Workplace Relationships

Administrative Professionals’ Day

admins day_April2014Today is Administrative Professionals’ Day, a day set aside to let administrative workers know how much they are appreciated for everything they do in their workplaces.

It takes a special person to fill the role of administrative professional. The job title doesn’t do justice to the huge contribution those people provide their companies with daily.  Administrative professionals do a lot of behind the scenes work that many people don’t realize and they deserve to be celebrated.

Ways to Show Your Appreciation
How can you acknowledge the hard work of the administrative professionals at your company? Depending on where you work and how well you know the administrative assistants, you may offer to take them out for lunch, buy them their favorite chocolate or coffee, or write them a note to let them know how grateful you are for their hard work. Taking the time to show your appreciation will brighten their day.

I don’t know about you, but the administrative professionals at my workplace are some of the greatest people I know. They’re incredibly hard working and choosing one day out of the year to let them know they are appreciated is a good start. So, remember to acknowledge your administrative professionals and let them know you appreciate them for all they do.

How do you recognize the administrative professionals at your workplace and celebrate their hard work? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Who’s Hiring this Summer

Summer_Hiring_April2014Summertime is just around the corner, and every year many people take on summer jobs to earn some extra cash. Working a summer job can expand more than just your pocket book – it can also benefit your future! Summer jobs allow people the opportunity to explore a career path, gain experience, and find full-time work.  So, if you’re looking for work this summer, check out this good news!

Positive Outlook
According to the annual summer jobs survey by Snagajob, this summer’s hiring trend looks the brightest it’s been in a while. The number of hiring managers planning to hire more seasonal staff in 2014 is up 10% from the summer of 2013, and wages are at their highest level in six years. Additionally, the number of hiring managers who don’t plan to hire help this summer is down 14% compared to last year at this time.

Even more positive news: Snagajob also shares that hiring managers expect 10% fewer workers to return this summer compared to the summer of 2013, creating more job openings and making 2014 one of the best years for job seekers to get their foot in the door. As in years past, a 54 percent majority believe the biggest competition for summer jobs will be among high school and college students.

Seasonal Jobs
Many cities have local recreational parks and departments that are responsible for local pools, golf courses, and other activities. To find more information on jobs in your community, check out your local parks and recreation website. Another great summer job would be working at a camp, but if you’re not much of an outdoor person, look into working at your local YMCA. Since many children are out of school in the summer, child care is another job option.
So, if you’re out of school, between employment, or just looking to make some extra cash, make sure to check out these summer job opportunities in your community.


  • Lifeguards
  • Park concession, such as selling snacks or accessories
  • Golf course attendants and golf cart drivers
  • Sports umpires and referees
  • Park maintenance and security
  • Lawn maintenance


  • Daytime camp counselor
  • Tutor
  • Childcare giver
  • Class instructor, such as arts and crafts or sports
  • Summer school assistant

Getting a summer job can be a great way to build your resume, earn income, and even make friends while having fun in the sun. The possibilities of summertime employment are growing, so find the job that’s right for you.

Express Can Help
Whether you’re starting a new career, re-entering the workforce, or supplementing your income, Express has the resources to match you with a job that fits your desires and abilities. To search for an Express office near you, visit

What are your plans for summertime employment? Share with us in the comment section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Safety: The Power of Positive Thinking

safety_positive_thinkingApril is Stress Awareness Month, and we want to share some ways to ease your load if you’re stressed, and shine light on the importance of positive thinking. Research shows that nearly half of adults suffer from adverse health effects due to stress, including physical, mental, and emotional problems. If you struggle with stress, here are some things to think about and put into practice this month.

Take Control of Your Thoughts
We all experience stress to some extent, whether it’s worrying about finances, job issues, the future, you name it, we all can worry about something or other. For many people, stress is a cycle that can cause severe depression or worse – but there is help. You can gain control of stress by taking your thoughts captive. If you allow yourself to think one negative thought, you could easily find yourself in a bad mood for days. On the other hand, if you focus on positive things and stay confident, you’ll quickly find yourself in a great mood. Thoughts are a very important part in staying away from stress, so keep a positive attitude, smile, stay in control of your thoughts, turn on some upbeat music, and get back to work!

Keep Calm and Carry On
Stressing won’t add another day to your life. In fact, it could even decrease your lifespan. Stressing can cause sleeping disorders, loss of energy, and weight issues, among a long list of other things. Mitchell Moffitt, co-creator of the popular YouTube series ASAPScience put it this way, “There are a lot of harmful effects that come with stress, and without proper care and release, it can definitely lead to deteriorating mental and physical conditions.”

This April, practice stress management by reducing negative thinking to gain control of your thoughts and focus on positive things. By mastering this area of your life, all the other details will fall into place easier.

The following are a few ways to help manage stress:

  • Develop a strong social support system in the workplace. A co-worker, supervisor, or other ally who is available to talk through problems can help put things in perspective and minimize stress.
  • Take a break to avoid “burnout.” Even something as brief as walking around the building or up and down a hall can help clear your head and distance you from stressors, enabling you to return to the job with a fresh outlook.
  • Set realistic expectations for the amount of work you can complete in the time you have available. Do not attempt to take on more than you can reasonably handle.
  • Recognize you are not perfect and every minor detail in your work will not be perfect either.
  • Try to remain organized and keep your work area free of clutter.
  • Avoid negativity and negative people, and try to maintain a positive attitude about your work and your co-workers.

What do you do to ease stress? Let us know in the comments section below. And let us know what triggers your stress by voting in our monthly poll.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

How to Survive a Bad Review or Termination

Survive_Termination_April2014Everyone hopes to get a glowing report at their annual performance review, but sometimes, you’re met with more negative feedback than positive. Receiving a bad review doesn’t have to mean it’s time to change jobs or signal the end of your career, though. With the right response, you can survive and even thrive. Just make sure you follow these four tips.

Stay Calm
No one likes being told they’ve made a mistake or done something wrong, and it’s normal to feel upset. However, now is not the time to lose control of your emotions. As The Wall Street Journal explains, “while it’s natural to feel defensive or angry during a bad review, career coaches advise against acting on these emotions to avoid making matters worse.” Remind yourself that the performance review isn’t personal and try to think logically about the situation.

Be an Active Listener
As you push through the emotions, really listen to what your supervisor is saying and take detailed notes. Ask questions to clarify anything you don’t understand during the performance review. If your manager is being more general, ask for specific examples of mistakes, why your actions were incorrect, and what you should have done differently. And, as Marie McIntyre, a career coach and author, told CNBC, “Even if you don’t completely agree, you need to show that you understand.”

Make a Plan
Once the bad review is over and you’ve had time to digest everything, you need to come up with a game plan to address the problems your supervisor pointed out. Think about what behaviors or actions you need to change, how you can address issues before they become problems again, and if you should involve your co-workers in your plan. Also, make sure you take into account what your manager said you should have done. Then hold a follow-up performance review meeting to present the plan to your supervisor and get their approval.

Stick with It
The last part of your response is the most critical, because if you don’t follow through with the needed changes, you will only make things worse. Review your plan often, hold yourself accountable, and request regular feedback from your manager.  As you see things improve, take notes for future meetings and performance reviews. The Wall Street Journal recommends “keeping a detailed journal of your accomplishments. Memos that commend you on your work accomplishments also should be filed.”

Nobody is perfect, so don’t let a bad review get you down. Your response to the review is actually far more telling and important than what you did wrong in the first place. Employers value employees who can accept critiquing, be proactive, and implement changes on their own. So, the next time your performance review doesn’t go how you hoped, seize the opportunity to do more than just survive and show what a great employee you truly are.

Have you had a bad review before? How did you survive? Share your experience and insight in the comment section below.


Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Be the Captain of Cool

Captn_OF_Cool_April2014We all have stress in our lives. Stress with relationships, finances, and work. According to the American Institute of Stress, job stress is far and away the major stress for American adults. 46% report that their workload causes stress while only 28% report relationship issues as a main source of stress.

Workplace-related stress has escalated progressively over the past few years and is the number one cause of stress for adults. The third annual Work Stress survey conducted by Harris Interactive found that 83% of Americans are stressed out by at least one thing about their jobs. A 10% increase over the previous study.

In order to grow in your career, it’s important to face and deal with stress the right way. Stress is inevitable and having an effective coping strategy could make a positive difference the next time you’re faced with stress.

Top Performers Know How to Manage Stress
Remaining calm under pressure has a direct link to performance according to Forbes magazine. Talentsmart study found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress. Those top performers have well-planned strategies to use in stressful circumstances. Having a plan to help you “keep cool” under stress can lower your stress level regardless of what’s going on around you.

Why Managing Your Stress is Important to Productivity
Managing stress helps you stay focused on the task at hand, keeping you on track to meet deadlines and achieve goals.

New studies show that moderate stress can actually lead to cell growth in the brain’s learning center i.e. it can actually help you learn. To achieve this benefit from stress, it’s important to keep your stress levels manageable.

How You Can Manage Your Stress

Stay Positive. There are lots of ways to help manage stress from listening to music, to taking a break now and then, but one of the biggest ways you can control your stress levels is by finding things to be positive about. In a study from the University of California, people who worked daily to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for example experienced improved moods and energy. And that can have a big impact on reducing your stress hormone levels. Staying positive also means staying positive about stress.

Change Your Perception of Stress.
Instead of fearing stress, let it motivate you. The feelings that come with stress are often part of your body’s flight of fight response. Try to change your perception that stress is a bad thing and instead use it to push you forward. In one study where participants were asked to view videos that contained messages that stress could be helpful, had a better work performance than those that watched videos about stress being harmful.

As you continue to grow and develop in your career, you’ll take on more responsibilities, and as we all know, that can mean more stress too. So it’s important to learn how to manage that stress now to be successful in the future.

Did You Know?
Prolonged stress can cause serious physical harm. And can result in an increased risk of heart disease, depression, obesity, and decrease your cognitive performance.

There are many things that can cause stress at work, but there are just as many ways you can counter that stress. Maybe your desk is messy and that causes a trigger for stress. Perhaps scheduling your tasks or “to-do” list is causing stress. Whatever the culprit, there is a good chance your physical environment is affecting your stress level. Take time to organize your work space and schedule and see if that helps relieve some stress.

What are some successful ways you handle stress? Let us know in the comments section below. We’d also like to know what your biggest triggers of stress are at your workplace, so let your voice be heard by voting in our poll.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Poll: What are Your Biggest Triggers of Stress at Work?

A recent study by shows that more than half of the people in the workforce carry a great deal of stress. Since April 1 marks the beginning of Stress Awareness Month, we want to know your biggest triggers of workplace stress. Let us know by voting in our poll.

See the results from the poll here.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

4 Questions to Uncover If Your Workspace is Out of Control

out_of_control_desk_Feb2014When was the last time you paused and took a good look at your desk? Sure, you’re busy and work is crazy – we get that. But an out-of-control workspace is only going to make it worse. Your environment impacts your own productivity, efficiency, and attitude, as well those of your co-workers.

So how do you objectively determine if your workspace is just a little untidy or a complete mess? First, you have to stop running from one project to another and spend some time in your workspace. Take a good look around. Then ask yourself these four questions to uncover if it’s out of control.

How does your workspace make you feel?
As you gaze across your desk, how do you feel? If the state of your workspace leaves you feeling assured, confident, and in control, then you’re probably in good shape. But, if the sight of your workspace induces feelings of panic, uncertainty, or insecurity, then it’s probably out of control.

Does your space hinder your productivity?
Now think about how you work in your area. How often do you waste time searching for files, digging for a pen, or sifting through papers? In a Forbes article, Susan Kousek, a Certified Professional Organizer, said, “For many people, it’s difficult to focus when their desk is filled with papers, phone messages, business cards, magazines, and newsletters, especially when the layers are inches high.” A workspace that’s out of control can take a toll on your efficiency and productivity.

Are your visitors and co-workers comfortable?
Unless you work alone at home, your workspace impacts others. You need to consider if visitors and co-workers are at ease when they stop by your desk. Are they able to focus on you and the task at hand? Or are they too busy dodging stacks of folders and being distracted by the clutter? If you’re brave enough, you might even ask the next person who stops by if they think your area is out of control.

Does it come across as unprofessional?
Your workspace says a lot about you and your work ethic. And the number one thing you don’t want is for it to come across as unprofessional. According to the Huffington Post, a messy desk is “often associated with disorganization, thereby giving others around you the impression that you may not have your work (or life) under control.” Don’t let your co-workers, superiors, or customers get the wrong idea about you based on an out-of-control workspace.

Based on those questions, is your workspace out of control? If the answer is yes, don’t panic. Just take it a step at a time, and before long you’ll have a tidy workspace. Organizing your desk and work area might take a little effort and time, but the end result will be a workspace that inspires feelings of confidence, productivity, and professionalism for everyone who enters.

How out-of-control has your workspace gotten? What tips do you have for organizing and maintaining your desk and workspace? Share your experiences below.