Search Results for: interview

Top Blog Posts and Polls of 2009

This has been a year full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and a lot of learning. This year we’ve provided you with a lot of information about how and where to look for a job, building a standout résumé, interview skills and follow-up advice, etc. So, if you missed anything, check out our most read Movin’ on Up blog posts and polls of 2009.

Top 5 Blog Posts of 2009

  1. 30 Power Words to Power Up Your Résumé & Boost Your Job Search – Help employers take notice of your résumé by using these 30 words to help showcase your skills and abilities.
  2. Where to Find Hot Summer Jobs – Think summer jobs only consist of retail or fast food? Check out these summer employment opportunities to help make some extra cash.
  3. Negotiating Salary in a Recession – Although many companies enforced salary freezes in 2009, there is still a chance to negotiate your way to a higher salary. How? Get the scoop here.
  4. 6 Things to Bring to an Interview – Before you go to your next job interview, make sure you take these six basic things with you to help you land the job.
  5. 5 Ways to Say Happy Birthday at Work (Without Breaking Your Budget) – Sometimes birthdays can get expensive when you have several co-workers. Learn five tips on how you can still celebrate the occasion, while saving money in the process.

Top 5 Blog Polls of 2009

  1. This Holiday, Do You Need a Second Job? – To get a pulse on the economy and to follow up from our summer job poll, 53% of respondents said they are on the hunt for a second job. See all the results.
  2. What's the Most Important Soft Skill Today? – Employers do look at your soft skills when considering you for a job. According to those surveyed, what are the most important soft skills?
  3. This Summer, Are You Looking for a Second Job? – What was the outlook on taking a second job during the 2009 summer? Take a look at these results and then compare to the follow-up holiday poll at the top of this list.
  4. This Year, Is Higher Education Worth the Cost? – During this recession, with unemployment numbers at an all-time high, many are choosing to return to school. Is it worth it?
  5. Generations and the Job Search: Who’s Having a Harder Time? – When it comes to finding a job, are new grads or mature workers having a more difficult time finding work?

Here’s to a bright 2010. Happy New Year!

Give Back and Add Holiday Cheer to Your Résumé

If you’re looking for a job this holiday season, now is the perfect time to spruce up your résumé with community involvement. A résumé that illustrates activity and involvement outside work demonstrates a well-rounded individual with a diverse range of skills, talents, and background. All of these characteristics could help you stand out like a brightly lit Christmas tree in your next interview.

Community involvement not only establishes your character, work ethic, and abilities, it also shows a potential employer you’re worth investing in, that you have history, interest, attachment, loyalty, and care within and for your community. Traits that also translate to a good employee. As an added bonus, volunteering for a local charity or at an event is a great way to network and give back. And what better time to start giving back and brightening your résumé than in the season of giving?

Not sure where to start? Begin with your passions and interests. If you are a runner, consider organizing or volunteering for a local Santa run. If you like working with children, get involved with your local children’s hospital or an organization like Toys for Tots. An energetic and outgoing individual who isn’t afraid to bust out an a cappella carol is everyone’s favorite Salvation Army bell ringer.

The sky’s the limit, so start with something you enjoy and care about. It’s a great way to make someone’s day brighter, and make your résumé shine like tinsel.

Six Job Search Rules You Should Never Break

When applying for a job, it’s everyone’s goal to stand out from other applicants and be noticed by employers. However, there are both good and bad ways to stand out. Be aware that there are certain rules you should never break when applying for a job to ensure you make a positive lasting impression.

  1. The résumé rule. A résumé is a must-have when applying for a job. There are creative ways you can design your résumé to help attract attention, but the key is to submit one. This is the top way, besides an interview, that an employer gets to know you. Just make sure that it’s not 10 pages long. The more work experience you have, the more understandable it is for you to have multiple pages, but aim for two pages or less. If you don’t have a lot of work experience, try to keep it to one page. And, when it comes to a résumé, make sure everything you include on it is true.
  2. The typo rule. If a potential employer finds several typos on your résumé, that is enough reason for them to throw your information out, no matter how great your qualifications are. ALWAYS take the time to proofread and run spell check before submitting. You might even have a friend or family member glance over it just to make sure everything looks good.
  3. The cover letter rule. It might seem old fashioned, but submitting a cover letter shows you’re interested in the available position and that you’ve put some thought into preparing your application. Going above and beyond what is expected will help you get noticed. Also, a tip to remember is to keep your cover letter formal. Don’t include jokes in your cover letter. Humor is better interpreted in person, so a joke-gone-bad on paper could cost you a chance at the job.
  4. The thank-you note rule. Following your interview, send a thank-you card within a few days to let the interviewer know you were grateful for their time and consideration, and that you’re eager to hear back about the job opportunity.
  5. The interview rule. Under no circumstances should you show up to an interview looking sloppy! Landing an interview is a big step and a good sign the company is interested in you. Be sure to look professional for every interview. Don’t show up in dirty, wrinkled clothes with your hair in a mess. This gives the employer the impression you don’t care, and they may move along to find someone who puts forth more effort. Remember, you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.
  6. The follow-up rule. If you feel you have to call the interviewer, you should have a valid reason to call. Don’t just call for the sake of calling. If you interviewed for a job, the employer knows you’re interested. It won’t score you any extra points to check in with them daily on the status of the position. If you haven’t heard anything back about the position within a week or so of interviewing, that is a valid reason to call and discuss the process. Calling multiple times each week or day could end up costing you brownie points.

Follow these simple rules to ensure your résumé makes it to the top of the pile, rather than the bottom. Be a standout job applicant!

Next at 10: How to Make Your Resume Newsworthy

Creating a stand-out résumé isn’t a skill that comes naturally to most people. But, communication is one of the top skills employers are looking for, according to our poll. The first demonstration of just how well you communicate will most likely be the résumé an employer sees as they’re looking for candidates.

So, how can you make sure your résumé is newsworthy enough for you to be the topic of conversation around the water cooler tomorrow? Use these tricks from people who get you talking – reporters, who make the news you watch, read, and talk about every day. Here’s how you can think like a reporter when you write your résumé.

5 Ways to Think like a Resume Reporter

Make it Timely – One of the most important parts of reporting is to have news that’s – well, news. Which means it’s not outdated or something you hear every day. For your résumé, this means highlighting the parts of your professional experience that set you apart from the norm. It may also include adding updated language, terms, and software to demonstrate that you’re in-the-know on what’s going on in your field.

Know your Angle – In the news business, the angle of the story is an important element. Many different news outlets may report on the same event, story, or person, so reporters make sure they have an exclusive angle to ensure their story will be unique, interesting, and valuable to the public. Think about your résumé this same way. Chances are it will be in a stack with lots of other résumés with similar background, education, and experience levels – because everyone in consideration qualifies for the job. So, make your résumé stand out by writing it with a great angle. Are you a qualified accountant who just so happens to also be a really great customer service representative? Are you a salesperson with great local connections? Whatever your angle, highlight it in a way that adds to your appeal to that employer, industry, or niche.

Feature Experts and Eyewitnesses – Your local news station doesn’t just show you footage with reporters talking about what’s going on. To make things more interesting and add credibility to their story, they also interview witnesses and experts to talk about what happened. People often list several references on their résumé or include a seperate document listing references. In the world of digital résumés, professional networking site LinkedIn offers the ability for people who have worked with you to leave recommendations about you. These recommendations add credibility to your work history – because they’re essentially eyewitness reports about you as an employee. So, consider asking a trusted source to write a recommendation for your profile or to share a testimonial you could include on the references list you send to potential employers.

Focus on Action – In every great news story, people want to know more than just who was involved, the timeline that transpired, and where it occurred. The main thing people want to know is simple: What happened? So, make sure your résumé doesn’t just read like a list of who, when, and where. Under every job title, describe what you did using action verbs.

Highlight Results – Every good news story has a great ending. So, make sure each section of your résumé includes the results you accomplished in that job. For example, if you increased sales, tell by what percent. If you developed a new plan or process, how did it help the company. Make your résumé newsworthy by including not just a list of your job duties, but also how your work made a difference – in the life of your boss, your co-workers, your customers, or your clients. This will demonstrate that you’re more than the average hire – you’re someone who makes a positive difference and achieves important results.

In today’s competitive job market, having a standout résumé is more important than ever. With high unemployment rates, more applicants are applying for every open job. So, use these tricks from the reporter’s toolbox to make sure your résumé is one that will make headlines.

Have you used any of these ideas for your résumé? Let us know your tips and tricks in the comments.

Who’s Hiring, Who Isn’t, and How to Get the Job

While some industries continue to see sharp declines in job losses, other industries have remained strong during the recession, and some have even started to bounce back.

According to a recent report released by, Inc., a network of online communities for niche careers, healthcare and information technology are two industries that continue to add jobs at a steady pace. Their third quarter Career Trend Report for 2009 also indicated that sales, sales management, manufacturing, and production industries experienced slight increases in job gains in the third quarter of 2009, while professional services including accounting, finance, engineering, and architecture are experiencing declines in job loss.

For those looking for employment opportunities or looking to change careers, it’s important to market yourself, tailor your résumé to reflect the industry and the job you’re applying for, and research the company before the interview. There are several ways to make sure your résumé is top of mind when decision makers are sifting through piles of applicants.

  1. Identify your transferable skills. It’s important that you look at your skills and evaluate how to translate them on your résumé to reflect the job you’re applying for.
  2. Market your transferable skills in your job search. Once you have identified your transferable skills, tailor your résumé for each specific job.
  3. Network in industry-specific arenas. A key element to finding a job is who you know. By integrating yourself with key players in the industry, you’ll increase your chances of landing an interview or even a job offer. 
  4. Research a potential employer. You don’t want to miss out on the job because you didn’t know anything about the company. Research will also help you when you’re preparing a tailored résumé.

Knowing what industries are hiring is important when looking for a job or making a career change. Once you have an idea of what areas are expanding, tailoring your résumé and making the right decisions on how you prepare can influence the hiring manager’s decision on whether or not you get the job.

Who’s Spying on You Online?

With online networking websites continuing to grow at rapid speeds, doesn’t it sometimes seem that you have more friends/connections online than you know in real life? There’s that coworker you met very briefly at the companywide meeting. Another random person you met at the baseball game who has a LinkedIn account and works in your industry. Your sister’s best friend, her boyfriend, and his cousin. That guy who used to sit alone in your American History class in high school. This list goes on and on. Your online network could grow to hundreds of thousands of people, but would this allow for effective networking and relationship building?

Building a large network of connections is a good thing, and yes, that’s the purpose of most social media tools. But, it’s important to remember to be conscious of what information you do and do not post on your profile when using social media sites. Some sites, such as Facebook, are more heavily focused on socializing and staying connected to your friends. But did you know that many employers are hopping on the social media bandwagon too?

You never know who will see what you post online. It always seems there is someone who knows someone who knows you.To help you with your social media, here are a few basic rules to follow.

Learn about privacy settings. The first rule for using any social media site is to know what the privacy settings are. You might want to set your profile so that it can only be viewed by your friends. This way, once you have approved someone to be a friend, only then can they have access to your information and pictures. If they’re not a friend, they can’t access any information from you. This gives you some control over who sees your profile and who doesn’t.

After-hour pictures. Yes, everyone has a personal life outside of work, and what you do in your free time is your choice. But, realize that if you post party pictures, a co-worker or someone who interviewed you for a job might be able to see those photos. Another thing to keep in mind is that your friends can post things on your profile. On some sites like Facebook, friends can tag photos of you, so just make sure to do check-ups on your site to see what others might have posted about you.  Remember that your networking profiles are a reflection of you, so use your best judgment when it comes to the featured content.

Spell check. Even if you are not a journalist or in a communication-related field, make sure you don’t have a lot of misspelled words on your profiles. Typos and misspellings could communicate a careless attitude or sloppiness – two things you don’t want to convey in the professional world.

Social media can be a great tool for staying connected, learning new industry tips, and showing that you are up-to-speed on current trends. In the digital age, personal and professional can overlap. So, use these tips to make sure you maintain a balanced online image. It’s always a good idea to put your best foot forward by always being professional, even in your personal life. To learn more, view our guide on social media for business leaders.

3 Risky Job Search Tactics

With the national unemployment rate reaching 9.8% in September, competition in the job market feels fiercer than high school cheerleading tryouts. With all that opposition, it’s important to stand out from the crowd. But, standing too far out can be risky business. So, before you resort to a showy song and dance routine (unless of course your next interview is on Broadway, in which case, break a leg) or any of these three job search tactics, make sure you weigh the risks so you don’t set yourself too far apart in your next interview and risk losing the job.

1. The unconventional résumé. Non-traditional résumés like website portfolios, podcasts and video résumés might be the wave of the future, but not every business or industry is suited for them. So, whatever résumé form you choose to submit, make sure it’s smart, relevant, and effective with your industry and audience when you interview. If you do use an unconventional résumé, consider pairing it with a traditional one for more conservative fields.

2. The statement wardrobe choice. First impressions are made within three to five seconds, so what you wear says a lot about who you are. A Lady Gaga-sense of style may win you rave reviews at fashion week, but professional dress is more appropriate for most interviews (unless you’re applying for a job as a stylist). While you should always be yourself, be a toned-down version of you in the interview, especially if you’re the type to rock fuchsia pumps or a yellow bow tie. Before your interview, learn about the company culture and atmosphere to determine how you should dress.

3. The overly confident boaster. Confidence allows potential employers to see your ability, enthusiasm, and drive. It’s important to present your past experiences and accomplishments with assurance. But, when you discuss your successes and achievements, be sure to give specific and quantifiable examples. And, back your examples with solid references who will do the talking for you. You run the risk of seeming pretentious and arrogant if you give only vague statements of your triumphs.

When you’re looking for a job, consider each risk carefully. Of course you need to stand out, but in the right way. Be brave by being you in a way that demonstrates your skills, attitude, and character. A sincere job applicant can be the diamond in the rough that employers are looking for.