Why Aren’t You Getting a Second Interview?

You put in the work and sent out plenty of job applications, and you had the opportunity to interview with some great companies. But for some reason, even when you think those interviews went well, you never get a second interview.

What’s going on? Is there something you’re doing wrong? Not necessarily, but there might be a few things you can improve. Here are a few reasons for not getting a second interview and solutions to help you move forward. (more…)

Poll Results: What Benefit Would Entice You to Upskill or Advance Your Hard Skills?

It can be tough to motivate ourselves to go through training when we already have a job or when we’re dealing with the other stresses of life. But sometimes, promotion opportunities are only available to those who take the time to upskill.

If there was one benefit you could get as a reward for taking the time to upskill, what would it be? We wanted to know, so we took a poll. Here are the results! (more…)

Job Spotlight: Registered Nurse

Heal your career with a registered nurse position!

Despite already having experience with several jobs, many working adults are unable to answer the age-old question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Our Job Spotlight monthly blog series is designed to help answer that question. In this series, we review all the basics of specific jobs, from pay and duties, to why people do the jobs they do. (more…)

Question of the Month: What Are You Most Optimistic About in 2022?

Somehow 2021 is already almost over. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the new year, and now Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.

With 2022 drawing ever closer, we wanted to ask you what you are and aren’t looking forward to in the new year. Maybe you’re confident good things will happen, or perhaps you think only bad luck is on the horizon. Let us know by voting in our poll!

It’s Not So Spooky: Writing a Professional Email

BOO! Did we scare you? Ghosts and goblins abound this time of the year, but there’s one monster that crawls out from under the bed all year long: the dreaded professional email. Whether you’re writing a thank you email to a recruiter, contacting a customer or client, or just following up with a co-worker to check on deadlines, it’s important to keep things professional. Here are our tips on how to do so without frightening your recipient. (more…)