The Job Search

Fall in Love with Your Job Search Again

It’s that time of year! Pink baked goods are everywhere, boxes of chocolate are on sale, and cards decorated with hearts are popping up in every store. Valentine’s Day is just a few days away!

But before you think about that extra-special someone, what about your extra-special self? The job search can be tough, and it’s easy to lose hope. If you’re feeling a bit down, here are a few tips to feel the love again! (more…)

3 Ways Contract Work Assignments Can Advance Your Career

Whether you’re between jobs, looking for a more flexible work arrangement, or just testing the waters of something different, short-term, contract work assignments are a great way to advance your career. Contract work comes in all shapes and sizes. And for those professionals who embrace the opportunity, the reward is often much more than a foot in the door for the job of their dreams. (more…)

Setting S.M.A.R.T Job Search Goals for the New Year

If you don’t have a plan to achieve them, New Year’s resolutions are just pretty words on a page. In fact, studies show 80% of people fail their New Year’s resolutions, with most losing steam by mid-February. It’s easy to say you’ll change, but actually putting those words into practice is incredibly difficult.

One way to succeed with resolutions for your job search is making sure all your goals are S.M.A.R.T. S.M.A.R.T is an acronym created by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham in a 1981 article titled “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management Goals and objectives.” The letters stand for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. Here’s how to make sure your resolutions fit the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. (more…)

Should You Lie on Your Resume?

Is it worth your pants catching fire?

Applying to job after job and getting rejected over and over is awful. It stinks to go through all the trouble of submitting countless applications and then not even getting a single interview. And if you aren’t getting interviews, it’s easy to blame your resume. There must be something wrong with your experience or your educational background. Otherwise, they’d at least let you come in for an interview. It would be so easy to just change a few numbers around or add a position that didn’t exactly exist. They’d never know, right?

Wrong. As noted by Dave Davis, CEO and hiring manager at digital analytics agency Redfly in an article put out by, “Hiring managers were not born yesterday. A single question is enough to catch you out on a lie. It causes an embarrassment and an awkward situation for everyone in the room.” Interviewing is all about making a good impression, and getting an interview isn’t worth it if a lie ends up ruining your reputation. Here are a few other reasons lying isn’t worth it. (more…)

Hindsight is 2020: What We Learned This Past Year

2020 was a weird year. Remote work started across the country, the job search went through a major change, and many of us came out of it more than a little bit stressed.

But that doesn’t mean there weren’t things to learn! We covered a ton of job search ground here on Job Journey, from interview tips to resume guides. Here’s a summary of our top read blogs this year. (more…)

Setting Goals in the Wake of a Tumultuous Year

Saying this year didn’t go exactly as planned may be the understatement of 2020. Businesses that made bull-market goals and optimistic development plans had to reevaluate their vision for the year, even to the point of having a plan just to maintain some sense of normalcy within their organization.

So, as the year comes to a close, normal folks are faced with a similar choice to make when creating goals for next year: should our goals be lofty and aggressive or stay on the safe side in case 2021 is similar to 2020. And if a we fell short of our goals due to the COVID-19 pandemic, should the same goals stay intact or be revised under more realistic conditions?

The best way to answer these questions is to change the way you make goals altogether by evaluating past achievements and building on that foundation. (more…)