5 Tips to Empower Your Team

Employers often times want to empower their employees, but they don’t always know quite how to go about it. Empowering employees is crucial to the survival, expansion and growth of your business. It not only creates employee satisfaction but increases productivity and morale. Here are five tips to empower your employees.

  1. Ask for input. It can be hard to ask for ideas and suggestions from staff members if your department isn’t used to working together on projects as a team. But, who knows your customers better than the employees who interact with them on a daily basis? And for internal issues, employees are in the midst of the daily activities and can contribute valuable information for making things better. These employees know what will work both internally and externally to make everyone happy. By allowing all your employees to actively add input, you will not only add value to your clients, but you will add value to your staff as well.
  2. Reinforce with positive feedback. Make sure your employees know when they have done a job well. Many employers may avoid consistently giving positive feedback to employees because they believe employees are just doing their jobs and shouldn’t require recognition. However, employees often become unmotivated when they hear only negative feedback. Employees who feel respected and valued within their departments will perform better on their tasks and are more likely to stay loyal to your company.
  3. Designate leaders. It is important to delegate projects and tasks to individual employees and give them authority over specific projects because it gives them a sense of value within the organization. They begin to see the goals of the company more clearly and feel more a part of the process. Assign projects to high-performing employees and make them leaders on individual tasks. This will not only help alleviate your own workload, but it also gives your employees an opportunity to shine.
  4. Mentor your employees. The most successful companies are the ones that invest in their most valuable assets, their people. Investing in your employees’ developmental growth not only benefits them, but it also benefits your company. Instead of focusing on just being their boss or managing your team, try being your employees’ mentor. Focus on coaching them to success. Help them achieve not only the department or company goals, but their personal career goals as well. Find out where they want to be in the next year, or even five years, and help them achieve their goals by giving them the tools they need to develop and become successful.
  5. Encourage open communication. Make sure that you clearly communicate your goals, projects and ideas, and encourage your employees do the same. Establish an environment where employees are comfortable expressing their comments and feel free to experiment with new ideas. Encourage your employees to contribute in brainstorming activities and commend them for their feedback. This will generate new ideas and establish a more team-oriented atmosphere.

Empowering your employees doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these five tips, you will start to see a difference in your employees’ attitudes, improved respect among co-workers and an increase in productivity. Employers will also see leaders rising to the challenges of more responsibility and a sense of ownership and pride in their employees’ work.

Office Gossip: Friendly Chatter or Hurtful Conversations

Gossip in the workplace is a form of social interaction between two or more co-workers in which speculation and opinion about other individuals becomes the topic of discussion. Gossip can usually be dismissed as idle chitchat, but if you’re not careful, workplace gossip can turn into malicious behavior that can tear teams and departments apart.

In a recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive, more than 2,000 employees were asked to pick their biggest pet peeve. Sixty percent picked workplace gossip as their No. 1 annoyance.

Some companies are taking drastic measures to ensure workplace gossip doesn’t interfere with productivity and employee morale. Empower Public Relations, a Chicago PR firm, has taken steps to prevent workplace gossip by dubbing their workplace “a gossip-free zone.” If anyone is caught engaging in small talk about another person that they wouldn’t say to their face, they are immediately terminated.

According to the CEO of Empower Public Relations, Sam Chapman recently said in an interview with CNN, “Gossip can ruin people’s lives.” A small not-so-pleasant observation made from one employee about another can blow up into a major firestorm of negative comments from co-workers about the employee, ultimately resulting in the employee establishing a bad reputation by no fault of their own. If the issue that was being talked about by other employees is immediately addressed, the problem that existed could have been resolved without jeopardizing the other person’s career or reputation.

Here are a few simple ways that can stop you from engaging in workplace gossip.

  1. Don’t surround yourself with individuals who gossip.
  2. Don’t be afraid to report the gossip to your superior.
  3. Do keep your personal life private.
  4. Do let any gossip you overhear end with you.
  5. Don’t be afraid to let others know that it makes you uncomfortable to be a part of those types of conversations.

Let’s face it, it’s human nature to want to engage in office conversations and often times, individuals enjoy the juicy details of potential drama in the workplace. But you must remember, a real person is involved and the potential damage you or fellow employees can create can be devastating.

If you find yourself in the middle of a conversation that you think might be hurtful to the person you’re talking about, try using these guidelines and eventually, your co-workers will start to realize that you don’t want to participate in workplace gossip.

Working in Your Own World?

In today’s workplace, tenure doesn’t necessarily mean you’re entitled to a promotion. Hard work, dependability and a positive attitude are just a few characteristics that employers look for when promoting employees. Some individuals might not realize that some of their actions and the direction they are heading in their employment might be keeping them from that job advancement they are going after.

Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
Alice: I don’t much care where.
The Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.
Alice: …so long as I get somewhere.
The Cheshire Cat: Oh, you’re sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.

In Alice and Wonderland, Alice embarks on a wonderful adventure marked by chaos and misdirection. After wandering around from place to place meeting different characters who seem to be concerned only with what is going on at any particular moment, Alice finally decides she wants to go home. But, only after Alice took the necessary steps, does she get back home.

If you feel like you work hard but get nowhere or that you keep getting passed up for that promotion, then take a look at Alice’s story. Are you like Alice – taking the necessary steps to reach her goal, or are you like one of the following characters lost in a world without reality.

The White Rabbit “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date. No time to say Hello. Goodbye. I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.” If you find yourself in this situation more often than not, then chances are your boss has noticed your tardiness. You might not think that being late for work should affect your chances for advancement as long as you do a good job while your there. But the truth is, if your boss can’t depend on you, your chances for a promotion will come late as well, if at all. To help you break the habit of tardiness, try getting up 30 minutes earlier each morning. Once you establish a specific time to leave your house in the morning, being on time will get easier.   

The Queen of Hearts“Off with their heads.” If you find yourself easily irritated with your co-workers or you frequently lose your cool, then you may have a temper problem. If you’re in a constant state of anger and make life uneasy for your co-workers, then you probably won’t see a promotion coming anytime soon. In fact, you might have to start looking for a new job. This will not only keep you from excelling at your job, but it will also create higher stress and loss of workplace relationships. Employers typically promote employees who have pleasant attitudes, exhibit professional, friendly tendencies and have good work ethics. These traits show great leadership potential and the ability to thrive under pressure. To help you stay calm during stressful situations, try counting to 10 the next time you get upset or take a walk around the building allowing yourself a five minute timeout. This will help you relax and see things in a clearer perspective. Until you tame the impulse to lash out, you’ll probably not see advancement opportunities.

Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum – “How do you do and shake hands, shake hands, shake hands. How do you do and shake hands and state your name and business. That’s manners!” If you find yourself doing only what is expected of you and nothing more, then you’re really no better than these two characters. Many employees prove that they can do the job, but it’s the ones who go beyond what is expected who get the promotions. To help you get over the “just OK” slump, try talking to your boss to see what you can do to improve your work. Once you’ve excelled at those duties, try asking for more responsibilities. Also, take some initiative on new projects by putting your ideas on the table or stepping up to the challenge when your boss asks for something to be done. Show your boss that you can be a leader.

If you found that your behavior resembles that of one of these directionless characters, it’s time to stop and head in a new direction – like Alice did. Visualize where you want to be in your career first, and then start to take the necessary steps to get you there. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way out of Wonderland and into a great career. 

Age Discrimination – Does This Affect You?

Age discrimination in the workforce is an issue that is not often addressed; however, there are ways to get your foot in the door if you’re a seasoned employee. According to a survey of 168 executives with a median age of 50 conducted by Execunet, a referral network, 74% surveyed are concerned they will be discriminated against because of their age, and 58% believe they have experienced age discrimination in the past. Although age discrimination does exist, it is one of the hardest discriminations to prove, according to research by AARP.

If you find yourself struggling to find a job and think that your age might be a factor, here are a few tips to aide you in your job search.

Start with your résumé. When searching for a job, make sure your résumé offers the most recent and relevant information. Experts advise mature job applicants to reference only the last 10 or 15 years of your job experience. Often times, candidates are overlooked because they have too much experience. Try taking some classes that educate you on the latest technology or trends in your industry, and make sure to list them on your résumé. Also, avoid listing dates such as high school or college graduation, as these can reveal your age.

Update your wardrobe. In an AARP survey, nearly half of the respondents surveyed felt that older workers cannot adapt to change. When you go in for an interview, make sure that not only your résumé reflects your knowledge of current work trends, but your attire reflects current styles as well. This doesn’t mean you have to dress in the latest trends or fashion, but ensuring your wardrobe and hairstyle aren’t aging you unnecessarily is always helpful when searching for a job. This boosts your self confidence, and allows the employer to see that you are up-to-date with what is going on around you.

Sell yourself. Don’t let the age factor get you down. If you show you’re confident and skilled, potential employers will be less likely to consider your age a factor when making hiring decisions. You may feel that younger people are hired to replace older workers, but keep in mind that younger workers feel most jobs are held by people with experience. Instead of focusing on this remember to sell your skills and abilities. Let the interviewer know you are open to training and learning new things. Make sure they know why you’re there and why you’re qualified for the position. Research the company before you interview so you can offer insight on how your past experience can benefit their company. Show enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, but don’t sound desperate.

Network with peers in your industry. You might feel as though you’re too old to network, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Find a local organization that specializes in your desired industry. Get involved within your community and make contacts with individuals that can help you get your foot in the door with companies. By getting your name and face out there with people in your industry, you will not only increase your chances of getting a job, but you will develop valuable and up-to-date information on what is going on in the field.

Age doesn’t have to be a negative factor when searching for a job. It can actually work for you if you follow these tips. Mature workers have confidence and knowledge in a time when we need it the most. With so many workers reaching retirement age, there is a gap in the knowledge between seasoned workers and younger workers just entering the workforce. Utilize your expertise and show how you can be an added value to the company.

Office Romance: In the Clear or in Present Danger?

Have you ever found yourself looking forward to seeing a certain someone at work each day? Or, is that friend at work becoming more than just an office confidant? If you find yourself becoming involved romantically with someone you work with, or if you are experiencing feelings beyond the confines of friendship, then you might want to take these few tips into consideration before embarking on an office romance.

Check the company policy. First and foremost, make sure that you are following the company’s guidelines on offices romances. Some companies absolutely forbid co-workers from becoming romantically involved, while others leave the choice up to the discretion of their employees. Either way, it is a good idea to verify company policy before beginning a romantic relationship with a co-worker. Continuing a relationship with a co-worker when it’s against company policy can result in reprimanding or even termination.

Keep it under wraps. It’s very tempting to want to tell everyone when you begin a new relationship. But hold back. Consider the feelings of your co-workers and how they might react to the news. Some might think that you are focusing on your new relationship more than your work. Others might turn it into office gossip and begin to resent your new found relationship. Share your joy with your friends and family at home, not at work. This can help you keep your work life and your personal life separate.

Be professional. If you’re in a relationship with someone you work with and everyone knows about it, you still need to keep things professional. Exchanging glances, sending affectionate e-mails or kissing in the corner is not the way to show that you’re there to work. Public displays of affection can present problems among co-workers and your boss if they think that you’re allowing your love life to interfere with your professional life. Make sure when you’re at work that you’re focused on the tasks at hand and serious about your commitment to the organization.

It’s understandable that work relationships begin to develop into something more. After all, many people spend the majority of their time at work every week. But, by following these tips on office romance, you can have a professional career as well as a love life.

Bouncing Back from a Bad Review

Have you ever had a bad performance review? Or, gone in for your yearly evaluation only to find that you haven’t been doing as well as you thought? If you have experienced a situation like this, you might have found it difficult to jump back into your job without having negativity or resentment toward your boss. To help you get through times like this, here are some tips to get you back in good graces with your boss.

Stay Open. No matter what, don’t close the lines of communication with your boss. Try talking to them so you can better understand your role in the company and what your primary goals are. Ask questions even if you understand the less-than-flattering review so you can see their side. Have your boss explain or give examples of what went wrong. Ask them to tell you how they would handle a similar situation in the future. By asking for examples for bad marks on your review, you’re not only allowing yourself the opportunity to explain the situation, but you’re also allowing your boss to see that you genuinely care to correct the problem.

Make Improvements. You may have not been proactive in your career before, but now is the perfect time to start. Schedule a monthly meeting with your boss to go over your objectives and your progress over the previous month. Show your boss that you’re taking an active role in improving your work quality. They will not only respect you for handling the situation well, they will value you for your hard work and determination to correct the issue.

Stay Positive. Negative comments can make anyone feel insecure, but remember, everyone has felt this way at one point. Like the old saying goes, “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.” Take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes, address them and improve. By allowing yourself the chance to improve your performance, you’re learning both what to do and what not to do to. This will help you grow within your position and develop professionally.

Have you ever had a bad review? If so, how did you handle the situation?

4 Tips for Knowing it’s Time to Quit

Do you ever feel left out in a team meeting? Do your co-workers exclude your from group discussions? Are you doing work that you find unrewarding? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it might be time for you to quit your job.

Often times, people tend to stay at one job because they don’t want to be seen as job hoppers, or that they can’t handle difficult situations. Other times, the need for financial stability keeps people in their current positions, despite the hardships they feel on the job. Below are several clues that might indicate it’s time to move on from your current job.

You dread going to work. If you find yourself moaning on Sunday about having to go to work the next day, you should consider why you feel this way. It could be fatigue or personal issues that are weighing you down. Try getting a little extra sleep the night before, exercising more or taking a few days off of work to clear your head. If you still find yourself checking the time throughout the day and waiting for 5 p.m. to roll around, then it might be time to find a new job.

You don’t get along with your boss. If you feel that you can cut the tension between you and your boss with a knife, chances are, they feel that way too. Try scheduling a meeting to discuss your problems and concerns before making drastic decisions. If you’ve tried to communicate with your boss about your feelings and nothing has changed, then it might be time to clean out your desk.

You get all the grunt work. If you feel that you’re being underutilized within your department while others take on more challenging tasks, then you might want to check in with your boss before you check out of your job. Talk to your boss about increasing your workload or presenting you with more engaging projects. Also, it could be you’re new to the department, so you might have to prove you worth. Remember, everyone has to do work on projects they don’t want to every now and again. However, if you’re constantly taking on the scraps while your co-workers get the good assignments, even after confronting your boss, then you might want to investigate another job opportunity.

You feel excluded from the team. If you find yourself on the outskirts of team meetings or your fellow co-workers ignore your requests to go to lunch or small talk, then you might want to inquire as to why you aren’t included. If you have spoken with your boss and tried their suggestions, and nothing has changed, a light bulb should go off inside your head.

If you feel that any of these pertain to you in your current position. Try communicating with your boss and/or co-workers first before you retreat into another job. It could just be a simple miscommunication. Letting your feelings known just might be the answer to your problems. If you have tried everything possible to remedy the situation to no avail, then you might want to start looking for a new job. Remember, it is OK to not feel as though you are a perfect match within your job, but if it starts to affect your health or sanity, then leaving might be your only option.