Tag Archives: work

Look! Interview Tips

Have you ever wondered what goes through the hiring manager’s mind when you’re in an interview? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what they were thinking, what they want to hear from you, or what they want to see on your resume? We asked a few hiring managers to share their insight on interview musts and they shared these top four interview tips.

Have Professionalism
The employer you’re interviewing with has goals to grow and brand a company. It’s important to understand that how you present yourself in your personal life may not match the image of the organization, so remember to put your best foot forward. Dress appropriately for the job for which you are interviewing. If you’re not sure, it’s a good idea to ask the interviewer about the dress code. Additionally, there is so much more to professionalism than just dressing the part. Integrity and a good work ethic are also very important attributes to possess and can take you a long way in the hiring process. So make sure you can show these attributes to your interviewer and be ready to share good examples of those traits.

Have a Typo-Free Resume
Job seekers often trust their own eyes to proof and edit their resumes. If no one else reviews your resume, there could be typos that you missed. Find a friend who is great at spelling and grammar or someone that you respect professionally to review and critique your resume before your job hunt, and especially before an interview. If the interview process boils down to three people with the same qualifications and your resume is the only one with a typo, you’re making it easy for an interviewer to choose another candidate.

Have Interest in the Job and the Company
Jennifer Anderson, the hiring manager and vice president of Marketing and Communications at Express Employment Professionals, said, “Often I ask a job seeker to describe to me the ideal job and more times than not the answers come back with something completely unrelated to the job they are seeking. For example, someone may interview for a Marketing Coordinator’s position, but when they describe the ideal job, they want to be a stay at home mother and work from a home office.” So it’s important for the interviewee to understand not only the qualifications of the job they are applying for but also what it is they really want to do with their life and career.

Have a Commitment for More than One Year
Longevity is one of the top qualities employers look for in new hires. Most employers will spend the first six to nine months training you to do a job. Not only will they have invested their time and shared their knowledge, the company has been paying you a salary during your training period. Do your best to learn all you can during training and commit to making the most of your job for a couple of years. Anderson encourages people to let the interviewer know that you’re reliable, you’ll give it your best, and you plan on sticking with the company to help it grow.

After job searching for what seemed like forever, editing your resume, and applying at numerous businesses, it’s time to prepare for an interview. What are some interview tips you’d like to share with us? Let us know in the comments section below.

5 Tips to Stay Healthy in a Sedentary Job

Stay_Healthy_Feb2014Sedentary jobs are jobs that involve sitting for most of the day. Since the dawn of the computer age, the rise in sedentary jobs and decline in more active occupations has been dramatic. This shift has contributed to new health concerns. Arising from many occupations not providing the amount of exercise people would have naturally gotten in the past from simply going to work. Other issues connected to sedentary work such as unhealthy snacking or decreased energy can lead to additional issues not directly related to simple lack of exercise during the day. Here are a few tips on staying healthy in a sedentary occupation.

  1. The simplest activity you can do is get up for a quick stretch every 30 minutes. This will keep blood flowing in the lower body and help keep you energized throughout the day.
  2. Although it’s very easy to sit and snack all day, it’s not healthy.  If you do feel like snacking, bring in fresh fruits and vegetables, or nuts like almonds and pistachios to snack on. They’re much healthier than candy or chips.
  3. Lay off the caffeine as much as possible. Caffeine can make you hyper-focused and energetic while at your desk, but too much of it can leave you sluggish and exhausted by the time the day ends. It can also impact your sleep cycle, which can lead to even less activity over time.
  4. Exercise when away from work. Your only choices aren’t fitness clubs, or classes, but you do need to make a commitment to exercise regularly. Consider free or inexpensive resources like fitness videos on YouTube or a running trail at a local park. You should consult your physician and choose something appropriate for your health, interests, and schedule.
  5. Lastly, consult your physician on a regular basis about your overall health. Being in tune with your needs by having a good relationship with your physician is not only good for preventing health problems that might arise from having a sedentary job, it also is a great motivator to keep you eating healthy and actively exercising between visits.

If your job does not keep you active, it is even more important that you eat right, exercise, and know about your own health. These choices will keep you healthy, allow you to be more productive at work, and even increase your energy at home.

What do you do to stay healthy despite a sedentary job? Let us know in the comments section below.

What to Learn About Quitting from a Super Bowl Commercial

If this Super Bowl commercial was shocking to you, you’re not the only one who felt that way.

While funny, it does bring up an important point about how to quit a job – the wrong way. Not only did she quit her job, she quit in front of millions of people on national television! There are many ways to quit your job with class. Here are some tips on how to quit your job without burning any bridges, embarrassing yourself, or demeaning your employer.

Don’t Burn Bridges

“You may work for that person again,” says Lynne Allen, a career coach who formerly worked in recruiting and staffing at Colgate-Palmolive and Time Inc. Your behavior as you leave a job shapes your colleague’s lasting impression of you. Before you make that final walk out the door, remember whatever you say and do is how you will be remembered. That’s a great reason to think about how you’re going to give your boss the news that you’re quitting. Just remember to not burn any bridges along the way because you never know where they can lead. It’s always important to stay classy.

Always Give a Two Weeks’ Notice

Giving at least a two weeks’ notice is a polite thing to do. It allows your boss to be on the lookout for someone to fill your shoes, and if your replacement is hired within your final two weeks, your boss may ask you to help train them. When the time comes to quit a job, make it one of your professional goals to quit with class.

Take Time to Talk

Quitting can be tough not only for you but for the person receiving the news. So, be sure to schedule a meeting with your boss to give your two weeks’ notice. This will give you time to talk face-to-face about the reasons you’re quitting. Don’t ever just tell your boss to shove it!

Be Prepared to Leave

If you’ve been contemplating leaving your job, but haven’t given your two weeks’ notice yet, you need to be preparing to leave. Clean up your work space and make sure your work is organized. Depending on your boss’ reaction after you give them your two weeks’ notice, they may ask you to leave immediately, so you need to be ready for that response also.

Changing jobs can be exciting, rewarding, and a great step for your career, but breaking up with your employer isn’t something to be taken lightly. What factors do you consider before making a job hop? Share them in the comments section below.

Happiness: Shawn Achor’s Secret to Better Work

Last year, the American Psychological Association named millenials the most stressed generation. In a study commissioned by the association, nearly 40% of Gen Y said their stress levels had increased over the previous year. Nearly 44% reported feeling irritable or angry because of that stress and 19% had been told they suffered with depression.

So what’s causing all that stress? 76% of millenials said their work was a significant stressor. Which all begs the questions, are we really going about the pursuit of happiness the right way?

Harvard graduate and CEO of Good Think, Inc., Shawn Achor, has been studying positive psychology and the effects of happiness. His consulting firm, Good Think Inc., researches positive outliers – people who are well above average – to understand where human potential, success, and happiness intersect.

Your Pursuit of Happiness
Over the past few years Achor’s research has shown most companies and schools follow the philosophy that “if I work harder, I’ll be successful and if I’m more successful then I’ll be happier.” Shawn argues that it’s the other way around. If you’re happy, you’ll be more successful because the way you view the world actually shapes your reality.

During a TED Talks presentation, Shawn explained that 90% of your long-term happiness is not predicted by the external world but by the way your brain processes the world. He challenges people to raise their level of positivity, and in turn your brain will experience a “happiness advantage”. ‘Your brain at positive performs significantly better than it does at negative, neutral, or stressed” Shawn said. He goes on to explain that not only does your intelligence, creativity, and energy levels rise, but every positive business outcome improves from experiencing better productivity to better sales and job security.

Train Your Brain for Happiness
Shawn’s research shows that there are ways to train your brain to become more positive to improve your potential and become more successful. And the great news is that it only takes two minutes over 21 days in a row to rewire a brain to become more positive and optimistic.

Here are five things Shawn says you can do to train your brain for happiness:

1.      Write down three things you’re grateful for

Why? Your brain will learn to scan the world for the positives and not the negatives.

2.      Journal about a positive experience

Why? It lets your brain relive it.

3.      Exercise

Why ? It teaches your brain that your behavior matters.

4.      Meditate

Why? Helps your brain to focus.

5.      Perform random acts of kindness

Why? Helps create “ripples of positivity.”

For more information and steps to leveraging happiness in your career, life, and job search, check out Achor’s TED Talk presentation or his recently released book, The Happiness Advantage.
Not only does happiness and positive thinking have the ability to impact your emotions, stress level, and immunity, it can also make a difference in your overall well-being. Let us know how thinking positively benefits you, share with us in the comments section below.

Ditch the Title and Get the Job You Really Want

Guest_Post_Ditch_the-Title_and_Get_the_Job_You_Really_Want_Jan2014Appearances mean a lot to most of us, from the labels we wear and where we live to our job titles. It’s the social norm when meeting a new person to ask, “What do you do for a living?” And although some of us may not be completely conscious of it, we place a lot of stock in our answer. We grow up with the mantra “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but in all reality, we are all guilty of judging others, no matter how hard we try not to.

We are often judged by what we do when it comes to first impressions, and the bigger the title, the more respect we deserve in the eyes of others. It can be hard to give up a title like “lead manager,” “editor in chief,” or even “CEO,” for a job that makes you happier. But, I speak from experience when I say that sticking with a job because of it’s title is like paying $2,000 for a Puggle – when it comes down to it, it’s really just a mutt.

I learned this firsthand when after just a few weeks as an intern, I was promoted to the coveted editor position of one of San Diego’s largest travel and tourism websites. My boss chalked it up to my “can-do” attitude and ability to conquer any challenge. It came with a menial raise (barely noticeable) and a few new business cards, but none of that mattered because I was an editor. I didn’t know what I was doing or how I was going to tackle this task, all I knew was that I was given the title and it was time to fill the shoes. Over the next few months, I fumbled around learning the ins and outs of travel sites through trial and error and somehow ended up transforming the failing website into one that actually made a profit.

I was also taking full advantage of editor perks, flashing my business cards around town and reaping the benefits of it with free cruises, comped concerts and dinners, and a sudden flurry of social activities on my calendar. It was fun, exciting, and definitely felt good to meet a stranger and tell them what I did, but in reality, it wasn’t what I wanted. Sure the perks were great, but I was being worked to the bone, paid pennies, and constantly struggling to keep my head above water. I thought I’d run with it for a while, learn everything I could, and use it as a major stepping stone for my resume, but when it was time to move on, I had a hard time letting go of the title.

What’s in a title anyway?
Absolutely nothing. You can slap a big title on anything and make it sound better than it is. We get attached to titles and personas. Being called “editor” felt good and gave me some additional unearned respect among my peers, but really I was doing the same work everyone else was with a little more clout.

When I finally made the real decision to move on and job hunt, I quickly realized just how little that editor title was doing for me. Other companies had a starting salary that was higher than what I was making, better benefits, and a friendlier environment. I ditched the title and took a new job without the glitz and glam, but that made me a lot happier and put some money in my pocket. I may not be attending the biggest parties and rubbing elbows with the who’s who of San Diego any longer, but I have a job that makes me happy. I work for an awesome company and most importantly, I’m doing work that I’m proud of.

So, what can job seekers learn from this?
Basically, don’t jump at a job because it has a great title. Take a closer look at the jobs you are applying for and open your mind to the less high-profile positions, because they may be exactly what you’re looking for. Sure a big title can feel good, but just like any relationship, eventually the butterflies wear off and you’re left with what’s in front of you. Don’t let yourself be romanced by the title, choose your next professional position based upon the work, environment, and how much the employers respect their employees. There are many more important aspects to a job than what’s on your business card and if it means that much to you, you can always call yourself something fancy like a mobile sustenance facilitator instead of a pizza delivery guy – no one will know the difference.

About the Author
This article was written by Carli Leavitt. Carli currently handles outreach and public relations for a number of attorneys and is an SEO Consultant with Highrank Websites.

Top 5 Posts of 2013

From job seeker advice on resumes, interviewing and getting hired to career development tips on workplace safety, time management and skill development the Movin’ On Up blog strives to keep readers informed.

According to a recent review of the most viewed blogs posted to Movin’ On Up, these five blogs were the most popular. They’re full of important information for job seekers and anyone ready to further their career. See for yourself why they are the top five blog posts of 2013.

5 Surprising Things Not to Say in an Interview
This blog is all about preparing for an interview by educating you on what not to say. Interviews can be stressful and nerve-wracking, so to ensure your next interview is a success, check out this article.

Stand Your Ground Against Workplace Bullying
Workplace bullying is very real and can greatly increase stress levels, while decreasing self-esteem and productivity. If you’ve ever been bullied at work, you may feel alone and like you have no way to defend yourself, check out this blog to learn more about standing up to bullies at your workplace.

7 Must Do’s Before an Interview
From researching the company and position you’re getting ready to interview for to preparing questions for the interviewer, this blog will bring insight and preparation for your future interviews.

5 Ways to Find a Company Culture that Fits You
An important aspect of looking for a job is finding a place that is in line with your personality and character. In this blog, you’ll learn how to uncover a company’s culture and how to decide whether it’ll be a good fit you.

Deciphering What a Job Description Really Means
Trying to figure out exactly what employers are looking for can be tricky. Tailoring your resume to fit the description is made easy with these helpful guidelines.

What are some of your favorite Movin’ On Up articles and how have they helped you? Let us know in the comments section below. And as we prepare for 2014 take our reader’s survey.

What You Should be Sharing on LinkedIn

PRD12MOV_POLL-ICON_100X100LinkedIn is a social media network that is focused on the networking of business professionals. As of June 2013, LinkedIn reported more than 225 million acquired users in over 200 countries. One purpose of the site is to allow users to maintain a list of contacts with whom they have some level of relationship, these are called Connections. With your LinkedIn connections, you can share thoughts, articles or other content-rich websites from several places. This is known as posting an update or sharing an update. You can use the share box, located on your profile, to share a wide variety of information also.

You can browse through LinkedIn’s job search page and find jobs from accounting to human resources to sales jobs.  You can also search for jobs in specific locations.
If you’re looking for a job or just looking to network, LinkedIn is a great social media tool to help you. If you’re new to social media and LinkedIn, here is a tutorial to help you get started. It’s important to set up professional work-related social media profiles. This will help you build a professional image with future employers when they research your name. Check out this blog for more tips on job searching.

Your updates may be shared with your LinkedIn connections via email depending on their email settings. Learn more about adjusting your email settings.

Have you landed a job through LinkedIn? Share with us in the comment section below.