Search Results for: bad boss

Answering the Interview Question Recap: Why Did You Have So Many Jobs in Such a Short Amount of Time?

Jobs don’t always turn out like we think they will. Maybe you start a job and find it just isn’t for you, or you got laid off multiple times early on in the pandemic. Perhaps you start a job but have to move because your significant other got a new job or because you need to take care of a sick loved one.

Whatever your reason, your resume makes you look like a job hopper, which might scare off potential employers. They want someone that’s going to be in it for the long haul. According to Glassdoor, the average cost to hire is $4,000, and employers don’t want to spend that money on someone who leaves in a few months. So, if you have numerous jobs in a short amount of time, you’ll almost certainly get asked why in an interview. And even if you don’t, it’s something you should acknowledge and explain. Here’s how. (more…)

If You Feel Guilty for Wanting to Quit Your Job, Should You Still Quit?

Maybe the workload just isn’t something you expected, or you aren’t well-suited to your boss’s managerial style. Whatever the reason, you want to quit your job and start applying to new positions.

But you feel bad about it! Perhaps it’s a busy season and you don’t want to leave your boss or teammates swamped, or you’re worried quitting now will make it look like you’re trying to get revenge for something your boss did. If you haven’t been at the job very long, you might also be concerned what a short-term position would look like on your resume.

In a situation like this, is it better to wait to quit, or should you just rip off the Band-Aid now and be done with it? Here are some suggestions. (more…)

Signs Your Co-Worker Might Be Toxic

We go to work to get things done, and it never helps to blame a co-worker for problems that happen. It’s far better to work together to achieve our goals.

Usually, anyway. But sometimes it just seems like a co-worker is dead set on derailing the entire work process. Maybe they’re constantly gossiping about their peers or always missing deadlines. Whenever you ask them about their problematic behavior, there’s an excuse. They’re having an off day because they slept badly, they missed a deadline because their aunt is sick, they aren’t gossiping, they just “say it like it is.” Here are a few signs your co-worker might be toxic. (more…)

Defending Yourself Against Workplace Gossip

You’re doing your job, meeting deadlines and quotas, and then your boss asks to see you in their office. You aren’t expecting anything out of the ordinary; maybe this is to discuss a new project or a new addition to the team. But something seems off. Your boss doesn’t look happy, and the first words out of their mouth are “There’s been talk around the office that you’ve been…” And things only go downhill from there. (more…)

VIDEO: How Much Should You Share About Your Past Job in an Interview

The truth, the whole truth, or something a bit less than the truth?

Plenty of folks freeze up when interviewers ask what they thought about a past job. Should you reveal how bad it was (if it was bad)  or embellish to make it sound a bit better? Do they need to know what you REALLY thought about your boss?

The answer? Keep things positive! Not sure what that means? A few of our top interviewers are here to help in this handy video.





Answering the Interview Question: If You Could Change Something about Your Past (Or Current) Job, What Would It Be?”

They just want to get to know you

Many job seekers get stumped by this question because they make it much harder than it needs to be. They either say too little (so they aren’t complaining about a past job), or say too much too much (which can make an interviewer think they were a problem employee).

So long as you’re honest, answering the question can be easy. Follow these guidelines and you’ll be just fine.
