At Work

3 Tricks for Reducing Workplace Stress

reduce stress at workDo you work in an environment that’s filled with tension or chaos? If you do, you probably struggle to feel relaxed and focused while at work. Although you may not be able to change the atmosphere around you, you can alter the way you react to it. Following the tips below can help reduce the amount of stress you experience at work.

Let it roll off your back. While it can be difficult not to take a sharp word or a careless act personally, staying calm really is the best way to react. If a co-worker or manager says or does something that gets under your skin, focus on redirecting your attention. You can do this by thinking about something that makes you feel happy or relaxed. Also, try to remind yourself that the person probably didn’t mean to be hurtful or rude, but acted without thinking.

Accepting people’s flaws and forgiving them when they offend you will not only improve your workplace relationships, it will also dramatically reduce your level of stress.

Focus on one day at a time. It’s easy to get caught up in worrying about what tomorrow holds or rehashing something that went wrong in the past.  But, when you fret about the future or the past, you waste today. Instead of always looking ahead of or behind you, keep your eyes focused on the task at hand.

It’s much easier to deal with problems at work when you take things one day at a time. If you’re stewing about another day’s concerns, stop and tell yourself that you will only deal with the stressors that are currently in your path.

Take a breather. When you’re overwhelmed by the situation around you, it’s time to take a step back and clear your head. Even if you’re busy, sometimes it’s necessary to take a break in order to give yourself a little distance from a problem. A few minutes of forced relaxation can help you see an issue in a new light, which in the long run can actually save time.

A few good ways to get away and relax in the heat of the moment are to go for a brisk walk, head to a quiet room and meditate or go to your car and listen to relaxing music.

Stress is hard on the body and mind. Workplace tension also reduces your job satisfaction. That’s why it’s so important to make an extra effort to bring calm into a hectic day. Following the advice above can help you develop a more relaxed mindset and create a tranquil work environment.

What type of stress do you have at your job? How do you respond to it?  Share your stories in the comments section.

9 Tips to a Smooth Start at a New Job

Your first few weeks at a new job are crucial because your co-workers are developing their first impressions of you, and you’re forming work habits that will stay with you for the long haul. During this time, your behavior, attitude and actions will set your work pace and form your reputation, so starting off on the right foot is important. Here are nine tips to help you ensure a smooth start at your new job.

1. Ask questions. If you don’t have the answer to a question or problem you are working on, ask someone to help you out. It’s better to avoid a mistake than to make an irreversible one, so don’t be afraid to ask questions.

2. Take notes. Write down everyday tasks and important information that you will need to know later, such as logins and how to operate the phone system. Keep these in a notebook or folder that you can get to at any time. Also, jot down information you learn about the company during training and interacting with your co-workers.

3. Avoid surfing. Stay off of the Internet, and don’t be tempted to check your personal e-mail. If you feel like you have downtime, find company materials you can read to increase your knowledge of the organization, industry and job processes.

4. Turn off your phone. Don’t be a disturbance to yourself and others by answering your cell phone at work. Turn your cell phone off, and let incoming calls go to voicemail. Wait until a break or lunch time to check your voicemail and return personal calls.

5. Complete your tasks. Doing your best work and completing each task on time is critical, because you want your supervisor and peers to see what you are capable of. But, make sure you are also not falling behind. If you find you have too much on your plate, talk to your supervisor and see how you can prioritize your time better.

6. Listen and observe. You can learn more by listening than you can by talking, so be attentive and don’t interrupt others when they are speaking. You’ll be able to learn about company culture, work flow and company policy by paying attention to your co-workers and observing their behavior in the workplace.

7. Be positive. Your attitude shows if you care to be at your new job or not, so be positive and enthusiastic about your new opportunity. Be friendly and courteous to your co-workers while showing them that you are confident and eager to learn.

8. Earn respect. This is your only chance to create a first impression, so demonstrate your work ethic, and give 110% to all of your duties. Be humble about needing help, and make sure to thank your co-workers when they do help you out. Then, they’ll show you respect, because you’ve earned it.

9. Be a team player. Make time to collaborate with your co-workers, especially if they need help. Work together with your new co-workers instead of trying to compete against them. You’re on the same team now, and you’ll get more done working together than you will working alone.

Being successful in a new job takes effort, so put these nine tips to use from day one. Work on a positive image and start your job off right. Your first impression is usually a lasting impression, so make it a good one.

What advice do you have for others starting a new job?

3 Tips for Negotiating Salary During the Job Interview

negotiate salary in an interviewCongratulations, you’ve landed an interview! Maybe you’re even on your second or third meeting with a particular employer. As things move along in the process, you’re getting closer to the time of salary negotiation. To ensure that you’re prepared when the time comes to talk about money, check out the following tips.

Let Them Bring It Up.
You don’t want to be the one to broach the subject of compensation. If the employer is interested in you, you can be sure that the topic will eventually come up, so wait for that time to discuss it. That means you shouldn’t list your salary requirements on your résumé unless you’re required to do so.

Stating how much money you want too soon can box you into a figure that is lower than what you might’ve received otherwise, or it can eliminate you from consideration because the amount is too high.

Also, bringing up salary too early in the process is presumptuous and can make it appear that you’re only interested in money.

Do Your Research.
Before the interview, it’s your job to find out what the going rate is for the position you’re being considered for. This figure will vary depending on your location, skills, experience and education.

To get an idea of what the salary for the job will be, do online research on sites like, or If you happen to have friends who work at the company you’re interviewing with or know people who work in the same industry, you can get a good idea about what type of salary you can expect.

Researching compensation before the interview is an essential step to receiving a competitive salary. After all, if you don’t know what’s a fair price, how will you know if the interviewer’s offer is one you want to accept?

Don’t Be Too Quick to Accept the First Offer.
Before you shout “yes” to the first number out of the employer’s mouth, take a moment to think things through. Even if you’re satisfied with the offer, it’s best to not be hasty.
Consider asking for a day or two to review the offer before committing. During this time, evaluate the offer and ensure that it’s in line with the position responsibilities and your background.

If the offer seems too low based on your research, try making a counter offer. But be sure you have solid reasons for asking for increased compensation or other perks. Employers won’t be inclined to dish out more money just because you say you “need” it. That’s why you’ll have to be able to explain why your skills and the position responsibilities deserve a higher salary. Chances are, even if the employer is unable to sweeten the deal, they’ll respect you for thinking things through and knowing what you’re worth.

Before going in for an interview, it’s important to know what a reasonable pay range is for the position you’re applying for and to be able to sell your skills to the employer. By preparing for salary negotiations, you’ll increase your chances of receiving the competitive salary you deserve.

7 Tips to a Successful First Day at a New Job

Imagine you’ve recently received a job offer, and you decided to accept it. The job search is over, but now your first day at your new job is just around the corner. Are you a nervous wreck, overwhelmed thinking about all of the changes you’re making, or are you ready? Do you know how to prepare for this challenge? Here are seven tips to help you have a successful first day at a new job.

1. Refresh your memory. Look again at the company’s website and refresh your memory about all of the company’s information you discovered before your first interview. Review any information you may have been given during the interview process. Also, look over the job description and review what is required. If you have time before you start, you may want to polish a skill or two.

2. Get your rest. No one wants to start off their first day tired, so make sure you get a full night’s sleep. If you are feeling sluggish, drink a glass of water in the morning to help wake up your body. Then, you’ll be ready to tackle the tasks at your new job because you’ll be awake and alert.

3. Dress appropriately. Set out your work attire the night before, making sure to follow the company’s dress code. Scrambling around trying to figure out what you are going to wear will only stress you out and probably make you late.

4. Know the route. Chances are, you interviewed where you will be working. But if not, make sure you know how to get there and how long it will take, and plan accordingly so you arrive on time. Remember to factor in traffic if your previous trips to your interviews weren’t during rush hour.

5. Make a good first impression. Be polite and friendly to everyone you meet at your new job. Make good eye contact as you introduce yourself to others. If you need to, write down people’s names so you can remember them later when you pass them in the hall.

6. Be flexible. Although you may want to meet friends for lunch, keep your schedule open. Your new co-workers might offer to take you out to welcome you to the team. In case this doesn’t happen, take a few dollars with you and find a place nearby so you can treat yourself to lunch.

7. Ask questions. Your co-workers understand that you are new to the job and might need help, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Take notes on helpful information you will need later, such as routine tasks and access codes. It’s better to be seen as someone that accepts help than to be a know-it-all that refuses help.

You made it through the application and interview process, so relax and try to enjoy your first day. Remember, the company hired you for a reason. You’re the right person for the position, and you’ve earned this opportunity.

Have you started a new job recently? What suggestions do you have for others that are nervous or overwhelmed about starting a new job?

Finding Time to Workout at Work

As you head back to work after all the holiday festivities, do you find yourself moving at a slightly slower pace? Are the pants that you wore before the holiday celebrations fitting just a little bit tighter than before? If so, then it’s time to start thinking about shedding some of those extra pounds and regaining some energy for the new year.

Many people want to get back in shape but don’t have the time because of work, family and other activities. There are, however, some simple exercises that you can do while you work that will help you increase your energy and health and decrease your waistline.

By following some of these tips, you can jump into the new year energized and healthy.

  • Instead of taking the elevator, try taking the stairs. Just taking those few extra steps will increase the number of calories you burn each day.
  • Try taking a brisk walk around the building a few times during your breaks instead of lounging around talking with co-workers. Walking increases energy levels and helps reduce stress.
  • Stretch your back, legs and arms several times throughout the day to help increase circulation and prevent muscle fatigue. Stretching your body helps relieve muscle tension and increases blood circulation to various parts of your body giving you more energy.
  • Lift small hand weights while sitting at your desk, talking on the phone or walking around the building. Lifting weights helps increase your muscle mass which in turn helps your body burn fat.
  • If you work in a cubicle, try sitting on an exercise ball while at your desk. This will help strengthen your abs and help your posture.
  • If you live close to work, you might want to try riding your bike or walking to the office. Or, if you have to drive to work, park further away from the entrance.

Trying to get back into shape after the holidays can be overwhelming, especially when you have to work every day. Following these tips can help jumpstart your exercise routine, increase your energy and lose those unwanted pounds.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting a Promotion

Promotion QuestionsReceiving a job promotion is a dream of many workers. But, professional advancement isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. If a promotion is on the horizon for you, you’ll want to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the offer before accepting it. Asking yourself the following questions can help you make a more enlightened decision.

Will you enjoy your new position? Just because a promotion offers a boost in title, more money or a few perks doesn’t mean it will increase your job satisfaction. To do that, the position must match your unique interests and strengths.

Before jumping into a new role, closely review your potential job description. Ask your supervisor plenty of questions about what your new job would look like. Will you still be able to work on your favorite assignments? What new tasks will be added? What type of training will be provided? The answers to these questions will give you a better idea of how much you’ll enjoy the work that comes with your elevated position.

Will you be good at the job? Once you have a clear understanding of what the role consists of, you’ll be able to decide if you’ll excel at the new tasks. There’s nothing worse than working in a job that makes you feel like a failure. That’s why you want to make sure your new role is one you’ll thrive in.

Think about tasks you’ve received positive feedback on in the past. Also, consider assignments that have been more difficult for you. After you have a good idea of the type of projects you’re likely to do well with, review the job description again. For your promotion to be a good fit, the job should rely heavily on skills you possess in abundance.

Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Most things in life worth having come with some degree of risk. The same is true for a promotion. But just because there’s an element of uncertainty doesn’t mean you should turn down the offer – it just means you should carefully evaluate the risks before rushing in. Consider the pros and cons of changing your current tasks, level of responsibility and role on the team.

If you’re only interested in the promotion because it means more money, be careful. You may find that the additional salary wasn’t worth it. However, if you’ve reviewed the offer and it seems like a role that would increase your professional satisfaction and personal contentment, then by all means accept it!

What factors would you consider when evaluating a promotion? Would you turn down a promotion if you didn’t think it was a good fit for you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

Showing Respect at Work – Not So Common Courtesy

Common courtesy is becoming more of a pleasant surprise in the workplace than a common occurrence. With meetings, never-ending e-mails and deadlines to contend with, it’s no wonder that individuals are finding it more and more difficult to think of anyone besides themselves at work. And, some co-workers are so busy with there own objectives they don’t even seem to notice the lack of so-called “common courtesy.”

“I need this.” “Make sure you send that on time.” “Did you get my e-mail?” With so little time, courtesy in the workplace has taken a back burner to productivity. However, what most employers and employees don’t realize is that courtesy, or a lack there of, directly impacts productivity, satisfaction and retention. According to a recent article, Stop Workplace Incivility, studies show that 53% of employees’ surveyed who have encountered rudeness in the office lost time at work worrying about the problem, 46% thought about leaving the company to avoid the rude co-worker, and 94% described the incident to someone else or engaged in workplace gossip about the issue.

It’s up to each employee to take the necessary steps to stop the reign of rudeness. Here’s what you can do to help.

  1. Say “please” and “thank you.” It’s as easy as that! By simply saying “please” and “thank you” to people, you’re not only showing respect for that individual but you’re also showing that you value their time and input and who they are as a person. Try adding these two phrases to your conversations, and see the reactions you receive.
  2. Treat others how you want to be treated. If you like to be talked to with respect, chances are, so do the people around you. It can be hard to remember to always treat others respectfully, especially when you are in a hurry, but by approaching any situation in a calm, understanding state of mind, you will not only get more things accomplished but you will establish good rapport with your co-workers.
  3. Take a look at yourself. Many times people think they are acting in a courteous manner, but it isn’t so much how you view your actions that matters, but rather how your actions are perceived by others. That’s why it’s important to consider how your actions and comments might be interpreted by those around you. It takes just a few extra moments to show the courtesy that let’s others know you respect them and value their feelings.

By following these few tips, you can help change the dynamics of your workplace. A little common courtesy can help increase your productivity and job satisfaction, and it might just make you want to stick around for a little while. Try implementing these actions into your everyday work habits and see how your efforts make a positive difference in those around you.