Job Interviews

Know When To Go – Job Change

Know when to go_May2014Everyone has moments when they wonder if it’s time to make a change and find a new job. But, if you find yourself constantly thinking of leaving your job and wishing you worked somewhere else, you probably need to do a little soul-searching. It may be time to try something new, or you may just have unrealistic expectations of your job.

Making a job change can be a great career move, but it’s not something you should take lightly. In order to know when to go, you need to take an honest look at your situation. Understanding your reasons for leaving will not only help you make a wise decision, but also ensure your future success wherever you work.

How’s Your Attitude?
There is no such thing as a stress-free job. Even the most passionate professionals can find themselves frustrated and stressed out. So don’t make a quick decision to change jobs when you’re emotional. Take the time to uncover if you are just stressed or have burned out. Also, see if making a conscious effort to have a positive attitude for a few weeks changes your perspective.

Are You Running Away From Someone?
Toxic coworkers or managers can ruin any job. However, there will always be difficult people in the workplace you don’t get along with. If you want to change jobs to get away from someone, consider if you’re dealing with a true toxic relationship or if it’s just a matter of personality difference. And, to be fair, you should also reflect on if you’ve played a part in creating the negative relationship and if there is a way you can turn things around.

Have You Maximized Your Current Job?
A lack of career development opportunities is a legitimate reason for leaving a job. However, it’s easy to mistakenly assume you’ve outgrown your current job and employer. Think through all your job responsibilities – have you mastered them all? If so, are there other skills you could learn in your department or in other departments? Sometimes lateral moves at your current workplace can offer the challenge and development you’re looking for, without the uncertainty and hassle associated with a new employer. This is also the time to decide if you want to be a job-hopper or a job-shopper.

Before you make the transition into job-hunting mode, take the time to consider why you want to change jobs. If you decide to leave, then you’ll already know some of the key things you’re looking for in a new job. And, if you decide to stay, you’ll know how to improve and be happy in your current job.

How do you know when to go? What do you look at when you’re considering changing jobs? Share your experiences with us in the comments section below.

How to Find Your Breakthrough

breakthrough_April2014Have you ever dreamed of having a great job, owning a company, or being a millionaire someday? Although we all want the best that life has to offer, our dreams won’t become a reality without hard work and unwavering determination, it doesn’t happen randomly or by accident. So, here are a few tips to help you along the way to your breakthrough.

We All Have to Start Somewhere

Steve Jobs is a perfect example of how hard work pays off, and his life story reminds us that we all have to start somewhere. After graduating high school, Jobs enrolled in college but dropped out right after his first semester. Throughout his life, Jobs struggled in school. But, he didn’t let that stop him from founding one of the world’s most innovative companies, Apple. Steve Jobs believed that every obstacle you encounter in life will prepare you for the future, and every aspect of the struggles we face will somehow help out down the road. His mindset was one of determination and grit. “Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards,” Jobs said. “So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

Know What You’re Good At

Before you get your foot in the door at a company and start trekking down your career path, you’ve got to know where you want to go and what you’re good at. So, how do you make your dreams of having a great job become reality? You’ve got to be intentional about your job choices. If you want to do website design, search for entry level jobs in an IT role. Whatever field you’re interested in, look for jobs where you can learn skills in that specific trade. Try to get the most out of each job by looking through a learning opportunity lens. Remember to know where you’re going and have an end goal in mind.

Don’t Give Up

At the end of the day most people are looking for that big break that will make them successful in their career, job search, and life, but most times it’s the first step that leads to the breakthrough. All you’ve got to do is work to reprogram your brain to become more positive, in order to gain a competitive edge at work and in the job search process. Don’t look at a job as a dead end, focus on what you can gain and experience to take away. Even negative or stressful situations can teach you. Take this lesson and apply it to any area of your life where you need a break-through or positive change. Don’t just wait for situations to change, begin today by taking empowered actions to bring the breakthrough you’ve needed.

Hard Work Pays Off

Zig Ziglar once said, “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.” This means we have to work to gain experience and the knowledge over the course of a career. And, even when you arrive at that dream job and achieve success, you have to continue to work hard. Honestly, big breaks don’t just happen; people make them happen through, hard work, determination, networking, courage, and passion.

How have you made changes and seen a breakthrough in your job search or at work? Let us know in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

A High School Graduates Job Search

What to Do After CollegeFor high school graduates, landing a job may be the last thing on their mind, but with graduation right around the corner, getting a job should be something to think about. Focusing on your career post high school can help lead you to choosing the best next steps.

Gaining Skills for Employment
Job options may be limited during high school, but having an idea of what job you’d like for the future could make a positive difference while preparing for life after high school. When choosing a career path understand the time and investment to become skilled in that occupation and the demand for workers with that talent. Going to college or a Career Technological Education school without previously deciding which major you want can lead to spending extra semesters and, in some cases, even years, to graduate. And, unfortunately, extra time spent in school means more student loan debt that could have been avoided.

Preparing For Your Job Search
Where do you begin job searching? First, if you’ve had some odd jobs or activities you participated in throughout high school, think back to what you enjoyed doing the most. Narrowing down your likes and dislikes is a great way to start in your job search process. If there are certain things you’re better at, or enjoyed more, focus on finding a job in that field or that will allow you to use your skills and abilities to the fullest.

Clean Up Your Social Media
Did you know your social media profile can make or break your job search. CareerBuilder recently performed a study that showed 34 % of hiring managers who currently research candidates via social media said they have found information that has caused them not to hire a candidate. So, be careful and keep that information in mind when posting and sharing things on your profiles

Job Options
Have you ever thought about working for a staffing company like Express Employment Professionals? A staffing company can offer a flexible schedule to accommodate your continued education and access to entry-level positions. Continuing your education while working doesn’t have to be a daunting task, and companies like Express are here to help you gain experience in many different fields.

How do you plan to job search after high school? If you’re out of school, how has your job search been since graduating? We want to hear about it. Let us know in the comment section below.

Safety: The Power of Positive Thinking

safety_positive_thinkingApril is Stress Awareness Month, and we want to share some ways to ease your load if you’re stressed, and shine light on the importance of positive thinking. Research shows that nearly half of adults suffer from adverse health effects due to stress, including physical, mental, and emotional problems. If you struggle with stress, here are some things to think about and put into practice this month.

Take Control of Your Thoughts
We all experience stress to some extent, whether it’s worrying about finances, job issues, the future, you name it, we all can worry about something or other. For many people, stress is a cycle that can cause severe depression or worse – but there is help. You can gain control of stress by taking your thoughts captive. If you allow yourself to think one negative thought, you could easily find yourself in a bad mood for days. On the other hand, if you focus on positive things and stay confident, you’ll quickly find yourself in a great mood. Thoughts are a very important part in staying away from stress, so keep a positive attitude, smile, stay in control of your thoughts, turn on some upbeat music, and get back to work!

Keep Calm and Carry On
Stressing won’t add another day to your life. In fact, it could even decrease your lifespan. Stressing can cause sleeping disorders, loss of energy, and weight issues, among a long list of other things. Mitchell Moffitt, co-creator of the popular YouTube series ASAPScience put it this way, “There are a lot of harmful effects that come with stress, and without proper care and release, it can definitely lead to deteriorating mental and physical conditions.”

This April, practice stress management by reducing negative thinking to gain control of your thoughts and focus on positive things. By mastering this area of your life, all the other details will fall into place easier.

The following are a few ways to help manage stress:

  • Develop a strong social support system in the workplace. A co-worker, supervisor, or other ally who is available to talk through problems can help put things in perspective and minimize stress.
  • Take a break to avoid “burnout.” Even something as brief as walking around the building or up and down a hall can help clear your head and distance you from stressors, enabling you to return to the job with a fresh outlook.
  • Set realistic expectations for the amount of work you can complete in the time you have available. Do not attempt to take on more than you can reasonably handle.
  • Recognize you are not perfect and every minor detail in your work will not be perfect either.
  • Try to remain organized and keep your work area free of clutter.
  • Avoid negativity and negative people, and try to maintain a positive attitude about your work and your co-workers.

What do you do to ease stress? Let us know in the comments section below. And let us know what triggers your stress by voting in our monthly poll.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

What You Wish You’d Known Before Your Interview

interview_April0214Very rarely does something go unnoticed in an interview, that’s why it’s important to be focused, prepared, and confident. Interviewers pay very close attention to your body language, eye contact, and confidence. So, take advantage of your interview time to let your potential employer know why you’re the right person for the job. According to, one of the top 10 most common mistakes made during an interview is failure to ask for the job. Don’t let that be you, verbalize that you want the job and that you have what it takes.

To help you make the most of your next job interview, check out the info-graphic below provided by

How have you made positive changes in the way you carry yourself in an interview? We want to hear about your experiences. Share with us in the comments section below.

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Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Interview: What is Your Greatest Weakness?

Interview_Weakness_April2014This is one of the most frequently asked and most dreaded questions in an interview. Although it’s nerve-racking, your answer can make or break your interview. When a hiring manager asks about your greatest weakness, it’s a time for them to learn about your character and a great opportunity for you to use the question to your advantage.

Jacquelyn Smith, a writer for Forbes shares, “It’s not a trick question and there’s no ‘right’ answer—but interviewers are looking for something specific in your response to this challenging question.” Here are some tips in conveying your greatest weakness while keeping your composure in a job interview.

Identify Your Weakness
First things first, what is your weakness? Be honest with yourself and identify what you’re not the best at ahead of time. If you’re not great with finances or if you’re not super organized, don’t be afraid to say it, but whatever you do, avoid mentioning a weakness that can crush your chances of landing the job. If you’re not exactly sure what the job entails, review the job description to see what the employer is looking for.

Be sure to formulate an answer that’s not generic. Hiring managers know that people aren’t perfect and they make mistakes. People have weaknesses; hiring managers just want to know how those weaknesses have been handled.

Turn a Negative into a Positive
While you’re sharing about your weakness in an interview, you can easily turn the attention to a great strength you have. A Forbes article shares, “Be prepared to give an example of a previous failure or weakness that you’ve successfully turned into a strength. Do not discuss areas of opportunity that you are still working on and have not yet fixed.” After talking about the way you’ve conquered a weakness in life, keep the focus of the conversation positive, so you can leave a lasting impression.

Strictly Business
Talking about your weaknesses and strengths allows you to open up and share about yourself, but be careful to not over share. Throughout your interview process, remember to keep your responses work-related. Do your best to stay centered on the topic and avoid personal drama. “Sure, everyone has got some, but companies want to ensure this won’t affect your job if you get hired. Besides, it’s considered completely inappropriate to bring personal drama into the business world,” says Smith.

What are some ways you’ve shared your greatest weakness in an interview? Share with us in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

3 Myths About Staffing Companies

3myths_April2014Are you looking for a job? Have you tried applying for work through a staffing company? According to the American Staffing Association, more than 90% of companies in the U.S. use staffing firms, and 40% of the people looking for their first job or re-entering the workforce have done so by working with a staffing company.

Some staffing companies specialize in one industry, like accounting and medical. While Express Employment Professionals offers a broad range of opportunities in administrative, commercial, and professional jobs.

Beyond a job opportunity, staffing companies offer great ways to gain skills and valuable experience. But there’s more to it than gaining skills; you could also find a job that leads to a lifelong career. Why don’t more people consider taking advantage of this great employment opportunity?  There are some misconceptions when it comes to staffing companies and temporary work. We want to expose those myths and shed light on the truth to help you find success in your career.

Myth: Staffing companies charge you to apply for a job

One of the misconceptions people have about staffing companies is that they charge people to apply for a job.
Truth: Most staffing companies do not charge you a fee to apply. That means you don’t pay anything out of your pocket. It’s completely free! And you don’t owe them anything after you get hired either.

Myth: Staffing companies only have temporary jobs

Another misconception about getting a job through a staffing company is that you’ll be stuck in a position without advancement opportunities.

Truth: There are numerous jobs available through staffing agencies. And those jobs can potentially lead to full-time employment. Think of it this way; the skills you learn during your time as a temporary worker can help shape you to become a great candidate when the time comes for that position to be opened up as a full-time job. According to the ASA, 80% of staffing clients say staffing firms offer a good way to find people who can become full-time employees. Regardless of where you are in your job search or career, remember your actions will determine if that opportunity will get you to the next level – so stay positive!

Myth: Being a temporary employee for any amount of time looks bad on a resume

Don’t be fooled by this myth. If you’re unemployed, working in a temporary position allows you to build and strengthen your resume while looking for something more long-term.

Truth: Showing how you’ve gained and developed skills can only strengthen and build your resume. Keep in mind that many employers see staffing jobs as regular work experience.

There are several benefits to working with a staffing agency that will look good on a resume as long as you can show how your experience can help potential employers.

Temporary jobs allow you many benefits and opportunities in various stages of your life from a flexible schedule to learning opportunities. Make sure you investigate different temp agencies and the benefits they offer, as some may not offer as much as others. Click here to view the benefits of Express Employment Professionals.

What benefits has temporary employment offered you, or why do you choose to work on temporary assignments? Share with us in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.