Monthly Archives: February 2022

Career Lessons from Classic TV Shows

These days, it can seem like you have to subscribe to 84 different streaming services just to watch all the shows you love. Your favorite drama might be on HBO Max, but you need to get Disney+  for the kids; Netflix has your favorite 90s comedy, and then there’s Peacock for watching The Office.

When it comes to TV, the 60s was a simpler time: there were only three channels! But each show could make a huge impact. And there are plenty of career lessons to learn from these classic shows. (more…)

When and How to Discuss Pay in an Interview

At the end of the day, even if they love their job, people work to get a paycheck. They need to pay for utilities, support their families, and save for retirement. However, it isn’t advisable to ask how much a job pays in your first interview. Companies want a new hire that’s really interested in the job and company culture, not just a paycheck.

But when are you supposed to bring up pay then? And how should you ask? We’ve got you covered. (more…)

More Questions to Ask After the Interview

Job applicants spend most of their time researching questions their interviewer might ask and coming up with suitable answers. Which makes sense, given that most of the interview is spent answering questions. However, it’s just as important to come up with a few questions of your own to ask after the interview is over. Clever questions can both help you learn if the position is right for you and show your interviewer you’re the right person for the job. Here are a few questions that are always great to ask. (more…)

Job Spotlight: Dental Assistant

Explore a career as a dental assistant!

Despite already having experience with several jobs, many working adults are unable to answer the age-old question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Our Job Spotlight monthly blog series is designed to help answer that question. In this series, we review all the basics of specific jobs, from pay and duties, to why people do the jobs they do. (more…)