Job Burnout: Part 3 – Signs and Symptoms

Do you know your burnout level or if you’re in danger of job burnout. The impact to job burnout can grow exponentially and burn you out well before you realize it. By knowing the signs and symptoms in advance of burnout, you can avoid or prevent further damage.

Stress vs. Burnout
While unrelenting stress can contribute to burnout, stress alone isn’t the same as burnout. To be able to tackle your misery head on, it’s important to be able to differentiate between the two to identify if you’re experiencing job burnout or just stress.

With stress, there is an overwhelming feeling and an inability to cope. Stress primarily deals with “too much” – too much piled on, too much to do, too much to handle. The effects of stress often lead to psychological and physical issues, such as heart problems and high blood pressure.

On the other hand, job burnout is about “not enough.” As a result of unrelenting stress, someone burned out feels empty, has little to no motivation, and simply doesn’t care. The effects of burnout translate to emotional issues, such as apathy and depression.

One important difference between job burnout and stress is that you’re usually aware of stressful situations, but job burnout can be present for weeks or months before you notice it. When experiencing workplace stress, you tend to care too much, but with burnout, there is a constant pessimistic attitude. This is usually how you can differentiate a few bad workdays from job burnout.

Causes of Professional Burnout
Constant stress isn’t the only attributing factor to job burnout. When you dealt with stress in school, friends were readily available and “the light at the end of the tunnel” (graduation) was always in sight. In the professional world, the next step is hard to visualize. Unrealistic goals – whether set by you or by others – and the inability to constantly achieve them can result in job burnout. Even if employees enjoy the work that they do, they’re at risk when they feel underappreciated and underpaid. Matters out of their control also cause professional burnout including – being pushed around by the office bully, undermined by co-workers, or micromanaged by your boss.

Though these factors can contribute to burnout, there’s no one combination. It’s different for everyone. However, there are some tried and true solutions for dealing with it. Don’t miss our next post to learn more.

Job Burnout: Part 2 – 12 Questions to Diagnose Burnout

Job burnout can be hard to handle. Not only is it emotionally exhausting, it can impact your health and performance as well. So, how do you know when it’s the real deal? Ask yourself the following questions to find out.

  • Are you more cynical, negative, critical, or sarcastic at work?
  • Do you have to drag yourself to work and have trouble starting once you get there?
  • Do you lack the energy to stay consistently productive?
  • Do you no longer feel satisfaction from your achievements or do you question the value of the tasks that you perform?
  • Are you feeling under-compensated for your work?
  • Are you disillusioned about your career?
  • Are you constantly fatigued?
  • Do you lose your temper easily?
  • Are you thinking about a career change?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed most of the time?
  • Do you feel like you have little or no control over things at work or at home?
  • Are you just “going through the motions” to get through your shift?

If you’ve answered yes to four or more of the questions, chances are, you’re bound for job burnout if you’re not already there. In our next blog, we’ll discuss tactics to avoid and deal with professional burnout.

Job Burnout: Part 1 – Defining Job Burnout

The alarm rings again, and you fight to not hit snooze one more time. You’re dreading another day doing the same old thing at the same old job. Have you been finding it harder and harder to drag yourself out of bed and have the energy to go to work? At some point, most people – in every level of a company from a receptionist to a CEO or owner – find themselves victims of job burnout.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines burnout as “exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.”

The term job burnout is described as an emotional burnout experienced in a job or career-path. Sufferers of job burnout can experience chronic anxiety, depression, prolonged stress, lack of motivation, and/or hopelessness – among other serious problems. It’s important to deal with job burnout not just because of your personal happiness, but for your career and financial future as well.

Are you headed for job burnout?  The next post can help you determine if you should be alarmed.

New on the Job and Have Extra Time to Kill?

When you first start a job, you may be anxious to prove that you’ve earned your spot and want to work hard to earn more responsibility. You might even find that you complete your initial tasks quickly and have a lot of spare time on your hands. When that happens, what should you do? Do you sit back and wait for your next project, slow down your pace so it takes you longer to finish, or ask for something new to do? If you ever find yourself in this situation, here are three ways you can effectively use your time at work and prove yourself at your new job.

Offer to help others. If you have some extra time here and there but aren’t consistently without work to do, start by asking if your teammates need help when you find yourself between assignments. You may not know all of the details of the project they’re working on, but you can help out with other tasks, such as filing, answering the phone, or assisting customers, which will give them more time to work on their bigger projects.

Ask for more responsibilities. If you constantly find yourself with extra time on your hands and you’re already comfortable with your initial projects, it may be time to ask for more responsibility. Talk to your supervisor about other tasks or assignments that you could take on as your own. Make sure to discuss how much time you could devote to a new project, what skills you could develop or improve on, and how the team could benefit from you taking on new projects.

Study up. If you’re not quite ready for a new responsibility and your co-workers don’t always have work to share, use your spare time to increase your knowledge of the company and industry you’re working in. If you have access to the internet, you can research the latest news on your company. You can also participate in training the company offers. Learn as much as you can, and pick up as many skills as possible that will help you in your day-to-day job and give you an edge over your competition.

Starting a new job is exciting, but the excitement can quickly wear off if you’re bored or not stimulated at work. Use your enthusiasm to help you improve your skills and further your knowledge by using the most of your downtime at your new job. Don’t waste your time – it will pay off when you earn the respect of your team.

Workplace Goofs

Everyone has done or said something at work at one point that has either made them laugh out loud or turn red from embarrassment. Have you fallen down the stairs in front of your CEO, walked out of the bathroom with tissue stuck to your shoe, or accidentally eaten someone else’s lunch? Or know someone who has? How did you react? We want to hear your stories, so share your or your co-worker’s workplace blunders with us in the comments section below. Then, we’ll feature the top five comments in a future blog post with tips on how to handle the situation.

What Do You Want to Know in an Interview? The Questions You Don’t Ask

Have you ever been in a job interview and thought of a question you really wanted to ask but weren’t sure if you should? The reality is, there are a lot of things you won’t know about a job until you actually start it. But there are ways you can ask some of the tough questions when you’re in the interview so you’ll know better what to expect.

We want to know the top questions you want to ask but won’t. Vote in our poll, and we’ll address the top questions in a later post.

Think of something that’s not on this list? We still want to hear from you.

Let us know the answers you’re looking for in an interview by leaving us a comment.

5 Little Words that Make a Big Difference in a New Job

Starting a new job can be an exciting and equally anxious process. You’ve survived the job search, dominated the interview process, and are ready to begin. How can you make the most of the first day on a new job? Here are five little words to keep in mind.

1. Meet.
Everyone. Make it your goal to learn as many names as possible, and don’t be shy about meeting new people. The first few days on a job is your best time to meet new people, because you have the excuse of not knowing anyone. Much of your personal success on the job will depend on the relationships you develop at work – not just with immediate co-workers, but with people in other departments or locations as well. So, take the time to invest in meeting people and building relationships.

2. Ask.
One of the most terrifying things about a new job is the unknown. Whether or not you have prior experience within a certain field or industry, there are a lot of new things to learn – the company culture, team dynamics, products, and processes, to name a few. Often, your best resources for learning about all things work-related – from big picture to the little things – are the people around you. So, don’t be afraid to ask questions for fear of looking unskilled or inept. The longer you wait to ask, the harder it will be to work up the courage. Some reports say that most people spend their first 90 days just trying to guess their way around a new job. Don’t waste your time and energy this way. Make it a point to ask as many questions as you can within the first week on a new job so you can hit the ground running and quickly impress.

3. Learn.
hen you start a new job, it can often be difficult simply figuring out exactly what all your responsibilities include. So, make it a point to learn as much as you can, not just about what you’ve been tasked to do, but about the company, industry, and field you’re working in. Be proactive about learning, and you’ll show your boss that you’re a star player and be better equipped to not just survive, but thrive in your position.

4. Help.
he shining stars in the workplace don’t just focus on doing their own work. They understand how to help the entire team as well. Of course, you don’t want to come across as a know-it all. So, while you are learning the ropes, let those around you know you’re willing to help when it’s needed. That way, by the time you’ve had a chance to get up to speed, teammates will know they can turn to you for your insight and assistance.

5. Do.
It can be so easy within the first few days on a job to get bogged down in orientation, paperwork, and information, that doing the actual work you are assigned to can be difficult. But don’t wait. Start working right away so that you can discover the areas you need to ask questions about. If your boss doesn’t give you projects right away, ask for them.

Acting out these five words can help you quickly master the job you’ve been hired to do. So, start your new job off right by living these five mantras – not just the first week, but every day.

Who knows what opportunities might emerge when you commit yourself to becoming a star from day one.

Which of these words is the most important when you’re starting a new job? Let us know your thoughts by sharing your comments.