Search Results for: phone

Getting Better Sleep to Rejuvenate Your Career

Sleeping on the job? Very bad. Getting good sleep FOR the job? Very good! Sleep is incredibly important to keep our minds agile and our work productive. But that doesn’t mean we all get enough sleep. The CDC recommends that adults get seven or more hours of sleep per night, but sometimes things come up. Maybe you’re stressed about the day and can’t seem to shut your eyes, or you binge watch your favorite show and suddenly realize it’s 1 a.m. If you’re having trouble catching some Zs, we have some tips for you. (more…)

Spring Cleaning: Resumes

March 20 was the first day of spring, and you know what that means! It’s time for a bit of spring cleaning. While you’re cleaning out the garage or shaking a few cobwebs loose in the attic, why not take a feather duster to your resume as well? It’s never a bad idea to update things when you can, and the season of change can be a great time to change things up on your resume. Here are some quick tips! (more…)

Job Spotlight: Dental Assistant

Explore a career as a dental assistant!

Despite already having experience with several jobs, many working adults are unable to answer the age-old question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Our Job Spotlight monthly blog series is designed to help answer that question. In this series, we review all the basics of specific jobs, from pay and duties, to why people do the jobs they do. (more…)

Losing a Job Due to an Aptitude Test

You have the experience. You have the interview skills. You know what you’re doing! You ace the phone interview, the in-person interview is a cakewalk, and you know this job offer is coming your way. But before you can get the offer, your would-be employer asks for an aptitude test. It’s just a formality, so it shouldn’t be anything to worry about, right?

But then when it’s time to take the test it’s confusing. Maybe the questions are odd, there’s a time limit, or it covers information that isn’t really relevant to the position. But you persevere and finish it. However, you get a call two days later from the company’s HR department, who you didn’t even interview with, telling you that you didn’t get the job.

It’s hard not to feel devastated. How do you deal with losing a job you were perfect for due to what feels like a technicality? Here are a few things to know. (more…)

Questions to Ask in a Final Round Interview

You did it. You made it through the phone interview and several in-person interviews and now you’re here: the final interview. When the interviewer asks if you have any questions, it can be hard to think of something because you’ve already had so many other opportunities to ask questions. However, this is a great chance to show your interest in the job, and make sure the job is right for you. (more…)