Associate Spotlight: Anthony Tamporello

Anthony_TemporellaMovin’ On Up takes pride in recognizing outstanding Express Employment Professionals associates who’ve been acknowledged by one of our Express offices. Every associate we put to work has a story to tell, and we want to celebrate the accomplishments of the individuals who come to work for us.

This month’s associate spotlight recognizes an associate who never gives up despite the most unexpected of obstacles – Anthony Tamporello from the Covington, LA Express office.

A Hard Worker
Born and raised in New Orleans, Anthony Tamporello has always been a go-getter. After serving five years overseas with the Marine Corps., Anthony returned home to focus on his education. He enrolled in Louisiana State University and began studying, ready for the opportunities his education would bring. But, instead of being able to focus on school and prepare for his future career, Anthony’s life took an unexpected turn.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina tragically destroyed the city of New Orleans. The storm took nearly everything in its path, including Anthony’s home. Suddenly homeless, Anthony was forced to put a hold on his educational dreams in order to help his family get back on their feet. He went to work with his uncle to rebuild homes in the wake of the hurricane and relied on his associate’s degree in computer technology engineering to secure a job that helped him save money. Eventually, Anthony saved enough money to go back to college.

An Outstanding Associate
In 2010, Anthony graduated from Louisiana State University with a bachelor’s degree in management. Despite finding a job quickly after graduation, Anthony found himself unemployed in January 2014 after the company he worked for experienced job cuts. That’s when he discovered Express.

“Anthony posted his resume to an online job board and hoped he would be able to find something to put his education to use,” said Heather Modicut of the Covington, LA Express office. “Within a month of posting his resume, Paul Tosso came across it.”

As a Contract Search Specialist with Express, Paul had an opportunity he thought would make a great fit for Anthony.

“From the very first conversation I had with Anthony, I knew he was a hard worker,” Paul said. “And, his references verified that.”

According to Paul, Anthony is the kind of person who can handle anything thrown his way. He has a strong work ethic and is dedicated, which makes for a great Express associate.

Anthony has been in his new position for several months and is very happy with his new job.

Express is proud to have you working for us, Anthony!

If you’re an Express associate or know an associate who would be a great candidate for our associate spotlight, let your Express office know. And, if you work with an Express associate you’d like to feature on Movin’ On Up, let us know in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Top Rated Job Search Tools

job_search_tools_webFinding a job and scouring the job boards can often be a time-consuming, frustrating, and confusing ordeal. With hundreds of job boards online and even more want ads in the newspapers, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. Where do you even start? How do you know where to look? How do you avoid scam sites or “pay” sites?

We’ve compiled a list of helpful sites we think are the best places for job seekers to use their time wisely. While every job seeker is different and has different needs and priorities, these tools are a great place to start if you’re looking for a job.

1. Job Boards
General job boards can be a great place to kick off your search. We’ve included such popular sites as, and CareerBuilder because they allow you to search jobs quickly and easily.

There’s also more niche-oriented sites. For example, is a job board dedicated to non-profit jobs. USAJobs is a job board with a huge list of federal job openings. Both are quality tools to help you if you want a job with the government or in the nonprofit realm. Be sure to check and see if there’s a nice specific job board for your industry.

2. LinkedIn
If you are actively looking for a job, you should already be on LinkedIn.

Why? For one, it is the largest professional social networking site in the world, boasting more than 175 million members in more than 200 countries.

Every second, two new members sign up, and more and more hiring managers are looking at LinkedIn profiles for potential candidates. According to, recruiters use LinkedIn more than any other website to connect with job candidates.

Even better is that it is free to use and a great place to show off your work history and qualifications!

3. Facebook and Twitter
Another way to use social media to get your foot in the door is to follow, like, or start conversations online with the companies where you’d like to work for. Commenting or “retweeting” comments from a potential employer on Twitter shows engagement, as does leaving comments or “liking” a post on that company’s Facebook page.

Other social media sites, like Instagram or Pinterest, also allow you to start engagement and conversations with potential employers. Just be careful of what you post – what you say online could stay there forever.

4. Professional Organizations

It’s been said a professional organization exists for every field, and the benefits of joining such organizations are many. Participating in a professional organization allows job seekers to learn from the experience of others, but also allows for top-notch networking opportunities.

By joining a professional group, you have the chance to connect with decision-makers in your industry and hear about job leads. Many of these groups, like the Public Relations Society of America or the Society for Human Resource Management, have extensive job boards that are open to members.

An added benefit of joining these groups is the potential to expand upon skills necessary to your particular field.

5. Recruiters and Staffing Firms
Recruiters and staffing firms like Express Employment Professionals work to bring the right employee and the right employers together. Whether you’re looking for a temporary or a professional position, working with a staffing firm is an easy way to improve your job search.

Staffing companies help match thousands of job seekers to jobs every day. And, the assistance doesn’t stop there. These firms also provide tools like resume writing help, job seeking tips, and job search tools.

And, if you’re new to Movin’ On Up, the Express Employment Professionals job blog, take advantage of the numerous articles and topics designed to help you in your quest for a perfect fit. Articles range from Top Interview Traits Your Future Boss Wants to See to How to Say Yes to a Summer Wardrobe and all topics in between.

Do you have some favorite job search tools that you use? Share with us in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

3 Tips for Recovering From Being Fired

recover_from_being_fired_webBeing fired can feel like the ultimate hit to your career, and it’s easy to think you’ll never recover. But, that’s not always the case. Despite the immediate emotions you may feel, losing your job doesn’t have to be so overwhelming.

As Paul Anderson, managing director of career management and job search firm ProLango Consulting Inc, told US News, “You shouldn’t hold onto the belief that you’re damaged goods or that another employer won’t offer you a more satisfying career option. Sometimes it really is a blessing…Just take advantage of that self-reflection opportunity to find something even better.”

If you’ve recently been let go from a job, here are three tips to help you recover. These tips will help you make the most of the situation, keep from doing any additional damage, and get your career back on track.

1. Be careful where and how you express your emotions.
It’s natural to feel angry, indignant, betrayed, and frightened after being fired, but airing your emotions via social media has the potential to really hurt you in the long-run. Nothing online is truly private anymore, and you don’t want future employers to uncover your rants. Even something as minimal as stating you were fired from a position in your resume is a no-no. There are certain things no resume should ever say, and “fired” is one of them. While it can be healthy and beneficial to talk through your emotions with a close friend or spouse, make sure to keep the negativity in check.

2. Take an honest look at the reason.
Once you’ve had time for the emotions to subside, you need to analyze why you were fired. If your employer told you specifically why, impartially consider their reasons and take responsibility for the part you played in your termination. Decide how you can improve and handle things differently in the future, and do everything you can to learn from the situation. Even if the termination was completely out of your hands and no fault lies with you, use this opportunity to analyze what happened so you can hopefully avoid a similar situation in the future.

3. Be tactful, not untruthful.
As you begin networking and applying for new jobs, you need to prepare yourself for the unavoidable question – “why did you leave?” Honesty is always the best policy, and lying is never acceptable in the job search process, but you can also find a way to answer the question with tact. In preparing for an interview after you’ve been fired, you need to formulate an answer that is truthful, straightforward, and that you’re comfortable giving. And, always remember – keep it positive!

Getting fired can be a very difficult thing, but don’t let it shape your future. With time and effort, you can recover and even come out better than before.

What about you? How have you handled being fired? What steps did you take to get back on your feet and find a new job? Share with us in the comment section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Heading to Work? Three Tips for Back to School Driving Safety

safety_backtoschool_webIt’s the time of year when most people have returned from summer vacation and kids are back in school. Due to the start of the school year, roads will be more crowded during your daily commute, and school zone rules will be strictly enforced. So, it’s especially important to focus on the safety of children, yourself, and other drivers as traffic increases. Here are three tips to help you stay safe on the roads.

Adjust your commute time.
If school has already started in your area, your commute time has likely become longer. Now is the time of year to reevaluate the time it takes you to get to work and make sure you adjust your schedule to reflect any changes. Choosing an appropriate time to leave your home not only gets you out the door before traffic reaches its heaviest point, but it also helps you avoid the pressure to drive faster than you should in order to make it to work on time.

Be aware of school zones.
You should always be aware of school zones and drive under the designated speed limit when you’re traveling through one. But now that school is back in session, your school zone awareness needs to be elevated. When you’re driving through a school zone, make sure you’re especially aware of your surroundings. After coming to a complete stop at stop signs and lights, accelerate slowly and carefully scan the area while maintaining a slow speed to lessen the chances of an accident involving pedestrians.

Remember to watch for new drivers.
As the school year starts, many new drivers will also be hitting the roads on their way to school. Teens almost always have less driving experience than other drivers, so use a little extra focus and slower speeds in areas near high schools to avoid driving-related issues. Remember to account for after-school activities that may affect rush hour traffic as well.

Leaving early, being aware of specific areas, and reducing your speed during increased traffic can help all of us on the road get to work and back safely every day.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

3 Steps to Detoxing Your Social Media for Your Job Search

detox_socialmedia_webIn June, CareerBuilder released findings on the number of employers turning to social networking sites to research candidates. The 2014 survey, conducted by Harris Poll, found that 51% of employees who research job candidates online said they’ve found content that caused them to not hire the candidate, up 8% from the previous year and 17% from 2012. Only 12% of employers surveyed said they don’t currently research candidates on social media, but they also reported that they plan to start in the near future.

If you think your online presence could be poisoning your job chances, it’s probably time to detox your social networks and rid your accounts of content that could keep you from getting a job.

Step 1: Get Rid of the Harmful Stuff Fast

When it comes to detoxing your social media, the first thing to do is to remove anything harmful from your accounts. The CareerBuilder survey reported that some of the most common reasons employers gave for passing on a candidate included:

  • 46% for provocative or inappropriate photographs or information
  • 41% for information posted about the candidate drinking or using drugs
  • 36% for bad-mouthing a previous company or fellow employee
  • 32% for poor communication skills
  • 28% for discriminatory comments related to race, gender, religion, etc.
  • 22% for lying about qualifications

As you start to detox your social accounts, think about what employers are and are not looking for in a candidate. Take a look at your history online and search for anything that could be considered unprofessional or could be misconstrued. If it hurts your chances of getting hired, ask yourself if it’s worth keeping. Then, start deleting. Edit errors. Remove inappropriate posts you’re tagged in. Change your profile photo if it doesn’t reflect the professional image you’d like to portray.  Really take some time to investigate your accounts. It may not be enough to switch out your Facebook profile photo for example. You may also need to delete some of the old profile photos entirely from your account to keep people from looking at your profile history. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to let go of the past for a brighter future.

Step 2: Setup Boundaries and Check Privacy Settings

Once you’ve deleted the things that could be harmful to your job search from your social accounts, take a look at your privacy settings. If you don’t want potential employers looking at your Facebook page for example, make sure only your friends can see the information you share on your profile. If you’re going to leave your Facebook profile open, turn on your Timeline review so you can approve posts you are tagged in before they appear on your page. If you don’t approve a post that you’re tagged in, remember that you may still need to go remove the tag from your friends post. Facebook and other networks are constantly updating their privacy settings, so it’s important to stay up to date on your settings to know who can see your accounts.

Now that you’ve checked your privacy settings and cleaned up your accounts, take some time to think about what you will and will not post in the future. Give yourself some boundaries or create some rules of thumb to follow to keep your social media free of job killing toxins. Tell yourself you will proof read every status update before you post it and try reading your updates out loud before you share them. This will help you catch any grammatical errors and give you time to stop and think about whether or not you should even post it.

Step 3: Replace the Bad Stuff with the Good Stuff

Your social media presence doesn’t have to be toxic to your job search. In fact, it can actually help you get an interview or even a job! While the CareerBuilder survey found that 51% of employers didn’t hire an applicant because of something they saw on social media, 33% of employers also said they’ve found content that made them more likely to hire a candidate as well. And, 23% said they found information that directly led to hiring the candidate!

Some of the most common reasons employers gave for hiring a candidate based on their social networking presence included:

  • 46% of employers felt the applicant was a good fit with their company culture
  • 45% said the candidate’s background information supported their qualifications
  • 43% said their online presence conveyed a professional image
  • 40% said the applicant was well-rounded and showed a wide range of interests

If you want to make the most out of your social media networks to help you land a job, then replace any harmful information with beneficial information that could actually help give your career a boost. A great place to start is with your LinkedIn account since it’s already geared toward helping you make professional connections online. Take time to fill out as much information as you can. Provide links to your work. If you volunteered for something in your community, post about it on all of your accounts. Share industry related information to help show that you’re an expert in your field. Detoxing your social media isn’t just about getting rid of what’s bad. It’s about sharing the good things. Find ways to demonstrate your skills and abilities as well as your personality and your strengths, and you’ll be well on your way to having a robust and healthy image online that could help you stand out from other applicants.

How do you ensure your social presence is free of job-killing toxins? Share about it in our comment’s section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Do This During Your Job Interview and You Won’t Get Called Back

interview_mistakes_webThe number of articles and blogs online about the mistakes people make during an interview would lead you to believe that interviewees would have learned from other’s hard lessons. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always seem to be the case. A recent survey of 115 hiring experts about the worst interview mistakes people make reveals that interviewees are guilty of committing some very avoidable errors during their time in front of a potential employer.

Here are the three worst mistakes respondents said they saw job seekers make during their interview and how you can avoid making them.

1. Lie About Your Experience 

Want to start your relationship off terribly with someone who could determine if you get hired or not? Lie about your work experience or education.

Even the slightest fib or stretching of the truth could do irrevocable harm to your potential to get hired. If an employer finds out after you’ve been hired that you lied about your abilities or knowledge of a key part of your new job, you can expect that you won’t be there long. And if they do research about you before you’re hired and find out you’ve been dishonest, don’t expect to get a call back anytime soon.

“In this era of massive information availability, anything you say about your experience, your past performance, or your education that isn’t accurate can most likely be checked,” said Erika Anderson, a contributor for Forbes Magazine. “It’s much better to be upfront about anything that’s less than stellar, and offer a simple (non-defensive) explanation.”

2. Show Up Late

Things happen. Tires go flat, kids get sick, and bad weather can set anyone back. But when you know you have a job interview coming up, preparing for any situation is the key to showing up on time.

Take the appropriate steps to make sure that on the day of your job interview, nothing but a serious emergency could cause you to show up late or miss the chance to show an employer why you’re the best person for the job. Put gas in your car and check your tires the day before, set your alarm to give yourself plenty of time to get ready, and do a final review of any research you’ve done. And if you’re unfamiliar with the location of the interview, drive there from your home in the days before so you know how to get there, preferably around the time of your interview so you can account for traffic.

If something completely unforeseen does come up and you know you’ll be late, call ahead to the employer and let them know about the situation. Be prepared with another time when you call so that if they ask to re-schedule, you know of a few times you’re available.

3. Answer Your Phone (Call or Text)

This is pretty simple. Unless there is an emergency situation in which you are waiting on a phone call (in which case you should probably ask to re-schedule the interview), you shouldn’t even have your cell phone turned on when you walk in the building.

We know how tempting it is to check your phone while you wait to meet your interviewer, but it’s not worth it. Employers want to know you’re focused on the task at hand and will be if they decide to hire you. Don’t give them any reason to think you’re anything other than excited, determined, and completely focused on what you can bring to their team.

Everyone understands that mistakes can happen during an interview, but there are some that are worse than others, and several that are avoidable. What have you done to avoid these interview mistakes? Let us know in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

The Results Are In: What Did You Gain out of Your Summer Internship?

internship_poll_webIn a recent poll, we asked what you believe you gained out of your summer internship. The results show that, overall, Movin’ On Up readers feel their summer internship was a great way to get hands-on experience in their career of choice. In fact, 67% of respondents stated that their experience was the most prevalent thing they took away from their internships, while 33% of respondents shared that their internships were simply ways for them to meet an educational requirement.

Getting an Internship
It’s clear that summer internships are a great way for college students and recent graduates to gain some real-world experience before heading back to school or entering the workforce. But, internships aren’t only found during the summer months. In fact, fall and spring semester internships are nearly just as common.

If you’re looking for an internship, consider taking the Internship Predictor Poll from for an intricate look at what programs would be great for you. Then, visit one of the several places available to find opportunities near you. Your school or university may be an excellent resource for finding the perfect internship. If you’re a recent graduate, check with your school’s alumni office to see if they have ways to help their graduates find internships. Career fairs are also a great way to get your foot in the door by asking about potential opportunities. And, you can always contact your local Express Employment Professionals office to see what jobs they have available.

If you had a summer internship, how did you find out about it? Share with us in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.