new data that could help answer these questions. Their national survey, “The Cost of Millennial Retention,” specifically looked at Millennials, also known as Gen Y, turnover and retention from the employer’s view. Here are a few conclusions about Millennials, based on their findings:

•    Millennial workers are on the move – 30% of companies surveyed reported losing 15% or more of their Millennial employees in the past year.

•    They aren’t afraid to change jobs if they aren’t getting what they want – companies are implementing programs to entice Millennials to stay, including workplace flexibility (48%), mentoring (40%), and internal hiring (37%).

•    Millennials will do what’s best for their career – the top reasons for Gen Y employees to leave their jobs were that they had received a better job offer, their career goals didn’t match with their employer, and the company didn’t offer career growth opportunities.

•    Millennial professionals use a variety of tools for their job search – recruiters connect with Millennial candidates on job boards and corporate websites (62%), as well as LinkedIn (9%).

Share Your Thoughts
These stats provide some good insight into how Millennials approach their career, which affects everything from their job hunt to what they need to stay with an employer. With these findings in mind, share your opinion on how Millennial workers want to be managed in our monthly poll.
If you’re a Millennial, do you think these statistics accurately portray you? How do you think any job seeker, no matter their age, could use this information to help them in their job search? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

3 Times When a Functional Resume is Your Best Bet

Let’s face it, if everyone could get a foot in the door and personally introduce themselves to the employer they want to work for, then everyone would have the job of their dreams. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. So what can we rely on to incite interest from hiring managers and get ahead of the competition?

The answer is – a resume. This document has been known to make or break your chances at landing that job you desire. It’s often your first impression and the emissary that chronicles your work history and skills. But there is more than just one style of resume. The key to finding the right one is to figure out what compliments your work history and skill set. If you want to really flex the skills you have acquired then a functional resume is the right format for you. Below are three reasons to choose function over form.

  1. When You’re New to the Job Market
    College grads typically have little to no experience in the field of their studies. A functional resume allows you to show off what you know, what you’ve learned, and show that you have the know-how to get the job done. Remember to tailor the skills on your resume for each employer. Different aspects of your diversity or knowledge may be beneficial to some and not to others.
  2. When You Have Gaps in Your Work History
    Sometimes gaps in our work history are out of our control, and without an explanation they may give the wrong impression of your work ethic, or the appearance of a “job hopper.” Many companies may see the value in your experience but may not want to invest time and money to train you only to have you leave months later. A functional resume takes the focus off of when and where, and places it on the value you received from your time there.
  3. When You Don’t Have Relevant Work Experience
    Not all past experience will relate to the job you want. If you’re looking at beginning an advertising career, your accounting experience is probably not going to sell your creative side. A functional resume allows you to focus on the soft and hard skills that are more related to the position you want.

A functional resume may not be for everyone. If you don’t know what is best for you, look at your work history and put yourself in employers’ shoes. If your skills are valuable to the position but your years of unrelated employment aren’t, a functional resume is the way to go. Have any tips on how the functional format helped you land a job? Tell us in the comments section below.

Work Ethic/Integrity Most Important Atribute in Hiring

ACO13_250X300_JobSeeker-PollResults_Sept (2)
Express Employment Professionals recently asked leaders and job seekers about the most important attributes in hiring a new employee, and both parties agreed that work ethic/integrity are at the top of the list. College degrees ranked the lowest, continuing the debate about the value of a college education. Since work ethic and integrity rank so high on this poll, check out this post on ways to improve your integrity on your cover letter.

Number two on the list was work experience, proving that taking temporary assignments can really pay off. There is a variety of part-time and full-time work available that can utilize the skills you’ve obtained. According to the American Staffing Association, 40% of staffing employees use temporary work to obtain employment experience or job training.

A popular discussion point in the “Other” category by leaders was attitude.

This poll is part of a larger conversation by Express within America Employed, a series of reports on the state of employment and unemployment in America and who gets hired and why.